On-Campus Recruiting Policies for Employers

As stipulated in the National Association for Colleges and Employers (NACE) Principles for Professional Practice:

Employment professionals

• will work within a framework of professionally accepted recruiting, interviewing, and selection techniques.

• will refrain from any practice that improperly influences and affects job acceptances. Such practices may include undue time pressure for acceptance of employment offers and encouragement of revocation of another employment offer. Employers will strive to communicate decisions to candidates within the agreed-upon time frame.

On-Campus Interviews

The goal of on-campus interviews is to provide candidates with the opportunity to consider and be considered for multiple opportunities. We believe that a reasonable amount of time to evaluate offers is necessary for candidates to make informed decisions.

As a result, we have created a policy (see below) concerning the acceptance of job and internship offers for fall and spring recruiting that is fair and equitable to all participating candidates and employers.

Second Round Interviews

Employment professionals who conduct extensive second round or “super day” interviews are encouraged to disclose these dates to our office at the time of scheduling their on-campus interviews. Should there be a scheduling conflict, this information will allow us to inform candidates regarding alternate dates for second round interviews.

Offer Policy

In order for Boston College candidates to make an informed decision regarding an employment offer, we ask that employers honor the Job Offer Decision Deadline listed below.

Job Offer Decision Deadline

• One Month from date of offer

If possible, please inform us once a student has accepted an offer with you. We will then change their accounts to prevent them from continuing to apply for other positions through the Recruiting program and potentially reneging on the original offer/acceptance.

NOTE: Students have been informed of this policy, so they will know what to expect throughout the campus recruiting process.

Deferred Start Dates/Rescinded Offers

All employment offers should be made in good faith. Should there be a need for your organization to defer start dates or rescind offers of employment, we ask that you contact our office prior to notifying any candidates who may be affected by this decision.