Western Brownfields Workshop

EPA Regions 8, 9 & 10


June 5-7, 2006

Hilton El Conquistador

Tucson, Arizona

MONDAY, June 5th B New Grantee Orientation

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11:30 - 1:00 Turquoise III

New Grantee Registration

1:00 - 1:15 Turquoise III

Welcome and Introductions

Colleen Morgan, SRA International

Karen Reed, US EPA Region 8

1:15 - 1:45 Turquoise III


Clark Henry, City of Portland

Jesse Silverstein, CO Brownfields Foundation

This panel discussion provides new grantees with a brief overview that outlines key components to consider for your brownfields projects and program.

1:45 - 2:30 Turquoise III

navigating the epa brownfields
grant world

Karen Reed, US EPA Region 8, Moderator

Marcy Barnett, Sacramento County BERC

Rosanne Sanchez, City of Phoenix

This panel discussion presents information, answers questions, and provides a broad overview to help in the startup and management of your EPA Brownfields Grant.

More specific information for each grant type will be provided in the following Regional breakout session.

2:30 - 2:45 BREAK

2:45 - 4:30

epa brownfields grant management nuts & bolts (Interactive small breakout sessions, divided by regional affiliation)

Tom Pike, US EPA Region 8 (Joshua I)

Nuria Muniz, US EPA Region 9 (Turquoise III)

Deborah Burgess, US EPA Region 10 (Joshua II)

In this session, each EPA Region presents more detailed information about running EPA Brownfields Grants in their region—with more specific information and rules for each type of grant awarded. There is also significant opportunity to ask questions of EPA Regional and Headquarters staff.

4:30 - 5:15 Turquoise III

new grantee orientation & wrap-up

This session provides an energetic and entertaining summary of the key elements of success to manage and implement your new grant.

2006 Western Brownfields Workshop Agenda—EPA Region 8 Page 4

Western Brownfields Workshop

EPA Regions 8, 9 & 10


June 5-7, 2006

Hilton El Conquistador

Tucson, Arizona

2006 Western Brownfields Workshop Agenda—EPA Region 8 Page 4

Participant’s Guide—Maximize YOur Learning Opportunities

CAUTION: For participants new to this workshop—prepare to be involved—ask questions, share stories, make new contacts, have fun! You will get out of the workshop what you put into it.

To maximize your learning opportunities, this workshop is designed with a mix of session types to break up how information is presented and shared. The larger sessions offer more traditional panel style presentations and information dissemination. Each of these larger sessions will also offer the opportunity to ask questions of the panel member(s).

The smaller, break-out sessions offer the opportunity to engage in informal dialogues with other grant recipients. These latter sessions are intended to be robustly interactive—the learning opportunities will be maximized by your active participation! Please be prepared to share your successes, lessons learned, war stories, tips, resources and/or ask questions, explore the pros & cons of various approaches, etc. Your small group facilitators will offer up a range of topics and questions to explore each session’s subject matter; they may briefly offer some of their own experiences, but they will not be making formal presentations.

Tuesday, June 6th B ALL GRANTEES

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8:00 - 9:00 Turquoise III


9:00 - 9:30 Turquoise III

Welcome/workshop overview

Colleen Morgan, SRA International

Karen Reed, US EPA Region 8

Carolyn Douglas, US EPA Region 9

Deborah Burgess, US EPA Region 10

Mayor Bob Walkup, City of Tucson

Mayor Paul H. Loomis, Town of Oro Valley

9:30 - 10:15 Turquoise III


Myra Blakely, US EPA

Colleen Morgan, SRA International

This presentation offers information about new initiatives and updates from EPA Headquarters.

10:15 - 11:15 Turquoise III

all Appropriate Inquiry overview

Bill Keener, US EPA Region 9

This session consists of a presentation on the final All Appropriate Inquiry rule and how it affects Brownfields grantees.

11:15 - 11:30 BREAK

11:30 - 12:15 Turquoise III


Penny McDaniel, US EPA Region 9

Marc de la Vergne, Capital Area Development Authority

This track discusses a sustainable reuse project and introduces an EPA technology.

11:30 - 12:15 Turquoise I

parallel panel track 2: WORKING WITH DEVELOPERS

Rosanne Sanchez, City of Phoenix

Myla Bobrow, RFI Operating Group

This track focuses on working with developers.

12:15 - 1:45 LUNCH (On Your Own)

1:00 - 1:45 Turquoise III

OVERVIEW of EPA’s SMARTe TOOL (Optional Brownbag Presentation)

Megan Cambridge, Brown and Caldwell

This lunchtime session provides an overview of SMARTe—a Web-based decision support tool for brownfields practitioners that providesinformation on the revitalization process, a toolbox to analyze contamination issues, and a search engine for information tools and best practices.

1:45 – 2:00 Turquoise III


Colleen Morgan, SRA International

2:00 - 3:30

grant best practices
(Interactive small group break-out sessions, divided by grant type)

Assessment, New Grantees (Agave II)

Marcy Barnett, Sacramento County BERC; Karen Reed, US EPA Region 8

Assessment, Veterans (Agave III)

Jerry Orlando, Oregon State University; Carolyn Douglas, US EPA Region 9

Cleanup, New Grantees (Joshua I)

Ignacio Dayrit, City of Emeryville; Dan Heffernan, US EPA Region 8

Cleanup, Veterans (Joshua II)

Marc de la Vergne, Capital Area Development Authority; Laura Sneeringer, SRA International; Diane Strassmeier, US EPA Region 9

RLF (Palo Verde II)

Dan Scheppers, CO DPHE; Clare Fletcher, City of Anaheim; Tom Pike, US EPA Region 8

Tribal Section 128 (Agave I)

Rebecca Russo, US EPA Region 8

State Section 128 (Palo Verde I)

Aaron Scheff, ID DEQ; Kelly Schmitt, MT DEQ; Shannon Similai, CA DTSC; Debra Ehlert, US EPA Region 8

Job Training (Mesquite)

Lynn Birkinbine and Lisa Manzanedo, City of Tucson; Kevin Mellot, Montana Tech; Myra Blakely, US EPA

3:30 – 3:45 BREAK

3:45 – 4:30 Turquoise III

all Appropritate Inquiry continuing obligations

Dan Heffernan, US EPA Region 8

Dave Mingo, City of Yankton

The process of building a CERCLA (Superfund) liability defense does not end with All Appropriate Inquiry (AAI) and property acquisition. This session discusses the Continuing Obligations that are required post-acquisition for Bona Fide Prospective Purchaser, Innocent Landowner and Contiguous Property Owner defenses.

4:30 – 5:00 Turquoise III

Daily Wrap-Up

This session provides an energetic and entertaining end to the day.

6:00 – 7:00 Poolside Courtyard

informal gathering Sponsored by the City of TUCSON (Optional)

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9:00 - 9:15 Turquoise III

Welcome and agenda review

Colleen Morgan, SRA International

9:15 - 10:15 Turquoise III

lender and investor perspective panel

Mary Hashem, Brownfield Partners, LLC, Moderator

Masouda Omar, CO Housing and Finance Authority

Peter Hollingworth, CA Environmental Redevelopment Fund

This panel presentation provides brownfields financial information from the lender and investor perspective.

10:15 - 10:30 BREAK

10:30 -12:00

Financial Tools/FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES Best Practice Dialogues
(Interactive small group break-out sessions, divided by community size)

Large/Urban Communities 1 (Joshua I)

Craig Tranby, City of Los Angeles; Rachel Olfato, SRA International

Large/Urban Communities 2 (Joshua II)

Steve Johnson, CO Housing and Finance Authority

Medium Sized Communities (Agave II)

Lowell Ens, Fresno Housing Authority; Jesse Silverstein, CO Brownfields Foundation

Small or Rural Communities (Agave III)

Jerry Orlando, Oregon State University

States (Palo Verde I)

Karen Homolac, OR Economic and Community Development Department; Laura Sneeringer, SRA International

Tribes (Palo Verde II)

Susanna Trujillo, US EPA Region 8

Brownfield Funding Basics (Agave I)

Noemi Emeric, US EPA Region 9; Mary Hashem, Brownfield Partners

12:00 - 1:45 LUNCH (On Your Own)

1:45 - 2:15 Turquoise III

Working With Your Stakeholders OverVIEW

Colleen Morgan, SRA International

This session highlights examples of brownfields outreach and marketing.

2:15 - 3:30

STAKEHOLDER INVOLVEMENT / COMMUNITY OUTREACH BEST PRACTICES DIALOGUES (Interactive small group break-out sessions, divided by community size)

Large/Urban Communities I (Agave II)

Noemi Emeric, US EPA Region 9

Large/Urban Communities 2 (Agave III)

Pamela Galera, City of Orange

Medium Sized Communities (Joshua I)

Marcy Barnett, Sacramento County BERC; Rachel Olfato, SRA International

Small, Rural, Tribal Communities (Mesquite)

Sharon Kophs, WA Dept. of Community, Trade & Economic Development; Laura Sneeringer, SRA International

States (Agave I)

Arcelious Stephens, AZ DEQ; Kelly Schmitt, MT DEQ

3:30 - 3:45 BREAK

3:45 - 4:00 Turquoise III

DOOR PRIZE RAFFLE (Must be present to win)

3:45 - 4:30 Turquoise III

brownfields town hall Q&A session

Colleen Morgan, SRA International, Moderator

Clark Henry, City of Portland

Sharon Kophs, WA Dept. of Community, Trade & Economic Development

Rebecca Russo, US EPA Region 8

Carolyn Douglas, US EPA Region 9

Myra Blakely, US EPA

This Q&A session provides workshop participants the opportunity to ask final questions of EPA and other grantees. Questions will be accepted throughout the workshop and during the session.

4:30 - 5:30 Turquoise III

workshop wrap-up

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