CATEGORY / Un-satisfactory / Minimal / Adequate / Average / Effective / ExceptionalWork
Holistic Impact / (0 points) No impact. / (1 points) An insult to turn in. An insult to the teacher. An insult to the creative act of writing. And an insult to your own mind. / (2 points) This is not a good case study. Writing is shallow and uninteresting. I get the distinct feeling that some of this case study was completed hastily and without much revision. Very little imagination, depth, or insight is shown. / (3points) The case study is complete but there is just that middle-of-the-road feeling to it. Overall, the work was completed and offered some insight, but this report did not connect data to possible interventions or solutions. / (4 points) Good, solid writing throughout the case study. Nothing dazzling or breathtaking but competently written and complete. Academic tone may be missing in some sections. / (5 points) Wow! This case study is absolutely informational and well-done. There is evidence of original thinking blended with a thorough understanding of assessment. Writing is excellent--effective word choice, strong descriptions, clear results, and an academic tone. Each section is organized and adds a layer of depth to the case study.Descriptions of the student, assessments, and recommendations are interesting and compelling
Part I: Description of the Learner / (0 points) Not included. / (1 point) Missing or so brief and perfunctory that is might as well be absent. / (2points) Provides little substantive information or is too brief. / (3 points) Provides useful information--not too brief or too long. / (4 points) Effective, useful information but may be missing interesting or compelling elements or specific examples. / (5 points) After reading part I of your case study, readers feel like they know who your student is. The purpose, results, and summary of the reading interest and reading/writing attitude surveys are communicated effectively.
Part II: Assessments / (0 points) Not included. / (1 point) Missing or so brief and perfunctory that is might as well be absent. / (2 points) Little interesting information. Rambling, unfocused, ho-hum writing. / (3 points) Interesting though not particularly interesting or helpful writing. / (5 points) Interesting and effective writing but may lack specificity for some assessments. Summary may lack specificity. / (8 points) Clearly explains each assessment and its purpose. Provides results and an interpretation or example of the results. Interesting information. Adds insight and depth of the overall understanding of the student and each assessment. Well written with action verbs, specificity, and few wasted words. Summary outlines facts and/or patterns observed in the assessments.
Part III: Recommendations / (0 points) None included. / (1 points) Information is totally unrelated to assessment data and give no details or strategies. / (2 points) Information in recommendations shows some clarity of thought. Information tends to be less fact-related such that it could be written without knowing much about assessments or effective literacy strategies. / (3 points) Information under recommendations shows clarity of thought. May lack specific recommendations related to assessment data. / (4 points) Information underrecommendations shows clarity of thought; however, the recommendations may not focus on the student’s strengths or may lack a specific strategy under each recommendation. / (5 points) Information given in recommendationsis based on assessment data andshows clarity of thought. Recommendations are generally positive and are based on student’s strengths to overcome his/her challenges. Information is clearly based on best practice in literacy education and includes at least one specific strategy under each recommendation.
Letter / (0 points) No letter included. / (1 point) Letter does not add to the overall case study. / (2 points) Succinct. Limited role in the overall case study. Does the job. Maybe missing a few of the required elements. / (3 points) Succinct. Makes the case study more cohesive. Adds clarity. May not be on letterhead. / (4 points) Succinct but still plays a major role. May not include specific ideas or solutions for the student’s challenges or may not effectively communicate some of the student’s strengths. / (5 points) Succinct but effectively communicates about the student. Is written on letter head and includes a good combination of data from the assessments, possible ideas/solutions and your own personal touch. Is written with an academic tone.
Reflection / (0 points) No reflection included. / (0 point) Missing or so brief and perfunctory that is might as well be absent. / (0point) Reflection shows very little thought and effort. May be too short or include no personal connections. / (0 point) Reflection shows a little thought and effort. May look like it was completed at the last minute. / (1 point)
Reflection shows some thought and effort and depth of thinking about the case study. May lack specific personal connections. / (2 points)
1-2 page, double-spaced reflection included. Reflection shows considerable thought and effort and demonstrates depth of thinking. Includes several personal connections.
Appendix / (0 points) No appendix included. / (1point) Appendix is so brief and perfunctory that it might as well be absent. / (2points) Some attempt at including the appendix. Many of the assessments are missing or lacking detail. / (3 points) Appendix is included. Has most of the required assessments. / (4points) Appendix is included and has all required assessments; however, some assessments may lack notes, detail, or markings, as needed. / (5 points) Appendix is clearly labeled. All required assessments are included AND completed according to directions.
Spelling & Grammar & Mechanics / (0 points) No attention to spelling and/or grammar and/or mechanics. / (1 point) Contains enough errors to make reader wonder if the writer proofread carefully. / (2points) Contains more than a few errors and meaning is affected. / (3 points) Contains more than a few errors, but meaning is not seriously affected. / (4points)
Good display of grammar, punctuation, and spelling. May contain 1-2 errors. / (5 points)
Well-written with no errors in spelling, punctuation, or grammar.

Created by Dr. R. Putman