Bartonville Grade School District #666000 S. Adams St., Bartonville, IL

Board of Education Meeting

Monday March 21, 2016 ~ 6:30 p.m.

1.0The board meeting was called to order by the board president at 6:31 p.m.

2.0Roll Call

Present: Sullivan, Heskett, Swanson, Campen, Motsinger, Freimuth, Garske

Absent: None

3.0Comments from Audience:

The board president explained to the Audience the Board Policy 2.230.

Barbara Plunkett addressed the Board regarding Facebook Policies and plumbing


4.0Action Items

4.1Consideration and action on Minutes

4.1.1February 16, 2016Regular Board Meeting

4.1.2February 16, 2016 Executive Session Meeting

Motion by Swanson, Seconded by Motsinger to approve minutes as presented.

Roll Call

Ayes: Heskett, Sullivan, Swanson, Motsinger, Campen, Freimuth

Nays: None

Abstains: Garske

Motion: Carried.

4.2Consideration and action on Financial Reports

4.2.1February2016 End of Month Voucher Report

4.2.2February 2016 Treasurer’s Report

4.2.3February 2016 Activity Accounts Report

4.2.4March 2016 First of the Month Voucher Report

Motion by Campen, Seconded by Heskett to approve financial reports as presented.

Roll Call

Ayes: Heskett, Sullivan, Swanson, Motsinger, Campen, Freimuth, Garske

Nays: None

Abstains: None

Motion: Carried.

4.3Consideration and action on date for 8th grade promotion

Motion by Swanson, Seconded by Motsinger and action on setting the BGS District

#66 8thgrade promotion date for May 19, 2016 at 7p.m.

Roll Call

Ayes: Campen, Freimuth, Garske, Heskett, Motsinger, Sullivan, Swanson

Nays: None

Abstains: None

Motion: Carried.

4.4Consideration and action on the 2016-2017 calendar.

Motion by Motsinger, Seconded by Campen to approve the District #66 Calendar for

the 2016-2017 school year as presented.

Roll Call

Ayes: Campen, Freimuth, Garske, Heskett, Motsinger, Sullivan, Swanson

Nays: None

Abstains: None

Motion: Carried.

4.5Consideration and action on increasing the substitute teacher daily rate of pay for the 2016-2017 school year.

Motion by Heskett, Seconded by Swanson to approve the daily substitute teacher rate of pay for the 2016-2017 school year to $95 per day.

Roll Call

Ayes: Campen, Freimuth, Garske, Heskett, Motsinger, Sullivan, Swanson

Nays: None

Abstains: None

Motion: Carried.

4.6Consideration and action on the 2015-2016 Risk Management Plan.

Motion by Motsinger, Seconded by Garske to approve the 2015-2016 Risk Management Plan aspresented.

Roll Call

Ayes: Campen, Freimuth, Garske, Heskett, Motsinger, Sullivan, Swanson

Nays: None

Abstains: None

Motion: Carried.

4.7Consideration and action on the technology contract with Wendelin Consulting, Inc.

Motion by Swanson, Seconded by Freimuth to approve the 2016-2017 technology contract with Wendelin Consulting, Inc. as presented.

Roll Call

Ayes: Campen, Freimuth, Garske, Heskett, Motsinger, Sullivan, Swanson

Nays: None

Abstains: None

Motion: Carried.

4.8Consideration and action on the requested leave of absence of a certified employee.

Tabled for Executive meeting

4.9Consideration and action on the resignation of District #66 board member.

Motion by Garske, Seconded by Campen to approve the resignation of Dan Sullivan

as District #66 Board of Education member effective March 22, 2016.

Roll Call

Ayes: Campen, Freimuth, Garske, Heskett, Motsinger, Swanson

Nays: None

Abstains: Sullivan

Motion: Carried.

5.0Report and discussions

5.1 Assistant Principal’s Report

Mrs. Hanks reviewed the highlights of her written report.

5.2Enrollment Update

Enrollment report enclosed

5.3Budget Amendment

Due to the $450,000 bonds, Peggy and Superintendent Eberle are amending the budget.

5.4BGS Garden

Nurse Gil has secured a $2000 grant to start a garden. Location is up for discussion.

5.5Custodial services

Superintendent Eberle like to conduct a cost analysis for hiring a custodial company vs. hiring our own personnel.

5.6Other – retirement dinner (Linda Roberts), Playground, Ms. Morrison - Award

6.0Executive Session: Student Discipline, Negotiations, Litigation, and/or Personnel Matters

Motion by Garske, Seconded by Freimuth to move into executive session at 7:38p.m.

Voice Vote:

All in Favor: 7

Opposed: 0

Motion carried.

7.0Return to Open Session

Motion by Campen, Seconded by Heskettat 8:51p.m. to return to open session.

Voice Vote:

All in Favor: 7

Opposed: 0

Motion carried

8.0Action Items

8.1Consideration and action on Resolution to not re-employ certified staff member

Motion by Swanson, Seconded by Garske to approve resolution 16-3 which

terminates the employment of Kim Hanks as the assistant principal at

BGS District #66 and the end of her 2015-2016 school year contract.

Roll Call

Ayes: Campen, Freimuth, Garske, Heskett, Motsinger, Sullivan, Swanson

Nays: None

Abstains: None

Motion: Carried.

8.2Consideration and action on Resolution to not re-employ certified staff member

RECOMMNEDATION: Motion to approve resolution 16-4 which terminates

the employment of Jennifer Morrison as a certified teacher at

BGS District #66 and the end of her 2015-2016 school year contract.


8.3 Consideration and action on employment of BGS basketball coach.

Motion by Heskett, Seconded by Garske to approve the re-employment of Wes

McGownd as the 5th – 8th grade boys basketball coach for the 2016-2017 school year.

Roll Call

Ayes: Campen, Garske, Heskett, Motsinger, Sullivan, Swanson

Nays: None

Abstains: Freimuth

Motion: Carried.

8.4 Consideration and action on employment of special education teacher.

Motion by Motsinger, Seconded by Campen to approve the re-employment of

Johnica Haynes as a special education teacher for the 2016-2017 school year.

Roll Call

Ayes: Campen, Garske, Heskett, Motsinger, Sullivan, Swanson

Nays: None

Abstains: Freimuth

Motion: Carried.

8.5 Consideration and action on termination of District #66 paraprofessional

Motion by Heskett, Seconded by Swanson to approve the termination of Melanie Blair as a District #66 paraprofessional effective February 19, 2016.

Roll Call

Ayes: Campen, Freimuth, Garske, Heskett, Motsinger, Sullivan, Swanson

Nays: None

Abstains: None

Motion: Carried.

8.6 Consideration and action on the requested leave of absence of a certified employee.

Motion by Sullivan, Seconded by Garske to approve the request by Allyson Pragovich

for a one year leave of absence for the 2016-2017 school year as presented

Roll Call

Ayes: Garske, Sullivan

Nays: Campen, Freimuth, Heskett, Motsinger, Swanson

Abstains: None

Motion: Failed

9.0Communications to the Board of Education Members: None

10.0Future Agenda Items – insurance renewal, handbook, budget amendment, Superintendent, Morrison, President and Vice President Board vacancy.


Motion to adjourn at Board of Education at 8:56 p.m. by Garske, seconded by Campen.

Voice Vote: All in favor: 7Opposed: 0 Motion Carried


Scott Swanson, Board President Pro Tem Deb Motsinger, Board Secretary

Bartonville Grade School District #66, 6000 S. Adams St., Bartonville, IL

Board of Education Meeting

Executive Session

Monday March 21, 2016

The February 2016 Board of Education meeting was called to order by the board president at 6:31 p.m.

Roll Call

Present: Swanson , Heskett,Sullivan, Campen, Motsinger, Freimuth, Garske

Absent: None

Executive Session: Student Discipline, Negotiations, Litigation, and/or Personnel Matters

RECOMMENDATION: Motion to move into executive session to discuss student

discipline, litigation, negotiations, and/or personnel matters.

Motion to enter executive session at 7:38 p.m. by Garske, seconded by Freimuth.

Voice Vote:

All in Favor: 7

Opposed: 0

Motion carried

Return to Open Session

Motion to return to open session at 8:51p.m. by Campen, seconded by Heskett.

Voice Vote:
All in Favor: 7

Opposed: 0

Motion carried


Scott Swanson, Board President Pro Tem Deb Motsinger, Board Secretary