Last updated 9/20/2017GWC
Santa’s 5K Fun Run
Sponsorship Opportunities
On SaturdayDecember 2ndat 1pm the third annual Santa’s 5K Fun Run will be held in Independence KY (start location will be the Independence Firehouse). This charity event will allow the Independence Business Association to raise funds for various charities and scholarships that we fund throughout the year. Please consider becoming a race sponsor for this event. Contact Greg Corwin at (513) 404-6133 for more information. More about the IBA is on our website
Title Sponsor $1000(TAKEN)
Sponsorship recognition on all printed material for the race
Name used in conjunction with race title in all event-related press releases
Option of setting up an information booth at the event
Special recognition at the awards ceremony
Sponsor provided promotional materials given to all participants in goodie bag.
Sponsors logo prominently displayed on the front of the T-shirt
Includes 10 entrance fees and T-shirts and Santa Hats for each participant.
Main Sponsor $500(3 of 3 available)
Sponsorship recognition on all printed material for the race
Name listed in all event-related press releases
Option of setting up an information booth at the event
Recognition at the awards ceremony
Sponsor provided promotional materials given to all participantsin goodie bag.
Sponsor’s logo/name displayed on the T-shirt (one-third width)
Includes 5 entrance fees and T-shirts and Santa Hats for each participant.
Sponsor $250(10 of 12 available)
Sponsorship recognition on all printed material for the race
Recognition at the awards ceremony
Option of setting up an information booth at the event
Sponsor provided promotional materials given to all participantsin goodie bag
Sponsor’s logo/name displayed on the T-shirt (one-quarter width)
Includes 2 entrance fee and T-shirtand Santa Hats.
Donor $100
Sponsor provided promotional materials given to all participantsin goodie bag
Includes 1 entrance fee, T-shirtand Santa Hats.
Make check out to Independence Business Association
PO Box 694 Independence KY 41051.
For race info or volunteering info call Greg Corwin at (513) 404-6133.