
Banner Finance Self-Service Change Request - Enhancement Resolution

SYSTEM: Banner Finance Self-Service

PATCH NAME: p1-1h8aixt_bwf8060002

DATE: 9/27/2013


Minimum required Banner Finance Self-Service release 8.3


This patch is recommended to be applied before upgradingfrom Banner Finance 8.8 to Banner Finance 8.9. The Self-Service update ensures certain indirect cost encumbrance transaction detail will not be displayed for inception-to-date queries, and it also fixespreexisting limitations in Self-Service detail transaction queries.


Change Request - Enhancement #:1-1H8AIXT

DEPENDENCIES: of bwfkrpx1.sql can replace version

PROGRAM: bwfkrpx1.sql


When drilling down from a grant inception-to-date query to view detail transactions, exclude all transactions not posted to the grant ledger including Indirect CostEncumbrances.


Transaction detail may not agree with the grant ledger total.


Modified cursor GetInfodEC to exclude the following detail transactions when drilling down from a grant inception-to-date query: - indirect cost encumbrance transaction related to all year-end roll forward activity or concurrent posting process,- budget transactions related to the encumbrance roll or budget roll process, and - all concurrent processing updates created in future fiscal year(s).



  1. To download and unpack the Change Request - Enhancement patch '.trz',go to the Ellucian Hub web site and choosethe Ellucian Download Center app or, from the Ellucian Support Center Home tab side bar under the Download Code heading, click on the'Banner, PowerCampus, Advance and all other Ellucian products' link.On the right side of the Ellucian Download Center window, enter the nameof the patch (p1-1h8aixt_bwf8060002) in the field labeled 'Find Patch / Release by Filename', then click the 'Find It' button. Check the check box next to the name of the .trz file and click the ZIP Selected Files button. Click on the 'Click Here to Download the ZIP File' button to download into your download area. Unzip the file on your PC, then ftp the .trz file to your server.
  1. Position yourself in the subdirectory created when theposting was unloaded.
  1. To apply database procedures, invoke SQL*Plus andrun the procedure:sqlplus /nolog @bwfdbpr2 [Enter]Review: bwfdbpr2.lstTo compile all functions, views, packages, proceduresand triggers which are in an invalid state. Invoke SQL*Plus and run the procedure:sqlplus /nolog @gurutlrp [Enter]Review: gurutlrp.lst


  1. Review bwfmigr.shl for correct directory path namesand make sure the environment variable $BANNER_HOMEis set to the appropriate directory. Then migrate and link the new objects to your permanent directoriesand produce an error log for the migration by typing:shbwfmigr.shl >bwfmigr.log 2&1 & [Enter]Review: bwfmigr.log
  1. To record this patch in the General gurpost table,invoke SQL*Plus and run the procedure:sqlplus general/password [Enter]start bwfinspost [Enter]Review: bwfinspost.lst


5. The file bwfmigr.pl will do the appropriate deletesand copies. Before running the migration script you must check the BANENV environment variable. This value may be determined by executing the SET command from the DOS prompt.

If BANENV has a value of REG, the value used forBANNER_HOME will be taken from the registry entry:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\BANNER\BANNER_HOMEIf BANENV has a value of ENV, the value for BANNER_HOME will be taken from the environment variable BANNER_HOME.Review the script for correct directory path names.

To run the migration script and produce an error logfor the migration type the following:perl bwfmigr.pl >bwfmigr.log 2&1 [Enter]Review: bwfmigr.log

  1. To record this patch in the General gurpost table,invoke SQL*Plus and run the procedure:sqlplus general/password [Enter]start bwfinspost [Enter]Review: bwfinspost.lst


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Prepared by: Ellucian

4375 Fair Lakes Court

Fairfax, Virginia 22033

United States of America

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