Student’s Name:______Due date:


4 pts / 3 pts / 2pts / 1pt / 0pt
Quotations / The two quotations used from the Progressive Era are copied word for word, in quotation marks the authors name. / Two quotations are used from the text but they have spelling errors in them or do not have quotation marks or the authors name / One or more quotations are used, has spelling error, and/or does not have quotation marks or authors name; / One quotation is used, has spelling errors, and/or does not have quotation marks or authors name. / No quotations
Illustrations / Illustration was created with effort (not hurried); large enough to see; does a good job illustrating the Progressive Era, more than determined number of illustrations completed. / Illustration was created with “some” effort; picture illustrates quotations, minimum number of illustrations completed. / Illustration was created with “some” effort; picture does not necessarily illustrate quotation. Less than minimum number of illustrations completed. / Illustration was created hastily; does not clearly illustrate the quotation. Less than minimum number of illustrations completed. / No illustration
Personal Response
X2 / Response indicates a thorough understanding of the Progressive Era with more than 3 examples for evidence. Response is written in social studies paragraph structure. / Response indicates an understanding of the Progressive Era with 3 examples for evidence, written in social studies paragraph structure. / Response indicates a partial understanding of the Progressive Era; information may be too general or simplistic / Response indicates a very limited understanding of the Progressive Era; response may exhibit some flaws / Response is inaccurate, confused, and/or irrelevant
Appearance / The project was neat, clear, and shows a lot of brainstorming and effort went into it / The project is not as neat as it could be, but the information is organized / The project lacks neatness and looks like little effort was put into it; the information isn’t organized well. / The project is sloppy and disorganized; it looks like it was done on the “bus” / The project is extremely sloppy and disorganized or large sections are missing

Progressive 1 Pager

EQ: During the early 1900s, how did the Progressive reformers try to correct societal problems produced during the Industrial Revolution?


The Progressive Era in the United States was a time of problem solving. Society focused on addressing the problems of the Gilded Age. Socially, politically, geographically, and economically, the United States was experiencing growing pains. As the country matured into a world power it attempted to fix its challenges.

Create a one pager that sums up the major reforms of the Progressive Era. In your opinion, which ones made the most difference in changing America. Your 1 pager is a work of social studies art. It is your expression of understanding.


1.  Identify the five most important reforms that were taking place in the Progressive Era. Use pictures and labels to represent your thoughts about the most important people, programs, legislations, or events.

2.  Include two key quotes from important individuals, books, or laws from the Era.

3.  Write a summary social studies short answer that gives your opinion of the Progressive Era that answers the EQ. Be sure to include a strong claim, supporting evidence and analysis, and a conclusion that summarizes your points with insight.

Create a product that is very well made. Use time and effort to create something that you and your class can be proud of. Is your work worth display?