ASPRS Defense & Intelligence Subcommittee Meeting Minutes

March 20, 2012 (Sacramento, CA)

Submitted by Tim Hale

  1. Introductions and sign-in sheet distributed.
  2. Announcement about the “GEOINT Science Journal”.
  3. Published for the classified arena.
  4. Call for papers and peer reviewers.
  5. The Photogrammetric Applications Division (PAD) met prior to our meeting. They discussed “3D reconstruction of photos” as a possible focus area. This could be photos from handheld cameras, motion video, full motion video, etc.
  6. Discussion followed that standards, accuracy, and content is where emphasis should be put forth.
  7. Discussed possibility of inaccurate data and tracking “when” photos were taken.
  8. Photos could be dumped into a central repository and correlated against other sources.
  9. Discussion swung back to accuracy again.
  10. Brief discussion on training the users, as well as photographers.
  11. Are there any related DARPA/IARPA programs?
  12. Committee agrees this is something we could pursue via studies, papers, tech talks, presentations, round tables, etc.
  13. The D&I should consider hosting special session at Baltimore next year.
  14. Abstracts/Presentations call should be issued.
  15. Let Todd Johanesen (co-chair for the D&I subcommittee) know if you are interested.
  16. A final discussion ensued that we should try to keep this unclassified in order to encourage academia, small companies, etc. to participate.
  17. How do we interact with other ASPRS committees, other organizations, and new, potential ASPRS members.
  18. Cross-seed by attending other ASPRS committee meetings and participating in their discussions.
  19. Consider USGIF representation/partnership.
  20. Engagement within the GWG standards working group (just show up).
  21. ASPRS representation would be a great fit.
  22. There is usually a dial-in option for GWG meetings.
  23. Push for continued sharing/partnering with the computer vision and optics engineering sector (IEEE, SPIE, etc.).
  24. Encourage them to come present their material at ASPRS events.
  25. Special PE&RS issue.
  26. Discussion on publishing a special Defense & Intelligence related issue.
  27. ASPRS would like to see it.
  28. Everyone understands it is a lot of work (articles, reviews, editing, etc.).
  29. Should guard against it becoming a NGA special issue.
  30. Need articles/participation from other agencies and industry.
  31. It should be representative of our Defense & Intelligence profession.
  32. Need volunteers.
  33. Let Todd Johanesen (co-chair for the D&I subcommittee) know if you are interested.
  34. Notice about the NGA Pathfinder article.
  35. It’s been on hold until Dave Kreighbaum returns from deployment.
  36. Push to all meeting attendees to attend the 5 sessions on error assessment at the conference this week.
  37. Notification that our subcommittee is allowed to host ASPRS webinars.
  38. ASPRS has the tools to set it up.
  39. Use it to share research and status of various Defense & Intelligence topics.
  40. An appeal was made for us to interact with the Student/Young Professionals ASPRS group.
  41. There is a tour of the exhibit hall that takes students around the conference – good to embed a Defense & Intelligence rep.
  42. They do have a couple links on the ASPRS website area.
  43. Advisory Committee for the D&I subcommittee.
  44. Rob Thomas is now assistant director for the PAD division and might not be able to participate as much on the D&I advisory committee.
  45. We could use another volunteer to help on the advisory committee – usually involves a couple of teleconferences during the year to guide the D&I subcommittee towards its mission and goals.
  46. End of meeting.