Minutes of Annual General Meeting Held on Saturday July 5, 2008

Port Sydney Community Hall, Port Sydney

  1. Welcome
  • Ryan Kidd welcomed everyone to the Annual General Meeting
  1. Approved of Minutes
  • Moved by John Hogg
  • Second – Les Gilbert
  • Carried
  1. Financial Report
  • Harold Balderson
  • Financial report on file, moved by Harold Balderson
  • Second – Paul Johnson
  • Carried
  1. Introductions
  • Ryan introduced the different officials at our meeting.
  • Trevor Griffin – MNR
  • Maggie Braun – Region
  • Claude Doughty – Mayor
  • Chris Zanetti – Councillor
  • Bill Beatty – Councillor

These different people spoke in our meeting for a few minutes each, on some of the different issues including the power at the dam, water levels, new property assessment on sewer and water, etc. Paul Johnson proposed that a resolution be passed by council to address keeping the dam and flowway aesthetically pleasing to protect it. Ryan reviewed some water and sewage issues. Ryan went over the web links on the back of the Agenda so that members could follow up the items that are ongoing.

  1. a) Power of the Dam – Ryan talked about the aesthetic and safety issues.

Trevor Griffin MNR spoke to this issue – MNR is not the proponent pushing this issue forward.

b) Buoys and Liaison with H.L.C. – Mike gave a report on the Buoys and on what the HLC is doing in its mandate to assist the Lakes in the Huntsville area.

c) Water Levels – Ryan spoke about water levels for a few minutes and then introduced Trevor Griffin from the MNR and Paul Johnson of the MLA to speak to us about what is happening with the water levels in the Muskoka River Watershed and Mary Lake in particular. Trevor talked about the Muskoka River Water Management Plan and how it affects us. There were a number of questions asked about this issue.

Ryan asked for a show of hands on how many people have issues with ice damage, erosion damage, etc. About 20 people raised their hands.

Paul Johnson talked about the historic water levels and the new MNR’s Muskoka River Water Management Plan. Paul also talked about the French Report and why we commissioned this report. This report is available on MLA’s web site. He gave a summary of the report and the conclusions of the report. There were a number of questions and discussion on the water levels.

d) New property assessment – Ryan gave a report on the assessment and WRAFT and CAPTR petition.

e) Lake Plan – Ryan asked Paul Johnson and Rick Wardell to talk to us about our “Lake Plan” and they reported on the changes make to the document by the Town’s Planner. (Terry Sararas)

Motions – we request the town to pursue to approval.

  • Moved by Rick Wardell the new Site Plan control policy that applies to the MLA Ridgeline area.
  • 2nd – Jane – carried
  • To approve the changes to the report by Rick Wardell as requested by the town.
  • 2nd – Mike Greenfield – carried

f) Jane Earthy introduced Maggie Braun and she gave us a report on Water Quality of the lake and on Terrestrial Monitoring and Benthic Monitoring. Jane also talked about the “Doc Talk” coming up.

g) Ryan gave a report on the HWY 11 improvement.

  1. Ryan presented the following list of the proposed directors for the MLA. Ryan moved that nominations be closed.
  • 2nd – Bob Hawks – carried

Ryan Kidd Harold Balderson

Jane Earthy Mike Greenfield

David Scott Elizabeth Hughes

Charles Forret Sandy Inkster

Dan Kerr Paul Johnson

Tom Laurie

Kim Scott

  1. Jane Earthy gave out some environmentally friendly products.
  1. Closing remarks by Ryan – look at the Web Site to see some new links. Ryan introduced a motion about putting ads in the news letter – show of hands – carried.

Paul Johnson was thanked by a round of applause for all his work done on the lake levels.

Ryan moved that we adjourn.