ASPRS Defense & Intelligence Subcommittee Meeting Minutes
March 20, 2012 (Sacramento, CA)
Submitted by Tim Hale
- Introductions and sign-in sheet distributed.
- Announcement about the “GEOINT Science Journal”.
- Published for the classified arena.
- Call for papers and peer reviewers.
- The Photogrammetric Applications Division (PAD) met prior to our meeting. They discussed “3D reconstruction of photos” as a possible focus area. This could be photos from handheld cameras, motion video, full motion video, etc.
- Discussion followed that standards, accuracy, and content is where emphasis should be put forth.
- Discussed possibility of inaccurate data and tracking “when” photos were taken.
- Photos could be dumped into a central repository and correlated against other sources.
- Discussion swung back to accuracy again.
- Brief discussion on training the users, as well as photographers.
- Are there any related DARPA/IARPA programs?
- Committee agrees this is something we could pursue via studies, papers, tech talks, presentations, round tables, etc.
- The D&I should consider hosting special session at Baltimore next year.
- Abstracts/Presentations call should be issued.
- Let Todd Johanesen (co-chair for the D&I subcommittee) know if you are interested.
- A final discussion ensued that we should try to keep this unclassified in order to encourage academia, small companies, etc. to participate.
- How do we interact with other ASPRS committees, other organizations, and new, potential ASPRS members.
- Cross-seed by attending other ASPRS committee meetings and participating in their discussions.
- Consider USGIF representation/partnership.
- Engagement within the GWG standards working group (just show up).
- ASPRS representation would be a great fit.
- There is usually a dial-in option for GWG meetings.
- Push for continued sharing/partnering with the computer vision and optics engineering sector (IEEE, SPIE, etc.).
- Encourage them to come present their material at ASPRS events.
- Special PE&RS issue.
- Discussion on publishing a special Defense & Intelligence related issue.
- ASPRS would like to see it.
- Everyone understands it is a lot of work (articles, reviews, editing, etc.).
- Should guard against it becoming a NGA special issue.
- Need articles/participation from other agencies and industry.
- It should be representative of our Defense & Intelligence profession.
- Need volunteers.
- Let Todd Johanesen (co-chair for the D&I subcommittee) know if you are interested.
- Notice about the NGA Pathfinder article.
- It’s been on hold until Dave Kreighbaum returns from deployment.
- Push to all meeting attendees to attend the 5 sessions on error assessment at the conference this week.
- Notification that our subcommittee is allowed to host ASPRS webinars.
- ASPRS has the tools to set it up.
- Use it to share research and status of various Defense & Intelligence topics.
- An appeal was made for us to interact with the Student/Young Professionals ASPRS group.
- There is a tour of the exhibit hall that takes students around the conference – good to embed a Defense & Intelligence rep.
- They do have a couple links on the ASPRS website area.
- Advisory Committee for the D&I subcommittee.
- Rob Thomas is now assistant director for the PAD division and might not be able to participate as much on the D&I advisory committee.
- We could use another volunteer to help on the advisory committee – usually involves a couple of teleconferences during the year to guide the D&I subcommittee towards its mission and goals.
- End of meeting.