Southwest Asia (Middle East) Study Guide
Part 1: Geography
1. Using the map, identify the following countries (letters) and physical features (numbers)
A. ______
B. ______
C. ______
D. ______
E. ______
F. ______
1. ______
2. ______
3. ______of ______
4. ______
5. ______
6. ______
2. The Suez Canal is important because it allows ships to pass from the ______to the ______.
3. The ______River forms the border between Israel, Jordan, and the Palestinian Territories.
4. Identify three reasons for the shortage of water in the Middle East region
a. ______
b. ______
c. ______
5. What is a major consequence of water pollution in the Middle East? ______
6. Name three countries that have the most oil in Southwest Asia.
a. ______
b. ______
c. ______
7. Throughout the Middle East, oil industry wealth has fueled a growing clash between:
A. traditional Islamic values & Western materialism
B. The U.S. & Great Britain
C. Educated people & uneducated people
D. Christians & Jews
8. What role does OPEC play in the world economy? ______
Part 2: Ethnic & Religious Groups
9. What is the difference between an ethnic & a religious group? ______
10. Which language is spoken by each of the following ethnic groups?
a) Kurds ______
b) Persians ______
c) Jews______
d) Arabs______
11. Identify the dominant religion practiced by each of the following ethnic groups:
a) Kurds ______
b) Persians ______
c) Jews______
d) Arabs______
12. Which ethnic group are considered nationalists & are struggling to have their own country? ______
13. Judaism, Islam, & Christianity are all ______religions because they only worship ONE God.
14. What country do Persians live in? ______
15. What issue led to split between the Sunni & Shia in Islam? ______
Part 3: History of the Middle East
16. The United Nations helped to create ______in 1948 as a homeland for Jewish people after the Holocaust. This land was previously controlled by the ______.
17.Anti-Semitism is the hatred of ______.
18. What led to the fall of the Ottoman Empire? ______
19. The belief that the Jews deserved to return to a homeland in Zion is called ______.
20. Which two regions of Israel/Palestine are a source of conflict between the Arabs & Israelis?
a. ______b. ______
21. What was the cause of the Persian Gulf War of 1990-1991? ______
22. What was the main reason for the US involvement in the Iraq war (Operation Iraqi Freedom)? ______
23. Which conflict are the Taliban & Osama Bin Laden connected to? ______
Part 4: Government
24. Who chooses the leader in a parliamentary democracy? ______
25. A ______bases government on God or religious rule.
26. In a ______government, power is spread out somewhat evenly through multiple levels.
27. Who makes the decisions in an autocratic government? ______
28. Why do citizens have more power in a democracy than in an oligarchy form of government?______
29. Who is in charge in an oligarchy form of government?
A. the King
B. a small group of powerful leaders
C. the legislature
Part 5: Economics
30. How are economic decisions made in a/an:
a. Traditional Economy? ______
b. Command Economy? ______
c. Market Economy? ______
31. What is “specialization?” ______
32. Why do most economies in the world today operate somewhere in between a market economy & a command economy? ______
33. The economies of Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey & Iran have ______economies.