Cell Organelles
Picture of organelle
/Name of Organelle
/ Function of Organelle / PlantAnimal
Both (P&A)
All Cells
Cell Wall
/ Outer layer of some cells; Structural protection and support / Plant/ Cell Membrane / Holds everything together
Controls what goes in and out of the cell / All Cells
/ Cytoplasm
(cell) (fluid) / Holds things in place
Helps to transport stuff throughout the cell (Jellylike) / All Cells
/ Nucleus
Nuclear pores (D)
Nuclear Membrane(C) / Control’s cell functions
Especially Protein Production
Chromosomes (B) and
Nucleolus (A) / Both
/ Nucleolus / Organelle inside the nucleus that makes the ribosomes / Both
/ Chromosome / Carries the genetic information about an organism / All Cells
/ Endoplasmic Reticulum (E.R.)
Endo = In
Plasma = fluid
striped / Rough E.R.- has ribosomes on it for protein synthesis and transport through cell
Smooth E.R. – makes lipids and carbs and transports through cell; no ribosomes
E.R. also helps to detoxify (clean) the cell / Both
/ Ribosome / Makes proteins / All cells
/ Mitochondria / Makes the energy for the cell (ATP) / Both
/ Vacuole / Storage area in cell
Water – plants
Food - animals
Waste - animals / Both
/ Lysosome / Sac of digestive enzymes that break stuff down such as
Food, bacteria, old organelles / Animal
/ Chloroplast / Green is chlorophyll
Changes sun’s energy into food for plants / Plants
/ Golgi body
Or Golgi apparatus / Packages proteins to transport out of the cell
(looks like pancakes stacked up) / Both
/ Cytoskeleton / Maintains the structure of the cell
Larger microtubules and smaller microfilaments
Holds cell membrane up like tent poles hold up a tent. / Both
/ Microtubules / Hollow tubes that help maintain the shape of the cell / Both
/ Cilia
(or pili) / Tiny hairs covering cell for movement / Prokaryotes (Bacteria)
/ Flagella / Whip like tails that are used for movement of cell / Prokaryotes (Bacteria)