Transnational Cooperation Activities (TCA) under Erasmus+


Rapporten kan skrives på norsk.

Please send to your National Agency this report, duly completed and signed, within 30 calendar days of the end date of the activity/-ies undertaken with the help of the grant awarded. This report is considered as your request for payment of the grant.

1. General Information:

Name of home institution/organisation:
Name of Participant:
Title of the contact seminar:
Location of the activity (place/country):
Dates of the activity () (including travel): from to

2. Activity content:

2.1. Description:

Number of participants from other countries:

2.1.1. Before the activity:

How did you prepare for the activity?
(Please specify the concrete activities undertaken before the activity, such as: documentation activities about Erasmus+ Programme, about the theme or about the host country; preparation of documents/material about your own country; foreign language preparation; participation in a preparatory meeting organised by your National Agency etc).
What preparation activities took place at your institution/organisation level?
(Please refer to concrete supportive actions undertaken in cooperation with your pupils/students/trainees/learners, colleagues, head of your institution/organisation, other institutions)

2.1.2. During the event:

Please describe in maximum 20 lines the activities that took place during the event itself:
(attach the activity programme)

2.1.3. After the activity:

To which extent the objectives of the activity have been met?
(If you participated to a contact seminar, please provide a summary of your future project partnership, indicating: the type of project (Key Action), the title, the theme(s), the objectives and the activities to be developed, the outputs, the different institutions to be involved and the planned starting date of the project.)
What follow-up activities did you organise in your institution/organisation?
(Please specify what, when and to whom did you present information about the activity and its outcomes)

2.1.4. Difficulties encountered (if applicable):

Describe any difficulty encountered before, during and after the activity:

3. Declaration of expenditure:

Cost item / Description of item / Total € / NOK
Travel (including visa)
Travel – receipt no. 1
Travel – receipt no. 2
Travel – receipt no. 3
Travel – receipt no. 4
Travel – receipt no. 5
Travel – receipt no. 6
Total expenditure incurred and payment requested € / NOK

In the case of converting from euro to NOK, or vice versa, please use the exchange rate at the time of the travel.

4. Documentation of travel costs

Note that only copy of the documents are to be sent.

Ø  Copy of receipts of travel costs (bus, taxi, flight tickets, etc.)

Ø  Copy of Certificate of attendance (delivered by the organiser)

5. Suggestions and comments

Please provide any further comments and suggestions for improvement as regards future activities, themes, measures, administrative procedures, level of funding, etc. :

6. Bank details

Beløpet blir utbetalt til institusjon. Kopi av kvitteringer for faktiske utgifter legges ved.

Name of bank:
Name of account holder:
Address of account holder (street, postcode, city):
Account number:
Reference (max 28 characters):

6. Grantholder's declaration to be signed by the person legally authorised to sign on behalf of the beneficiary organisation and by the participant in the activity:

"We, the undersigned, certify that the information contained in this Final Report is correct to the best of our knowledge and we hereby request payment of the expenditure incurred to the bank account detailed below.";
Name and position in capital letters:
Signature of the participant: / Date:
Name and position of the Head of institution/organisation:
Signature of the Head of institution/organisation: