Welcome to week 4 of Term 2! Please remember to return your Melbourne Zoo permission form if you have not already done so.Money can be sent with the note or you can pay at the office. If anyone has any Australian animal books we would love to see them.

As we are now nearly half way through the school year, we are encouraging the Preps to be independent and to bring in and unpack their own school bags. To avoid congestion in the classroom, teachers would appreciate parents saying goodbye to their child at line up.

We are concerned about the number of students coming in late to school. Please ensure your child is on time so that they don’t miss important instructions to prepare for the day.

If you are helping with reading groups or PMP please remember to sign in at the office. 

Our learning

This week Preps are learning:

Smart Words
Patterns, memory & discrimination
Writing names / Mathematics
Smart Numbers
Counting, first, last, before, after, between, shortest, tallest

Stars of the week

Prep A – Zoe Muscat / For always being such a caring friend.
Prep B – Remi Beattie / For huge improvements in smart words.
Prep C – Emilie Kao / For putting her best effort into all her writing and drawing.
Prep D – Jesse Duffield / For being so happy and helpful in the classroom.

‘Working in Your Element’

Each term every teacher chooses an activity or topic they are passionate about to share with some students. Eg. A sport, a craft, gardening, music or a language. Students from grades Prep-6 choose three they would like to try and are guaranteed one of their 3 preferences. It is a great opportunity for students to socialise with others from around the school, meet new teachers and become involved in something new!

This begins in week 4 and we would love some parent helpers. It runs every Friday afternoon for 5-6 weeks. If you have something you are passionate about that you think the students would like to get involved in please let your classroom teacher know.


If possible, can girls please wear socks rather than tights on a Friday as it’s quite awkward getting them on and off. PMP activities require bare feet for safety. PE uniform would be ideal.


This year we have our fantastic Stir Crazy Kids Canteen opening every day. Please send your child’s order on the day in their home communication folder. Menus and price lists are on the school website or available from the canteen. Check on the website for more information. Children may buy or order snacks for playtime as well. Parents can purchase coffee before and after school.


During this term the Preps will be beginning Information Technology sessions once a week with Ms Buckleigh.

Show and tell

In Prep we enjoy giving each student the chance to get up and show and discuss something that is special to them. It gives them great confidence and encourages good listening skills. The students are allowed to bring one item each week on their designated day. Please let your classroom teacher know if it is something precious that might need taking care of.

Communication Folders

Please remember to check your child’s folder, take out any noticesand sign their diary every day.

Science fact of the week

Cows like to graze on grass. Unfortunately, bolts, nails and bits of barbed wire end up in the grass. The cows eat these by mistake. Some cows have even died when trying to pass them through their digestive system. To solve the problem, farmers can feed calves magnets! The magnets stay in the cow’s stomachs their whole life and hold onto the metal. This means the metal doesn’t go through their digestive systems.


Sometime things don’t go to plan despite all good intentions of being ‘proactive’. We can choose to just react to every situation and never learn from it and make the same mistake over again or could we learn from it OR be proactive and put strategies into place to reduce the chances of it happening again.

I believe it is inevitable that ‘snoozey, sleepy’ mornings will occur.So for me it becomes more aboutthinking about myapproach to the situation. I think it is a good the for our kids to see that sometimes things 'don't go to plan' and it is how we choose to deal with it that matters.