Date of visit / Click here to enter text.
Student name
Student number
Student university email
Student work email
Student mobile number
Degree programme
Placement tutor
Placement visitor / Click here to enter text.
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Company & Address
Supervisor/Manager name
Supervisor email
Supervisor phone
Student Department/Job Title
Start & finish date / Click here to enter text.
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The purpose of the visit is to assess whether the student is having a valuable placementexperience, with good quality work/projects that contribute to the company and the student’sdevelopment. Do they have adequate support from their supervisor and are they happy? We alsowant to build relationships with the companies for future placements, graduate jobs, employability skills support and projects.
Please write notes in any boxes provided and expand as necessaryORyou can use the shaded comment boxes at the end of each section.
Names & contact details of additional persons met during the visit:
Any additional observations on the company, environment and culture or nature of the student’s activities.
Please ensure that you have a copy of the student’s POLO1 form(and Reports) prior to your visit
1. Work
How is the placement progressing?
Outline any training that the student has undertaken and any future opportunities:
What does the student feel they are learning from the placement, including the skills and knowledge they have gained:
Comment on the quantity (workload), quality (interesting – good development opportunities) and suitabilityof the placement work (relating to personal development/ambitions) and any improvements that are suggested:
Detail any problems the student has faced, the reasons for these problems and what has been done to overcome them:
How has the student’s programme of study prepared them for this job?
How is the student making a real contribution to the team
Noteson above:
2. POLO objectives, appraisal(and reports Faculty of Engineering only)
Discuss and evaluate the student’s Personal Objectives & Learning Outcomes (POLO). Comment on the progress being made towards achieving the learning outcomes below.
How is the student’s progress being monitored by the employer – are they getting feedback, is there a company appraisal / personal development plan (PDP) in place which is useful?
Faculty of Engineering Reports – an opportunity to giveverbal feedback on content and style of interim reports
How will the placement develop in the remaining time?
Notes on above:
3. Practical/Pastoral
Any problems with pay, conditions, integration and development, health/safety
Comments on social opportunities within the placement and interaction with colleagues:
What are the student’s accommodation arrangements and do they keep in contact with course mates from Bath. Do they feel connected to friends and the university?
Notes on above:
4. Future
Has the student thought about whether any aspects of the placement could be developed into afinal year project? (or EIP Faculty of Engineering)
How will the placement inform their selection of final year options or their career plans?
Notes on above:
5. Student’s competencies(for future references)
How has the degree helped prepare the student for this placement (technical knowledge/skills):
Employer/supervisor comments on the placement including students integration and development:
Knowledge/understanding of the job:
Ability to work with others:
Time management:
Enthusiasm/willingness to learn:
Strengths and Abilities:
Areas of development:
Please detail any problems identified and action recommended for the student:
6. Collaboration with the University of Bath
Is the company interested in taking more placement students in the future?
Could there be opportunities for further placements in other areas?
Would the company be interested in:
- Giving guest lectures to undergraduates
- Assisting with mock interviews
- Providing workshops on report writing, making applications etc.
- Projects & research
7. Summary of Visit
Students overall perception of placement
Feedback given to student
Feedback given to supervisor
Overall Comments on placement:
Faculty of (complete as appropriate)
University of Bath, Bath, BA2 7AY
Email: (complete as appropriate)
Tel: (complete as appropriate)
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