Solutions Intermediate Unit 1. “Caught on camera”

SB p 4, 127

1.  pattern (n) – adesignmade fromrepeatedlines,shapes, orcolourson asurface

2.  checked (adj) – having a pattern of small squares

3.  flowery (adj) –covered with flowers or having a floral design

4.  plain (adj) – not decorated, without a pattern, in only one color

5.  spotty (adj) – marked with spots

6.  stripy (adj) – marked by or with stripes

7.  baggy (adj) – (of clothing) loose and hanging in folds

8.  loose (adj) – not fitting tightly or closely

9.  texture (n) - thequalityof something that can bedecidedbytouch

10.  shape (n) – theparticularphysicalformorappearanceof something

11.  tight (adj) – close-fitting, especially uncomfortably

12.  fluffy (adj) – very soft

13.  furry (adj) – covered with fur

14.  lacy (adj) – made of, resembling, or trimmed with lace

15.  shiny (adj) – shining , bright

16.  smooth (adj) – silky to the touch

17.  sparkly (adj) – clear and bright and shines with a lot of very small points of light

18.  woolly (adj) – made of wool

19.  cotton (n) –the soft white downy fibre used to manufacture textiles

20.  fur (n) – the thick and usually soft hair that grows on the bodies of many mammals

21.  leather (n, adj) – treated animal skin which is used for making shoes, clothes, bags, and furniture

22.  nylon (n) – anartificial clothusedespeciallyto makeclothes,ropes, and brushes

23.  velvet (n) – aclothusually made fromsilkorcottonwith athick,softsurface

24.  wool (n) – thickthreadormaterialthat is made from animal’s hair

25.  full-length (adj) – this kind of clothing reaches the floor

26.  high-heeled (adj) – women’s shoesin which theheelsareraisedhigh off theground

27.  long-sleeved (adj) – having long sleeves

28.  short-sleeved (adj) – having short sleeves

29.  matching (adj) –used to describe things which are of the same colour or design

30.  trousersuit (n) – a matchingjacketandpairoftrousersthat iswornby women on formaloccasions

31.  gaudy (adj) – unpleasantly bright in color or decoration

32.  scruffy (adj) – shabby and dirty and untidy

33.  stylish (adj) – elegant, smart, fashionable

34.  trendy (adj) – very fashionable or up to date

35.  beanie (n) – a small, close-fitting hat made of wool

36.  combat trousers (n pl) – large, loose trousers with lots of pockets

37.  fleece (n) – a jacket or other garment made from a fleece fabric

38.  hoody (n) – asweatshirtthat has ahoodto coverthehead

39.  kagoul (n) – a lightjacketwith ahoodthatprotectsyou against windandrain

40.  leggings (n pl) – tight-fitting stretch trousers worn by women and children

41.  miniskirt(n) – a very short skirt

42.  platforms (n pl) – shoeswithextremelythicksolesthatraisethefeetfrom theground more thanusual

43.  polo shirt (n) –a casual short-sleeved cotton shirt with a collar and several buttons at the neck

44.  roll-neck (n) – a sweater with a high neck that can be rolled over

45.  v-neck (n) –a sweater with a neck that is in the shape of the letter V

46.  drawstring (n) – a string in a piece of clothing or a bag, which can be pulled to tighten or fasten it

47.  cuff (n) – thethickermaterialat the end of asleeveclosestto thehand

48.  buckle (n) –a piece of metal or plastic on a shoe attached to one end of a belt or strap

49.  laces (n pl) – astringthat you use tofastenopenings,especiallyin shoes, by putting it through two lines of small holes andtyingthe endstogether

50.  turn-ups (n pl) –the end of a trouser leg folded upwards on the outside

51.  collar (n) –the part of a shirt, blouse, jacket or coat which fits round the neck and is usually folded over

52.  strap (n) – a strip of leather, cloth, or other flexible material, used to fasten, secure, or carry something

53.  button (n) – a small, usuallycircularobjectused tofastensomething, for exampleashirtorcoat

54.  zip (n) –a device used to open and close parts of clothes and bags

55.  broad-shouldered (adj) – having large shoulders

56.  tight-fitting (adj) – fitting close to and showing the contours of the body

57.  sun-tanned (adj) – having pleasantlybrownskincausedby being inhotsun

58.  dark-skinned (adj) – having dark skin

59.  long-legged (adj) – having long legs

SB p 6

60.  CCTV (Closed-Circuit Television) – a systemthatsends televisionsignalsto alimitednumberofscreens, and is often used in shopsandpublicplacestopreventcrime

61.  cashpoint machine (n) – a machine from which the customers of banks can obtain cash

62.  satellite (n) – adevicesentup intospacetotravelaround theearth, used for collecting information or communicatingbyradio,television

63.  surveillance (n) – close observation, especially of a suspected spy or criminal

64.  ‘cookie’ (n) – apieceofinformationstoredonyourcomputerabout internet documentsthat you havelookedat

65.  citizen (n) – apersonwho is amemberof aparticularcountry

66.  be in favor of – tosupportorapproveof something

67.  be against – to disagree with a plan or activity

68.  guilty (adj) – responsible for breaking a law

69.  police state (n)– acountryin which thegovernmentuses thepolicetoseverelylimit people'sfreedom

70.  deter (v) – to discourage or prevent from doing sth

71.  privacy (n) - someone'srighttokeeptheirpersonalmattersandrelationships secret

SB p.7, 110

72.  expect (+inf) – to think or believe that sb/sth will come or sth will happen

73.  avoid (+ger) – to prevent sth bad from happening

74.  manage (+inf) – to succeed in doing or dealing with sth difficult; to be able to do sth

75.  imagine (+ger) – to form a picture or idea in your mind of what sb/sth might be like

76.  can’t face (+ger) – not to wantto do ordealwith somethingunpleasant

77.  end up (+ger) – tofinallybe in aparticularplaceorsituation

78.  pretend (+inf) – to behave in a particular way in order to make people believe sth that is not true

79.  promise (+inf) – to tellsomeone that you willcertainlydo something

80.  refuse (+inf) – to say that you won’t do or accept sth

81.  seem (+inf) – to give theeffectof being; to bejudgedto be

82.  can’t help (+ger) – not be able to stop or avoid doing sth

83.  feel like (+ger) – to want to have or do sth

84.  insist on (+ger) – to keepdoing something,evenif itannoysotherpeople, or peoplethinkit is not good for you

85.  keep (+ger) – to continuedoing something without stopping, or to do itrepeatedly

86.  suggest (+ger) – to mention a plan or an idea that you have for sb to discuss or consider

SB p. 8, 127

87.  colour-blind – unabletoseethedifferencebetweenparticularcolours,especiallygreenandred

88.  correspond to – to matchor besimilarorequal

89.  irreversible (adj) –not able to be undone or altered

90.  device – an objectormachinethat has beeninventedfor aparticular purpose

91.  sophisticated – intelligent or made in acomplicatedway andthereforeableto do complicatedtasks

92.  attach – to fasten,join, orconnectsomething

93.  wireless – using asystemofradiosignalsratherthanwirestoconnectcomputers,mobilephones, etc. to each other

94.  headset – a set ofheadphones,especiallyone with amicrophoneattachedto it

95.  get used to – tobecomefamiliarwith something or someone

96.  dissatisfied – not pleasedwith something;feelingthat something is not as good as it should be

97.irresponsible – not thinkingenough or notworryingabout thepossibleresultsof what you do

98.inseparable (adj) – that cannot be separated from sb/sth

99.illiterate – not able to read or write

100.disobedient – refusingto do what someone inauthoritytellsyou to do

101.irrational – based on emotions not on good reasons

102.disorganized – not plannedororganizedwell; not good atplanningororganizingthings

103.illegible (adj) –not clear enough to be read

SB p. 10

104.suppose – to thinkthat something islikelyto betrue