A Bylaw to License, Regulate and Control the Taxi Industry


The purpose of this Bylaw is to replace the existing Taxi Bylaw No. 11093. Direction from City Council, the Auditor General and the Edmonton Taxi Cab Commission have been incorporated into this Bylaw.


Bylaw No. 12020 is ready for Three (3) Readings.

This Bylaw is authorized under the Municipal Government Act and requires a simple majority to pass.

If Council wishes to give this Bylaw three readings during a single meeting, then prior to moving Third Reading, Council must unanimously agree “That Bylaw No. 12020 be considered for Third Reading”.

Advertising and Signing

Advertising is not required.

Position of Department

Edmonton Police Service supports the implementation of Bylaw No. 12020.

Report Summary

  • A taxi license plate limitation system is maintained in this Bylaw with flexibility to add taxi licenses into the system once per year, based upon results of a demand analysis.
  • Taxi licenses are now transferable under specified terms of this new Bylaw. Proof of involvement in the taxi industry in Edmonton will qualify individuals and corporations to become an “eligible transferee” of a taxi license. Anyone may qualify to become a taxi license owner after working a specified number of weeks in a calendar year, commencing after the approval of this Bylaw.
  • A strong driver training component is proposed for new applicants. English competency will be tested by an independent assessor. Additionally, an Experienced Driver Training seminar will be taken every 5 years.
  • The Edmonton Taxi Cab Commission will address two options for the Schedule of Fees and two options for the Fine Amounts at their April 21, 1999 meeting. The results of their deliberation will be verbally presented at the April 26, 1999 Community Services Committee meeting.

Previous Council/Committee Action on this Issue

  • At the March 24, 1999 Community Services Committee meeting Bylaw 12020 and the “Restructuring the Edmonton Taxi Cab Commission” report were referred back to the Administration to review the schedule of fees and fines and report back to the April 26, 1999 Community Services Committee meeting.

Budget / Financial Implications

  • It is intended that the costs of licensing, regulating and controlling the taxi industry in Edmonton will be fully covered by the license fees charged within the taxi industry.
  • Some unique costs will be recovered over a three year period in order to not overburden taxi drivers and taxi license holders in a one year period.
  • A detailed budget is included as an attachment to the Restructuring the Edmonton Taxi Cab Commission report.

Justification of Recommendation

  • Bylaw No. 12020 addresses the key regulatory elements identified in the 1998 report from the Auditor General dealing with restructuring of the Edmonton Taxi Cab Commission.
  • Direct consultation with the Taxi Cab Commission has helped to reduce the time frame for development of this proposed Bylaw. The Commission has played an integral role in this Bylaw development.
  • A primary result of this involvement has been the reduction of new staff members to implement the new regulatory measures.

Background Information Attached

  1. Bylaw No. 12020

Background Information Available on Request

  1. Restructuring the Edmonton Taxi Cab Commission Report

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