ANNUAL REPORT: 2008-2009
May 1, 2008 to April 30, 2009
I. Officers/Committees:
President:Karen ReganChuck Qualls
Vice President: Chuck QuallsGlenn Cantor
Vice President-Elect:Glenn CantorDoug Wolf
Secretary:Sandy EldridgeSandy Eldridge
Treasurer:Sandy EldridgeSandy Eldridge
Councilors:Donna DambachNorm Barlow Norm Barlow Brian Day
Pat HaleyKaren Regan
Past-PresidentPat HaleyKaren Regan
SAC Representative: Daher Ibrahim-AiboChidozie Amuzie
PDA Representative:Lu Wang
2009 SOT Annual Officers’ Meeting was held on 16-MAR-2009 in Baltimore, Maryland
Meeting Minutes: see Attachment I
2009 SOT Annual Meeting Reception was held 17-MAR-2009 in Baltimore, Maryland
Approximately35 people were in attendance.
Student Travel Award:
Lu Wang, University of Mississippi
•Histologic and Immunohistochemical Characterization of CYP1C1 and CYP1A Expression in PAH-Induced Fundulus Hepatic Lesions; L Wang; C Thornton; MW Thornton, A Camus and KL Willett
Roger O. McClellan Student Award:
C.J. Amuzie, MichiganStateUniversity
•SOC3 and IGF-1 are Potential Biomarkers for Deoxynivalenol-Induced Growth Inhibition in the Mouse; CJ Amuzie, J Shinozuka and JJ Pestka
2009 SOT Annual Meeting Courses/Sessions:
- Strategies to Integrate Systems Biology into in vitro Screening in Early Nonclinical Safety Assessment; Workshop; Monday 9:15
- Stress as a Confounding Factor in Toxicology Studies; CE Basic; Sunday 1:15
- Devils Lie in the Details: Practices and Problems in Neuropathology-Significance for Neurotoxicology; Roundtable; Monday 12:10
- Kinase Inhibitors as Targeted Therapeutics in Inflammation and Oncology- Approaches to Predict and Manage Clinical Toxicities; Informational Session; Wednesday 12:00
- The Role of Inflammation During Metabolic Liver Disease and Drug-Induced Liver Toxicity: Novel Insights; Symposium; Wednesday 1:30
- Biomarkers for Assessing the Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome in Toxicology Studies; Workshop; Thursday 9:00
- How Similar is Similar and How Relevant is Relevant? Considerations in the Design of a Predictive Development Program for Biotherapeutics; CE Basic; Sunday 1:15
- Improved Safety Biomarkers for Monitoring Kidney Injury; Workshop; Tuesday 1:30
Attachment I
Minutes of Meeting / Toxicologic and Exploratory Pathology Specialty Section of the Society of ToxicologyDate of Meeting / 16 March 2009 7:30 AM – 9:00 AM
/ SOT Annual MeetingPurpose
/ TEPSS Officers' MeetingPresent / Karen Regan, Chuck Qualls, Donna Dambach, Norman Barlow, Sandy Eldridge
/ Glenn Cantor, Pat HaleyCirculation
/ TEPSS OfficersPrepared by
/ Sandy EldridgeNext Meeting
/ Telecon to be scheduled in April- McClellan student award process reviewed and resolution accepted by all parties.
- TEPSS student award process discussed with ideas to increase number of applicants by utilizing resources available from STP (Career Outreach Committee Joint STP/ACVP Student Newsletter managed by Sarah Tannehill-Gregg at BMS; STP membership announcement coordinated by Sue Pitsch at STP Exec Offices) and ACVP (ACVP-wide email and email targeted to residency programs directors and vet school deans through Wendy Coe); 2nd year councilor (Norman Barlow) will be responsible for McClellan student award while 1st year councilor will handle the TEPSS student award.
- TEPSS poster displayed at student/post-doc mixer; however, unlike previous years, a ticket was required for admittance; one TEPSS officer should purchase a ticket next year to attend.
- The summer SOT officers’ meeting was mentioned with a recommendation that Glen Cantor attend this year.
- Elections: 1st year councilor as Donna Dambach is rotating off; VP-elect; Secretary/Treasurer has one more year.
- Newsletter: Recommendation that instead of a newsletter, we submit material through Sarah Tannehill-Gregg for the ACVP/STP student newsletter.
- Membership: how can we increase membership?? Discrepancies between active and inactive list of members on SOT website.
- Student and post-doc reps: suggestion to consider award winners and applicants.
- Discussed concern that SOT does not support giving ToxPath journal subscription to student award winners although we are promoting membership in
- Acknowledgement plaques: oops, we forgot to order plaques for Karen Regan and Donna Dambach; we agreed to give plaque to outgoing student rep.
- SOT 2010 Proposals: solicit ideas during TEPSS business luncheon.
- TEPSS and CVSS merger: TEPSS agreed last year that we did not want to pursue this; the two groups have a different focus.
Action Items:
- TEPSS Officers: review TEPSS poster for revisions.
- Donna Dambach: check with SOT how the membership list is updated.
- Karen Regan: identify responsibilities of student and pos-doc reps; find out how much money is paid by SOT to student/post-doc reps to support travel to annual meeting.
- Donna Dambach: request that SOT reconsider to allow subscription to ToxPath journal for our student awardees; email Sue Pitsch.
- Sandy Eldridge: plaque for Daher Ibrahim-Aibo; confirm with TEPSS Officers.
- TEPSS Officers: conduct a survey of members to identify how many TEPSS members attend SOT, how many of those come to the luncheon, how many are also members of STP/ACVP, what is the priority for meeting attendance.
- Sandy Eldridge: confirm the exact source of revenue for TEPSS.