CGI Mini-Foundations Date and Time Strands of Mathematical Proficiency

Date/Time / Procedure / Materials /
¾ / Outcome(s):
Participants will develop a common definition for CGI.
Participants will articulate the characteristics of a CGI Classroom.
Participants will explore the idea of understanding student thinking.
Participants will experience solving mathematics problems by using what they know and the information in the problem.
Participants will understand the role of the math teacher leader
¾ / Outcome: Introduction and Expectations
1.  Two truths and one lie and class norms. This can be done in pairs or small groups or large group depending on your numbers.
2.  Overview / Materials:
1.  Agenda
20 min.
80 min. / Outcome: Create common CGI definition and characteristics
1.  What is CGI? View introductory video tape. Based on what we saw, develop a common definition for CGI. It is important that we all agree on a common definition.
2.  Is and is not chart
3.  Discuss ideas for a definition
4.  What are the characteristics of a CGI classroom? Review video clips of classrooms and based on what we saw, generate a list of classroom characteristics of a CGI classroom. (Video V -3 segments 0:00-36:09)
Questions to think about:
What kind of problems did the teacher ask children to solve?
What did the teacher learn about the children as they reported their solution strategies?
What questions did the teacher ask to elicit children’s solution strategies?
How did the teacher ensure that all children were solving appropriate problems?
Brainstorm characteristics of a CGI classroom on chart paper.
Handout CGI Definition / Materials:
1.  Introductory Video I
2.  Children’s Mathematics Book – as a reference
3.  Videotape V
4.  Video V Reflection sheet
5.  Chart Paper
6.  Markers
7.  Post-its
8.  Math Specialists definition and Is and Is Not document.
40 min. / Outcome: Understanding of Teacher Leader Role
1. Teacher leaders are being asked to model a CGI classroom this year so it is very important that they have this vision of what we want them to be looking for as other shadow. When we show the last video clip on tape VII (0:00-21:20) be sure to talk about how this is a first year CGI teacher. Focus questions:
·  How did student differ in their approach to solve the problems?
·  How does context add to student understanding?
·  Identify examples of effective teaching interventions in the lesson. / Materials:
1.  Videotape VII
2.  Reflection sheet
30 min. / Outcome: Experience problem-solving and explaining strategies.
1. Math task-Spending Money at the Game (Solving a non-standard problem.) Use whatever strategy makes sense to you. Be able to explain your mathematical thinking.
Get answers on the table.
Share our mathematical thinking and strategies with the group.
Focus on questioning – model what it would look like in the classroom / Materials:
1.  Spending Money at the Game Problem
2.  Chart paper
3.  Markers
4.  Questioning handout
10 min. / Conclusion:
·  3-2-1 Reflection (3 new ideas or aha’s they had; 2 questions/concerns they have; one thing they would feel comfortable trying in their classroom.)
·  Hand out Never Say Anything a Kid would Say article to be read and discussed in their buildings. / Materials:
1.  Reflection handout
2.  Never Say Anything a Kid would Say article

SDC CGI Training 1