Comparative Anatomy
Comparative Anatomy
Comparative anatomyis the study of similarities and differences of different species, including both living organisms and fossils.
Furthermore, it indicates that various organisms share a common ancestor.
Hence, is another important and compelling piece of evidence further proving evolution.
Homologous Structures
Homologous structures are parts of the body that are similar in structure to other species.To put it simply, the same structure, different function. This can be exemplified in the following diagram of the limbs of whales, bats, cats and humans and there major similarities
Analogous Structures
Analogous structures are part of an organisms anatomy that have the same bodily function, however have originated and developed differently. Simply, structures that have different origins. This can be proven by studying the wings of both birds and bees. The Bee's wings have no bones, whereas the bids do, however the function the same.
Vestigial Structures
Vestigial structures are parts of the anatomy that no longer have a purpose in the current form of an organism.To put it simply, a structure that has lost its ancestral function. This can be presented by the human appendix, as its previous function was to help in the digestion of grass, but know is of no use to the modern human anatomy.Presented below are some further human vestigial structures.
Divergent Evolution
The process of tracing back two or more species to their common ancestor that indicate how they have diversified and diverged. Simply, different species that can be linked to a common ancestor. This can be seen in the simple diagram to the right. Furthermore, an example of this is the study of Darwin's Finches. These varied birds have a common ancestor, however the adapted and diverged differently according to their environment, hence evolving into vastly different species.
Convergent Evolution
Convergent evolution is the process whereby organisms, who do not share a common ancestor, independently evolve similar traits as a result of having to adapt to similar environments. To simplify, when different species evolve to have similar traits as each other. This is proven by the dugongs and dolphins which have similar functions, despite dugongs evolving from the line of elephants and dolphins from wolf like animals.