December 2013

Equality Impact Assessment Template

Compulsory for all proposals

Throughout this document we use the word ‘proposal’ to refer to what we are assessing. In this context, the term includes the different things that we do, including strategies, functions, procedures, practices, policies, initiatives and projects.

Wrexham County Borough Council has developed this template with support from the Equality and Human Rights Commission template and the Welsh Local Government Association.

This template covers all equality assessment needs from initial screening to a full Impact Assessment, by following the 6 steps:

1. Screening the equality needs of the policy

2. Data collection and evidence

3. Involvement and consultation

4. Assessing impact and strengthening the policy

5. Procurement and partnerships

6. Monitoring, evaluating and reviewing

The aim of an equality impact assessment (EIA) is to ensure that equality issues have been consciously considered throughout the decision making processes of the work we do.

The EIA highlights any areas of risk and maximises the benefits of proposals in terms of equality. It therefore helps to ensure we have considered everyone affected by the proposal. It also helps us to meet our requirements under the general equality duties.

There is a requirement under Human Rights legislation for Local Authorities to consider Human Rights in developing proposals. Our approach to EIAs will help us to strengthen our work to promote equality. It will also help to identify and address any potential discriminatory effects before introducing something new or changing way we work and reduce the risk of potential legal challenges.

When carrying out an EIA you should consider both the negative and positive consequences of your proposals. If a project is designed for a specific group, you also need to think about what potential effects it could have on other areas of equality.

Department / Adult Social Care
Responsible Officer / Charlotte Walton
e-mail address /
Full job title / Head of Service for Older People
Why is this proposal being considered?
What need is being addressed? / The model of care delivered at Plas yn Rhos Sheltered Housing Scheme is no longer consistent with the current strategic vision for older people’s services. The presence of an on-site domiciliary care team (employed by WCBC) has created a culture of dependency, whereby tenants have become reliant on regular check calls for staff and the offer of a ‘little bit of help’ beyond that which they have been formally assessed as requiring. The result is that the model of care being delivered is more akin to that within a residential home than a supported housing scheme, and tenants have become institutionalized and dependent on statutory services, thereby loosing skills in self care.
The scheme currently operates with a high number of voids, which WCBC are committed to funding 25% of, over and above 10% (was 50% cost), thus placing financial pressures on the Authority. The design of the scheme – very small bedsits – makes it difficult to fill these void beds and thereby reduce the financial implications.
What is the intended outcome of the proposal? / To reconfigure and modernize the model of care delivered at Plas yn Rhos Sheltered Housing Scheme so as to reduce dependence upon statutory services and enable older people to continue living independently within their own homes and communities
How will the policy be delivered, by whom and by when? / Following a period of consultation with tenants and their families; during which time Telecare equipment will be installed in each individual flat, WCBC’s on-site domiciliary care staff team will be bought back to work in the community and individual packages of care will be brokered out to existing providers working in Wrexham, and ideally the Rhos area.
As part of this reconfiguration the roles and responsibilities of social landlord, care provider and support provider are to be separated out. Clwyd Alyn Housing Association/ Pennaf will assume responsibility for cleaning at the scheme
This reconfiguration is being taken forward in partnership between Adult Social Care, Supporting People and Pennaf.
It is anticipated that full service reconfiguration will be complete by the end of 2013/14 at the latest.
Who are the people likely to be affected by this proposal?
How have you consulted with the people who are likely to be affected? / Older people (persons aged 65 and over), many of whom will have a disability are the groups of people most likely to be affected by this proposal.
A full programme of consultation with tenants and their families, staff and local members is planned for the coming months.
How will you know you have achieved your aims?
What are your measures / indicators of success? /
  • Tenant/ service users ability to self-manage will have been improved, as measured through a reduction in domiciliary care package and/ or appropriate use of Telecare and Emergency Mobile Response services
  • Tenants/ service users reporting good quality of life 6 months post reconfiguration
  • Expansion in capacity of the Reablement Service
  • The SLA between Clwyd Alyn Housing Association and ASC will have been dissolved

Identify any other policy or decision [internal or external] that may affect your proposal e.g Welfare Reforms / As part of the service reconfiguration, Clwyd Alyn has agreed to increase their marketing of the scheme in order to reduce the number of voids. Should the number of voids continue to be high the decision may be taken to decommission the scheme in the medium-term.

December 2013

Screening Tool

As part of our annual Equality Return we have to evidence what we have actively done to support people with Protected Characteristics within our services, and also evidence where we may have a negative impact what we are doing to reduce the impact.

Please place a ‘+’ or ‘-‘symbol in every box to indicate whether your proposalwith have a positive or negative affect any of theprotected characteristics. If there is no impact at all place ‘n/a’. If there is a positive and negative effect indicate both:

Carers / Age
-18 / Age
18+ / Disability / Gender / Sex / Pregnancy and Maternity / Race/ Ethnicity / Religion or Belief / Sexual Orientation / Marriage and Civil Partnership / Gender Reassignment / Poverty / Welsh Language / Culture
Would this proposal significantly affect how functions are delivered to any of these groups? / n/a / n/a / + and - / + and - / - / n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a
Would this discriminate any of these groups? / + / n/a / _ / _ / n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a
Would this proposal advance the equality of opportunity for these groups? / - / n/a / + / + / n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a
Would this promote good relations between these groups and the wider community? / n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a

Where you have identified a positive impact (+) above, please describe this:

Where you have identified no impact (-) above, please describe this:

If you have indicated a possible negative effect on any Protected Characteristic then please complete therelevant sections of the Matrix below. You need to consider:

What is the likely scale of the impact and how this can be reduced?

Who are the people who are likely to be affected by this proposal?


December 2013

Equality Impact Assessment

List what information have you used to identify these issues e.g. consultation, stakeholder involvement, reports, data … / Based on the information you have gathered give a summary of key issues that have been identified. / How will we mitigate these issues to improve the service? / Who is responsible officer for delivering the mitigation? / Which other departments will you work with to achieve this? / By when / Service Plan Reference
Carers / RAISe data:
- Tenant profiles
Stakeholder Involvement:
- Planning meetings
- Options appraisal
- EIA Workshop
Supporting People Guidance
Older People’s Commissioning Strategy (2013-18)
Older People’s Housing Needs Survey
WCBC Telecare Evaluation Report / Reconfiguring the service model may create additional pressure on family members/ informal carers, who may perceive a requirement to expand their caring role. / In order to help mitigate this risk, families will have opportunities to make contact with Wrexham Carers Service. Carers Needs Assessments will also be completed as standard, for all persons undertaking a caring role. / Charlotte Walton/ Jo Ward / Adult Social Care,
Supporting People
AVOW/ Wrexham Carers Service / End of 2013/2014
Age Adult +18 / RAISe data:
- Tenant profiles
Stakeholder Involvement:
- Planning meetings
- Options appraisal
- EIA Workshop
Supporting People Guidance
Older People’s Commissioning Strategy (2013-18)
Older People’s Housing Needs Survey / Reconfiguring the service model may create anxiety for tenants, who may fear the loss of the 24/7 on-site staff presence and the impact this will have upon their care needs being met. / Telecare will be installed in advance of the service model change in order that tenants become comfortable with the system’s ability to respond in the event of an emergency
Individuals will undergo a full social care review and will be provided with a period of Reablement
Care managers will work closely with tenants and families to explore all possible options for care and support to be delivered, including befriending
As part of the consultation, a 1-stop-shop will be convened, which will bring together key professionals to offer advice and support to tenants.
Advocates will be made available to ensure tenants have a voice. / Charlotte Walton/ Jo Ward / Adult Social Care,
Supporting People
Housing & Public Protection / End of 2013/2014
Disability / RAISe data:
- Tenant profiles
Stakeholder Involvement:
- Planning meetings
- Options appraisal
- EIA Workshop
Supporting People Guidance
Older People’s Commissioning Strategy (2013-18)
Older People’s Housing Needs Survey / Reconfiguring the service model may create anxiety for tenants, who may fear the loss of the 24/7 on-site staff presence and the impact this will have upon their care needs being met. / Telecare will be installed in advance of the service model change in order that tenants become comfortable with the system’s ability to respond in the event of an emergency
Individuals will undergo a full social care review and will be provided with a period of Reablement
Care managers will work closely with tenants and families to explore all possible options for care and support to be delivered, including befriending
As part of the consultation, a 1-stop-shop will be convened, which will bring together key professionals to offer advice and support to tenants.
Advocates will be made available to ensure tenants have a voice. / Charlotte Walton/ Jo Ward / Adult Social Care,
Supporting People
Housing & Public Protection / End of 2013/2014
Gender / Sex / RAISe data:
- Tenant profiles
Stakeholder Involvement:
- Planning meetings
- Options appraisal
- EIA Workshop
Supporting People Guidance
Older People’s Commissioning Strategy (2013-18)
Older People’s Housing Needs Survey
Loneliness and Isolation: Evidence Review; Age UK / The removal of an on-site staff team may create concerns over increased social isolation. Research indicates that older men are at greater risk from social isolation than older women / Care Managers will work closely with all affected individuals to develop support plans that enable social interaction and attendance at activities. / Charlotte Walton/ Jo Ward / Adult Social Care,
Supporting People
Age Concern North East Wales / End of 2013/2014

Please complete this text box within12 months of implementation of the proposal: