A/E Name / Issue Description
A/E Project No. / Month, 00, 0000




  1. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including the Uniform General Conditions for University of Texas System Building Construction Contracts (UTUGCs), Owner’s Special Conditions, and Division01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section.
  2. Specifications throughout all Divisions of the Project Manual are directly applicable to this Section, and this Section is directly applicable to them.


  1. Contractor shall furnish all the labor, equipment, materials, and means required to carry out proper and efficient measures wherever and as often as necessary to realize the most efficient consumption of utilities which are consumed during the Contract Time of the Project.
  2. Contractor shall prepare an Efficient Utilities Consumption Plan, as described within this Section, for Owner review and approval.
  3. The Efficient Utilities Consumption Plan shall only utilize building automation components, mechanical equipment, and other apparatuses being supplied for the Project,as set forth in the Construction Documents.


  1. The latest published edition of a reference shall be applicable to this Project unless identified by a specific edition date.
  2. All reference amendments adopted prior to the effective date of this Contract shall be applicable to this Project.


Capitalized terms used in this Section shall have the meanings as set forth in the Contract, the UTUGCs, or both, unless otherwise defined or modified below.

  1. Efficient Utilities Consumption Plan (EUCP): A document that describes objectives and the processes by which the Contractor will minimize utility consumption for Major Building Systems starting at the time of equipment start-up and through Substantial Completion. The document shall provide occupied/unoccupied schedules for AHU Zones prior to Substantial Completion. The document shall describe how the Contractor will monitor and ensure that Owner-furnished utilities are efficiently utilized to reduce Owner’s utility expense throughout the Contract Time.
  2. Major Building System(s): All HVAC air handling units rated 5,000 CFM or greater or chilled / heating hot water heat exchanger system(s) where applicable (including chilled / heating hot water pumps) rated at 300 tons or greater.
  3. AHU Zone: Defined as temperature controlled spaces within a HVAC conditioned building on aper floor and air handling unit (AHU) basis. For example, an AHU Zone is a contiguous spacehavingone (or more) air terminal unit (ATU) boxes and its (their) associated controllers connected to an Air Handling Unit rated approximately 5,000 to 10,000 CFM. Larger AHU greater than approximately 10,000CFM usually consists of multiple AHU Zones based on the design of HVAC system. All spaces of a conditioned building shall be included in a specific AHU Zone
  4. Commissioning Plan: A document that provides the structure, schedule, and coordination plan for the Commissioning process from the construction phase through the warranty period. The Commissioning Plan will describe the project and systems to be commissioned, Commissioning process activities, procedures to follow throughout the process, roles and responsibilities for each participant, and general description of testing and verification methods. The Commissioning Plan must satisfy the Owner’s Test Requirements. Refer to Owner’s Specification Section 01 91 00, General Commissioning.
  5. Start-up: The activities where equipment is initially energized, tested, and operated. Start-up is completed prior to Functional Performance Testing. Refer to Owner’s Specification Section 01 91 00, General Commissioning.

1.05EUCP Functional INTENT

  1. The Efficient Utilities Consumption Plan’s functional intent is to minimize energy consumption and utility costs during the Contract Time.The Contractor shall provide the EUCP as soon as possible and maintainthe plan objective during the Contract Time.The following energy optimizations strategiesshall be implemented as applicable to the project:
  2. Automated modulation of CHW /HW valves in lieu of manual valve positioning forapplicable AHU(s) and heat exchanger(s).
  3. Automated modulation of fans and pumps through variable frequencydrive speeds in lieu of manuallysetting speeds in HAND mode for electrical motors greater than 10 horsepower.
  4. Automated control of outside air intake volumetric flow rates in order notto exceed design parameters or occupancy requirements.
  5. Maintain theminimum TECO CHW and steam peak utility demand charge for the project throughout the Contract Time.
  6. Automated space temperature set point control per air terminal unit controller under the AHU zoning and implementation of optimal night setback schedules once the associated HVAC air terminal unit controllers have been commissioned and are capable of providing control.


  1. Contractor shall submit a draft EUCP to Owner for review within twenty-one (21) days of issuance of the Notice to Proceed with Construction or within ninety (90) days prior to initial installation of materials or equipment that will undergo Start-up, as directed by Owner


2.01Efficient Utilities Consumption Plan (EUCP)

  1. Efficient Utilities Consumption Plan shall include, but not be limited to, a description of the following as applicable to the Project:
  2. The EUCP shall identify all Major HVAC Building Systems for the project which utilize chilled / heating hot water utilities. The EUCP shall disclose in detail how the Contractor intends to efficiently utilize chilled / heating hot water utilities by the Major HVAC Building Systems at the time of equipment Start-up and the duration of the construction process and up to substantial completion.
  3. The EUCP shall address what actions shall be taken by the Contractor on Air Handler Units with capacity ratingsspecified earlier to ensure efficient use of chilled /heating hot water utilities prior to the start-up of the AHUs. The EUCP shall also identify where applicable, the time during the construction process that the Owner will observe the efficient operation of the fan motor speed(s), outside air damper(s), exhaust damper(s) and/or return air dampers.
  4. The EUCP shall address what actions shall be taken by the Contractor on heat exchanger systems with capacity ratings specified earlier to ensure the efficient use of chilled / heating hot water utilities prior to the start-up of the AHU. The EUCP shall also identify where applicable, the time during the construction process that the Owner will observe the efficient operation of primary and secondary chilled / heating hot water pumps pressure control.
  5. The EUCP shall identify, where applicable, occupied / unoccupied AHU Zones and schedules for spaces. Contractor shall schedule unoccupied time periods to all AHU zone areas as soon as air terminal unit controllers are operating automatically and prior to Substantial Completion.
  6. The EUCP shall meet all functional intent requirements to Owner’s approval.
  7. Manual operator adjustments of building control components or HVAC equipment shall not be acceptable as a EUCP.


3.01CoMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS TO THE Efficient Utilities Consumption Plan

  1. The successful execution of the approved EUCPrequires cooperation and involvement of all parties throughout the construction process. The Contractor shall coordinate all necessary resources to ensure EUCP objectives are met and maintained during the construction process. Contractor shall ensure all construction activities are in compliance with EUCP
  2. Contractor shall solely be responsible to ensure the EUCP objectives do not impede the Commissioning Plan’s timely execution.
  3. Contractor shall provide EUCP updates and Contractor’s compliance documentation ontheOwner approved time interval. Contractor shall proceed with updatesto the Owner on compliance to the EUCP at no less than 2 weeks after the first Major Building System start-up identified in the EUCP has occurred. These updates shall continue until Substantial Completion.
  4. Contractor shall respond in writing to the Owner within 5 business days to confirm that any deficiencies identified by Owner have been corrected and/or provide details, time line, and target dates which are deemed acceptable by the Owner as to when deficiencies to the EUCP will be corrected. At the discretion of the Owner, the Owner shall disclose to the Contractor an estimate of financial losses for lack of timely response to any deficiencies to the EUCP requirements which shall result in Contractor liability of Owner’s estimated financial losses. As set forth in the UTUGCs, paragraph 10.3.3, Owner may reduce any Application for Payment to recover these losses,


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