September Newsletter


Raleigh, NC 919-561-6492
Rich Toomas -Organizer

Dear Brothers,
This newsletter was created to keep you informed of events happening with our group Embrace. Please use it as a guide to keep informed as we have a lot of exciting events coming up in the very near future. There include a beach trip, Boone trip, Zoo trip, and several stage plays.

Dear Brothers:

I hope everyone is having a great week. I just thought I would bring you abreast of things going on with Embrace. I first want to welcome all our new members James Ehmann, Brian Bishop, Nicholas Johnson, Andrus, Blake Tyner, and David Cuin. I also want to thank all other members for their input and for joining. Ware celebrating our two month anniversary and I’m very excited and pleased at what we have accomplished so far, Recently we had a yard sale for Embrace, and raised $101 dollars for our Men’s Retreat, that will be taking place in Boone, NC. We will be holding another pretty soon, and asking members to provide donations, to help raise more money for our Men’s Retreat. We will also be doing a Kristy Kremer Fundraiser for the Mens’ Retreat. Speaking of the Men’s Retreat, we are looking for members who would like to participate in the formation of a committee that would be in charge this event. If you are interested, please let me know. Finally, we’re conducting a can food drive, to help homeless families in the community. Please donate your canned food as we want to be a group, that’s not only very active, but giving back to the community.

More News

Men’s Retreat

We are organizing now for the Men’s’ Retreat this fall. This retreat is all about relaxation, fellowship, and understanding. We are planning on having several speakers who will address Men’s issues such as relationships, sexuality, struggles, fetishes and more. We also want to add a recreation aspect of this retreat. If any members would like to speak about specific topics, or to lead recreation throughout the weekend, please let me know, as I can pen you in for whatever you would like to do. Also, if there are cooks out there, we would gladly welcome your skills, to this weekend long event.

Financial Corner-

As Organizer, I want to be transparent about the money made for Embrace, so you know that the money for dues and fundraising is going. So here are a list of the finances so far:

Yard Sale August 23, 2014------$101.00

Dues and ticket sales to 9/5/2014 ----$120.00

Grand Total: $221.00

We are asking all members to pay $5 each month, to pay for supplies and food for events. Please pay only if you can as we don’t want to burden anyone's finances.

A more detailed report can be obtained by emailing the Assistant Organizer Valera Senic.

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