Sycamore Sports Boosters
General Board Meeting
January 8, 2017
Executive Board Attendees:
Susan Mizgalski, Lisa Miller, Marlon Wiegmann, Tori Klaassens, Chauncey Carrick, Jim Winters
General Board Attendees:
Michele Zibrun, Dave Coovert, Tim Schlosser, Chris Miller, Laura Herrmann, Jil Cottone
Total Attendees: 25
The meeting was called to order at 7:04PM by President Susan Mizgalski
Secretary Report –Minutes accepted as presented by Tori Klaassens.Motion by Dave Coovert, second by Laura Herrmann.
Treasurer Report: Report presented by Marlon Wiegmann –We have received one more gold level membership since last meeting. We are up to 30K of budgeted 50K for concessions. No more money has been paid out to athletic dept. since last report. New billing from athletic dept. is expected later next week. So far Tennis is the only team to use the budgeted season celebration funds.
Business Report –
Concessions: Presented by Susan Mizgalski – We had a big weekend for concessions last weekend. We had 2 days of all day concessions and we are still waiting on totals from those events.
Spartan Wear: Presented by Fran Gottfried – Fran and Sadie are planning on attending a few upcoming basketball events. They are currently trying to recruit more middle school parents for membership and volunteers. The Frisbee toss at the basketball games has been a huge success and they will be doing it at the First national Challenge basketball game as well.
Membership: Presented by Susan Mizgalski – We are expecting to see some more memberships coming in due to the requirement of being a booster member to be eligible for the sports booster scholarship.
Marketing: No report given but we are currently looking for a twitter account manager.
Grant Projects:Presented by Jim Winters – Chauncey, Dave Coovert and Jim Winters have met with 3 companies regarding the main field score board project. The approximate cost ffor the score board is in the range of 125-150K. They are estimating a 20-40K annual revenue stream from advertising. They have narrowed it down to 2 companies. The 1st company is OES, they are a well knowncompany that has installed several of these type score boards. The 2nd bid is from Scorevision. This is a bigger and much more technologically advanced score board system that is controlled remotely by Ipad app. Jim Winters and Dave Coovert are driving to Omaha to see a presentation and will then hopefully be able to narrow it down to which company we will be using for the project. We are hoping for a fall 2017 installation. Anyone interested in seeing how the Scorevision score board works, they can go on you tube and view its operation. In addition the smaller grant project for this year will be new sophomore softball dugouts. Weaver construction is currently putting together costs.
Special Events /Fundraisers–
Spartan Winter Festival: Presented by Susan Mizgalski–The Spartan winter festival was held 11/18/16 and was very well received by the Sycamore athletic community. Due to its success it will now be held annually but with a few changes to the way concessions will be set up for this event.
First national Challenge Basketball:Presented by Dave Coovert & Michele Zibrun – They are still looking for volunteers. They are in need of balloon blowers and decorators. We still need 50/50 volunteers. Sign up genius will be used for volunteer sign up and coordination. They are still in need of 10-15 more volunteers. Winter sports will be recognized during this event.
FLOTG 2016:Presented by Jil Cottone –The event will be held 4/22/17 at St. Marys. There will be a short committee meeting after todays sports booster meeting. We are in need of several volunteers still.
Spartan Open:No report
Sports season update Presented by the following Sports Coaches and Athletes
Swimming – Jon Bockman
Boys/Girls Bowling – Chauncey Carrick
Boys basketball – Coach Piccolotti
Girls basketball– Adam Wickness
Gymnastics– Katelyn nelson
Dance team– Nicole Cox & Sara cerne
Cheer– Jen Clawson
Wrestling– Chauncey Carrick
Miscellaneous:Anyone interested in becoming part of the digital communications committee can contact Susan Mizgalski and she will forward your information to John McBride.
Meeting adjourned by Susan Mizgalski at 7:46 PM
Next General meeting will be March 12, 2017at 7PM in the HS cafeteria.