At the StoryTree Children’s Center we provide a safe, warm, happy and supportive environment for your child. We are open year round and have flexible scheduling to try to meet the needs of your family.
StoryTree is licensed by the Department of Early Education and Care and accredited by The National Association for the Education of Young Children.
We follow the Creative Curriculum Developmental Continuum for all children as well as the Department of Education guidelines. The Creative Curriculum addresses the four areas of development-social/emotional, physical, cognitive and language. These are introduced through materials and activities which are both child centered and teacher directed. Activities are planned which emphasize the process rather than the product, fostering a sense of accomplishment and pride.
Based on the theory that children learn through play, classroom routines encourage active involvement, meaningful experimentation and reinforcement through repetition. Schedules are designed to offer opportunities for children to participate in a variety of creative activities, such as art, music, literature, dramatic play and science, encouraging exploration, experimentation and discovery.
Each child develops at his/her own pace. They learn naturally and need encouragement and creative stimulation to fit their interest.
We provide at least 60 minutes of physical activity outside daily, weather permitting.
The StoryTree provides full daycare for males and females between the ages of six weeks to eight years regardless of race, religion, cultural heritage, political beliefs, sexual orientation, disabilities, national origin, or marital status. A child’s toilet training status is not an eligibility requirement for enrollment. We assure that all Department of Early Education and Care rules and regulations are met.
Following a phone inquiry, parents are invited to visit the school to discuss enrollment procedures. Upon arrival they are taken on a brief tour of the classrooms and grounds. The child is given some time to observe their group and is encouraged to participate. Then the parents and the child, if unwilling to be left in the group, are invited to sit down and discuss school policies and ask any questions they may have. The families and child’s needs and interests will be discussed. Educators will request that parents share with them information about other therapeutic, educational ,social and supportive services received by the child to support transitions and coordinate services. If mutually agreed that the child will benefit from our program, they are given the various forms to be completed and a registration fee is accepted as a deposit. For children younger than school age, educators must discuss each child’s developmental history with his or her parents at the time of enrollment. The developmental history must be updated annually and maintained in the children’s record.
Parents are welcome to visit the program unannounced at any time while their child is present; and input from and communication with parents is encouraged.
Tuition is due on the Friday before your scheduled week.
Full Time (over four hours, but less than nine) Part Time (four hours)
Preschool and School Age:
Five days $ 220.00 $ 145.00
Four days $ 190.00 $ 130.00
Three days $ 160.00 $ 115.00
Two days $ 130.00 $ 95.00
One day $ 65.00 $ 45.00
(There will be an extra $15.00 charge for an additional half day)
Toddler (15 months – 2.9 years):
Five days $ 270.00 $155.00
Four days $ 230.00 $145.00
Three days $ 190.00 $135.00
Two days $ 150.00 $120.00
Infant (6 weeks - 15 months):
Five days $290.00
Four days $250.00
Three days $210.00
Two days $170.00
Annual Registration Fee
A non-refundable fee of $ 35.00 must be paid upon registering for enrollment
($60.00 per family).
Late Payments
A cumulative service charge of $ 5.00 per day will be added to the weekly tuition. Failure to meet payment by the following Friday will result in termination of services.
Late Pick – Up
A charge of $ 10.00 per fifteen minutes after hours of operation will be required upon picking up your child.
Hours of Operation
The StoryTree is open Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m., 52 weeks per year. Except in the case of the following holidays which we will be closed:
New Year’s Day Labor Day QRIS Training
Martin Luther King Day Columbus Day
Presidents Day Veterans Day
Patriots Day Thanksgiving Day
Memorial Day Day after Thanksgiving
Independence Day Christmas Day
(If a holiday falls on a Saturday or a Sunday we will observe it on Friday or Monday)
Payment Process: All payments are due on Friday prior to care provided. Cash, checks, or money orders are acceptable. Checks or money orders should be made payable to the Story Tree
Delinquent Payment: Checks returned for insufficient funds will result in a $30.00 charge. If three checks are returned for insufficient funds, all future payments must be made by either cash or money order.
Contracted Days: Your tuition fee is subject to the days you are contracted for upon enrollment, regardless of attendance. Any permanent changes must be made two weeks in advance with the director’s approval.
Late Fees: In the event that a child is left in the care of a staff person after closing, there will be a late pick up fee of $10 per 15 minutes paid at that time to the staff person. If a child is not picked up by 7:00pm and the staff is unable to reach a parent or emergency contact, The Department of Social Services and the local Police Department will be notified.
Vacations: Any absences for the full scheduled week with a two week written notice will be half of your weekly tuition.
Additional Hours: Each additional hour over the allotted 9 hours will be charged at $5 for each hour.
Arrival: Upon arriving to the center each day, you must accompany your child into the center and be sure a staff person has acknowledged his/her arrival.
Pick Up: Children must be picked up by a parent or authorized person by the scheduled departure time. Your child will not be allowed to leave the center with any person whose name does not appear on the Authorization form. A photo I.D. will be required for identification if the authorized person is not recognized by the Director or teacher. Parents are asked to phone the school if your child will be kept home from school for the day. If your child has an illness that may be contagious please inform the center so that we may inform other parents.
Toilet training shall be done with consideration for the child’s readiness and parents input. We will not attempt to begin toilet training until the parent agrees the time is right, so that we are all working together. During this time we will need you to provide at least 2 complete changes of clothing. We do use the proper terminology for body parts. Any soiling of clothing will be bagged and sent home with you that day. We do not have access to do laundry. If extra underwear is needed there will be a $2 charge for each pair.
StoryTree educators will prepare progress reports for each child in the program. Conferences will be offered to discuss the content of the report and a copy will be given to the parent and a copy will be kept in the child’s file. For infants and children with identified special needs the reports will be completed every 3 months. For toddlers and preschoolers, the reports will be prepared at least every 6 months. The reports will be based on observations and documentation of the child’s progress. The report will address the developmental domains of Cognitive, Social/Emotional, Language and Gross motor areas.
Story Tree will use the following procedures for referring parents to appropriate social, mental health, educational, and medical services, including but not limited to dental check-up, vision or hearing screening for their child, should the program staff feel that an assessment for such additional services would benefit the child..
Whenever any staff member or parent/guardian is concerned about a child’s development or behaviors, they should report it to the classroom Lead Teacher who will review this with the director. The Lead will conduct an observation for any additional documentation and support or to suggest alternative strategies for working with the child. A meeting will be set up with the Lead Teacher, Director and parents to discuss information or observations including the reason for recommending a referral for additional services. A brief written summary of observations related to the referral and efforts made to accommodate the needs will be discussed. Documentation will be maintained in the child’s record and copies given to the parents upon request.
The StoryTree will maintain a listing of current referral resource agencies available and will assist the parent/guardian in the referral process. The name and address of the contact person(within the families school district) will be given to the family. If the child is 2 years and 9 months or older the Director will assist the family in giving written notice to the appropriate administrator of special education. If the child is younger than 2 years and 9 months the Director will help the family give written notice to the DPH Early Intervention program.
The Director with parental written permission will contact the service provider who evaluated the child for consultation and assistance in meeting the child’s needs at the center. If it is determined that the child is not in need of services, the parents and staff will review the child’s progress in 3 month intervals to determine if another referral is necessary
Emergency situations will be addressed in the fastest and safest possible way. These situations will be addressed immediately on an as needed basis. The center’s main concern will be the health and safety of the children and staff. During snowstorms the school will remain open provided staff can make it safely to school. Please call to make sure we are open or call and let us know if you will not be coming in.
In case of fire we will call all parents as quickly as possible.
In case of natural disaster we will close.
In the case of loss of power we will call TMLP to check on the situation and the expected time without power. If there is an issue of feeding and heat we will call all parents to pick up children.
If we lose heat and the temperature goes below 65 we will close.
In the case of no water we will call the water department to get an expected time. Backup water jugs will be used until the water is restored.
If there is a need for evacuation of the Story Tree we will walk next door to 7 Poole Street and follow instructions from the Emergency Management Agency. Emergency contacts will be brought with us. The director will check all bathrooms and classrooms before we leave the building and a headcount will be down to make sure all children are accounted for. All emergency information will be taken and parents will be notified as quickly as possible about the emergency situation, the location of their child, and the need to pick up their child. A notice will also be posted on the center’s main door.
The 4 youngest children will be placed in the stroller by the door, the older 5 children will hold the teachers hands and walk next door. The evacuation crib will be used if we have more infants than toddlers
DEEC will be notified of all emergency situations, closings, evacuations, and/or relocation of children as soon as possible.
o The educator must hold practice evacuation drills with all groups of children and all educators from each floor level of the approved space at least monthly. Drills must be held during different times of the program day, and must use alternative exits. The educator must document the date, time, exit route used, number of children evacuated and effectiveness of each drill.
In the event a classroom teacher notices the attendance count is incorrect, and/or a child is missing from the group:
1.The teacher immediately puts CODE YELLOW into effect. All staff are immediately notified.
2. The teacher from the classroom will immediately start looking for the missing child.
3. All other staff will assist in looking for the missing child .
4. As soon as the child is located, the teacher announces CODE CLEAR.
If the child is not located:
1. The director will immediately notify the child’ parents/guardians.
2. After a thorough search of the center/surrounding area, and after determining the child was not picked up by a family member of emergency contact person, the local police will be notified. Pertinent information will be given to the police.
3. The staff involved will fill out an incident report. The authorities will take control of the situation and the Director will notify the appropriate agencies.
Our goal is to provide a safe and enriching environment for all children in our care and to support the individual needs of their families. But because children and families are not all alike in their requirements, there are occasionally children for whom The Story Tree does not provide the ideal situation.