Bassingham Community Led Plan


Please complete and return by 28 February 2014

On-line Survey

Questionnaire for the Community Led Plan

Bassingham Village


This is the final stage in consulting the community about the future development of Bassingham village before the Community Led Plan is written. Previously you will have received a questionnaire card and may have been involved in one of the consultation events at the Hammond Hall. This questionnaire has been produced taking into account the ideas, issues and concerns that were raised by residents during that preliminary work.


The questionnaire will form the basis for a Community Led Plan. This Plan will have two main objectives:

·  First it will provide a framework for the community in terms of the development of Bassingham village over the next 10 to 15 years including its facilities, services and environment.

·  Secondly it will establish an Action Plan that will provide the community with clear priorities for the development of the village.

The Plan will, therefore, be an important part of the evidence base that will affect decisions made by Bassingham Parish Council, North Kesteven District Council and Lincolnshire County Council. The Plan will also be an essential part of any grant applications made for projects within the village.

Above all, when completed the Community Led Plan should reflect the views of all sections of the Bassingham community. In order to ensure that the views of the whole community are represented it is really important that as many residents as possible participate. We would be very grateful therefore if you take a little time to complete this questionnaire.

This is your village and this is your opportunity to influence how it develops in the future by having your say.


The questionnaire can be completed either by filling in this paper copy or by completing it on-line. Instructions for both methods are below.


The answers to the questions will either require:

·  a tick in the appropriate box,

·  a number to be written in a box,

·  or for comments to be entered.

Each question will make it clear what is required. Please note your answers will be confidential as your name and address will not appear on the questionnaire.

The questionnaire is designed to be answered by residents on an individual basis. This includes younger members of the community who are of sufficient age and maturity to be able and want to express their views and opinions.

However, you may prefer to complete one questionnaire to represent the views of everyone in your household (assuming you are all in agreement). If you choose to do this, your answers to questions 1.2 and 1.4 should include a tick or number (for more than one person) against all categories that apply.

You do not need to answer all the questions; some may not apply to your household, others are directed at specific groups e.g. young people and service personnel. However, we would ask that you take the time to answer as many questions as possible and encourage all members of your family, including children, to be involved.

Each household has been given 2 copies of the questionnaire and you may of course choose to complete the on-line version. Additional copies of the questionnaire will be available in Greens Stores if you need them.


If you would prefer to complete the on-line version of the questionnaire please go to

Instructions on how to complete and submit the questionnaire on line are provided on the survey site.


Support with completing the questionnaire will be available at various groups e.g. lunch club, coffee mornings etc. Alternatively, if you would like help in completing either version of the questionnaire or have any questions please contact Colin Coulson Tel No 01522 789689 or send us your query via the contact us section of the mybassingham website at


Questionnaires should be completed and returned by the 28 February 2014.

Several options are available for returning the questionnaires. These are:

·  By completing and submitting the on-line version

·  By placing in one of the boxes at the following locations:

o  Doctor’s Surgery

o  Bassingham Primary School

o  St Michael’s Church

o  Hammond Hall

·  Or by delivering to one of the following addresses:

o  2 Eastfield

o  8 Water Lane

o  10 Torgate Lane

o  25 Ash Tree Way

o  83 Lincoln Road

Thank you for taking a few moments to complete this questionnaire which will have an important influence on the way Bassingham village develops over the next 10 to 15 years.

Section 1: Your Household

The answers to the following questions in Section 1 will provide a picture of the age profile of the population, types of housing and basic information about businesses in Bassingham.

Question 1.1

What type of house do you live in? Please tick appropriate box

Owner occupied 5

Tenant 5

Lodger 5

Other 5

Question 1.2

What is your age and gender?

Question 1.3

How long have you lived in Bassingham?

Please tick appropriate box

Question 1.4

Please tick the box that best describes your occupation.

Question 1.6

Do you operate a business in Bassingham? Yes 5 No 5

Question 1.5

Do you operate a business in Bassingham?

Please tick appropriate box

Yes 5 No 5

Question 1.6

If Yes do you operate your business from home?

Please tick appropriate box

Yes 5 No 5

Section 2: Housing and Environment

Question 2.1

What is your view about the number of houses that should be built in Bassingham over the next 10 to 15 years? Please tick one of the following options:

I would like to see Bassingham expand significantly

with many more new houses built. 5

I would like to see a Bassingham grow but in a sympathetic 5

way with a limited number of houses being built.

I do not want to see Bassingham grow any more in terms of the

number of new houses being built. 5

Question 2.2

If new housing is to be developed which one of the follow options

would you choose? Please tick one of the following options:

I would be happy to see the curtilage (boundary of housing)

of the village extended significantly to allow major

new housing to be built. 5

I would be willing to see a limited extension of the curtilage in areas

that did not spoil the overall appearance of the village. 5

I do not wish to see the village curtilage extended at all. 5

Question 2.3

Which of the following do you think are significant problems in Bassingham? Please also write the location.

(You may choose more than one).

Problem / Location
Dog Fouling
Anti-social behaviour
Inconsiderate Parking

Section 3: Highways and Traffic

Question 3.1

Do you think parking is a safety risk in any of these locations in Bassingham?

Location / Yes / No / No opinion
High Street outside Spar
High Street outside Green’s / Post Office
Lincoln Road at school times
Lincoln Road at non-school times
Torgate Lane
Other - please state:

Question 3.2

Do you think speeding traffic is a problem in Bassingham?

Yes / No / No opinion

Question 3.3

How and where does speeding traffic affect you within Bassingham? (e.g. difficulty crossing roads, accidents / near accidents)

Question 3.4

How would you rate the general condition of the road surfaces and pavements in Bassingham?

Good / Acceptable / Poor / No Opinion
Please state specific locations in Bassingham where you think the conditions of the road or pavement are poor:

Question 3.5

Do you consider the bus service in Bassingham to be appropriate / adequate?

Yes / No / No opinion

Question 3.6

How often do you use the bus service in Bassingham?

Daily / More often than once a week / Weekly / Less often than weekly

Question 3.7

Would like to see any improvements in the bus service with regards to:

Location / Yes / No / Comments
Bus stop location
Access for those with disabilities
Access for those with pushchairs
Other improvements – please state.

Question 3.8

Does a member of your household attend Bassingham Pre-School or Bassingham Primary School?

Yes / No

If you answered ‘yes’ to question 3.8 please complete the following questions. If you answered ‘no’, please go to question 3.11.

Question 3.9

How often do you walk your child(ren) to school?

Regularly / Occasionally / Never

Question 3.10

Which of the following options would encourage you to walk to school regularly? (You may tick more than one option)

Options / Yes / No / No opinion
Walking bus scheme
Safe road crossing e.g zebra crossing / lollipop person
Children’s reward scheme e.g. stickers
Comments and suggestions:

Question 3.11

Does a member of your household attend school outside of Bassingham?

Yes / No

Question 3.12

Does the school bus service from Bassingham meet your requirements?

Yes / No
If you answered no, please provide details below:

Question 3.13

If available, would you use a community minibus or volunteer car scheme for any of the following:

Community Minibus / Volunteer Car Scheme
Yes / No / Yes / No
Railway Stations
Young people to central points

Section 4: Community Life, Leisure and Village Organisations

Question 4.1

Which of the following statements do you agree or disagree with?

Statement Yes No No Opinion

Bassingham is a safe village in which to live 5 5 5

Bassingham is a good village for families 5 5 5

Bassingham is a good village for older people 5 5 5

Bassingham is a good village for young people 5 5 5

Bassingham has a good community spirit 5 5 5

Bassingham has lots of activities and groups 5 5 5

to join

Question 4.2

How important is it to maintain the wide range of traditional village events in Bassingham? (e.g. the village show, open gardens and carols around the Christmas tree) Please tick the appropriate box

Very Important 5

Important 5

Not Important 5

Question 4.3

What other comments do you have about Bassingham village?

Question 4

Question 4.6

Which of the following developments at the Hammond Hall would you support?

(You can choose more than one)

Question 4.4

Which of the following developments at the Hammond Hall would you support?

Question 4.4

Which of the following developments at the Hammond Hall would you support? (You can choose more than one)

Development Yes No No Opinion

Development of the main Hammond Hall 5 5 5

to incorporate a stage for local groups and

visiting theatre and musical groups.

Development of indoor gymnasium 5 5 5

and sports hall facilities.

Question 4.5 Yes No No Opinion

Would you support the development of more 5 5 5

activities in Bassingham village?

Question 4.6

If you would like to see more activities developed in Bassingham village which of

the following would you support?

Yes No No Opinion

More community events 5 5 5

Open air music events 5 5 5

Arts and crafts days/weekends 5 5 5

Adult learning/evening classes 5 5 5

Re-instatement of the Village Fair 5 5 5

Visiting theatre groups 5 5 5

Film nights 5 5 5

Support group for carers 5 5 5

Section 5: Services, Facilities and Business

Question 5.1

For each of the following services, please indicate how important they are to you and how often you use them.

Service/Facility / Importance / How often used
Very important / Important / Not important / Regularly / Occasionally / Never
Bassingham Surgery
Bassingham Primary School
Bassingham Pre-School / Tree Tops Club
Local Village Shops (Spar and Green’s Store)
Local Village Pubs (The Five Bells and Bugle Horn)
Hammond Hall
Playing Field and Sports Facilities
Witham Staple Community Magazine
St Michael’s Church
The Hairdressers (High Street Salon and Tangle)
The Garage (Repairs and Maintenance)

Question 5.2

Does a member of your household use the play park on Bassingham Playing Field?

Yes / No

Question 5.3

How would you rate the suitability of the play equipment in the play park for the following age groups?

Good / Acceptable / Poor
Under 5 years
6-10 years
11-16 years
Comments and Suggestions to improve the play park:

Question 5.4

Which of the following equipment would members of your household use if they were available?

Often / Occasionally / Never
Sand pit
Trim Trail (fixed outdoor fitness equipment)
Skate Park

Question 5.5

Which of the following developments do you think would be of benefit to the village?

Development Yes No No Opinion

Faster broadband connection 5 5 5

Better mobile phone reception 5 5 5

Mains gas supply 5 5 5

Sustainable energy 5 5 5

Generation (e.g. Solar)

Coffee shop 5 5 5

More help for the elderly 5 5 5

More help for young families 5 5 5

Village Wi-fi 5 5 5

Community Website 5 5 5

Please write any other services/facilities that you think should be available in Bassingham in the box below e.g mobile bank, dentist etc.