London Borough of Haringey

Application Formfor Local Authority Grant Funding

(Retained Right-to-Buy Receipts)

There are six sections:

  • Section A – Organisation and Contact Details
  • Section B – Scheme Proposal
  • Section C – Funding
  • Section D – Deliverability
  • Section E - Strategic Fit
  • Section F - Declaration Form

Please answer each question and sign the Declaration.

You may adjust the size of the text boxes to suit your response.

Please submit completed form as Word or PDF document. Details of how to submit a completed application form is included in the supporting instructions.

We will acknowledge receipt by email within one working day.

Name of Organisation
Postal Address
Name(s) and job title of key contacts for this bid
Contact telephone number(s)
Email address(es)
Registered Provider Status
(and most recent ratings)
GLA Investment Partner Status
Number of homes in management in Haringey

SECTION B: scheme Proposal

B-1Site Name and Address (must include post code)

(Please attach location and site plan for new build proposals)

B-2Scheme Type


1 / Acquisition & Works
2 / Works Only
3 / Off The Shelf
4 / Purchase & Repair
5 / Other (please specify):
B-3Unit Details of ProposedScheme

Number of Homes by Type (House, Flat, etc.) and Size (Number of Bedrooms, Maximum Person Occupancy, Number of Habitable Rooms, Internal Floor Area)

No. of Units / Type of Units / No. of Beds & Persons / Habitable Rooms per unit / Internal Floor Area (sqm) / Fully Wheelchair Accessible / Tenure

(Please add more rows as required)

B-4Proposed Rent Levels – Affordable Rented Homes

Please set out the proposed rents (per week) for each type of affordable rented units in the table below.

Unit size/ type/ designation / Open Market Rent/Week / Proposed Rent/Week / Proposed Service Charge/week / Total Proposed Rent & SC/wk / Rent & SC as % of OMR / Local Housing Allowance

(Please add more rows as required)

The table below sets out the maximum rent (including service charge) as a proportion of open market rents that is set out in the Council’s guidance as affordable. All rents must be below the Local Housing Allowance (LHA) for the size of dwelling. Council target (social) rents for 2014/15 have been included for comparison purposes only.
1 bed
2 bed
3 bed
4 bed
% of market rent
Up to 80%
Up to 65%
Up to 55%
Up to 45%
2014/15 Target Rents

B-5Design Statement

Schemes must meet London Design Guide and London Borough of Haringey Local Plan requirements including but not limited to Inclusive Design and Climate Change Mitigation.


C-1Financial Assumptions

The funding available is from retained Right to Buy receipts and can only be used to fund affordable rent homes. On larger schemes the Council would be looking for a mix of tenures so cost and funding sources for these other homes must be included in this section.

Cost Item / Affordable Rent (£) / LCHO (£) / Private Sale (£) / Other (£) / TOTAL (£)
  1. Land Cost

  1. Build Cost

  1. On costs

  1. Total Scheme Costs (TSC)

Funding Source(1) / (£) / (£) / (£) / (£) / (£)
E. Funding / Receipts(2)
F. Provider Contribution(3)
G. Other Public Subsidy(4)
H. LA Grant Required
I. LA Grant as % of TSC

(1)Scheme cannot show a deficit (total funding must not be less than TSC);

(2)Funding / Receipts – provider borrowing or other non-subsidy source of funding (Affordable Rented), Receipts (from LCHOand Private Sale sales);

(3)Provider Contribution – not included in E (for e.g. cross subsidy from sales), can be negative in LCHO & Private Sale columns to show surplus

(4)Other Public Subsidy – State Aid rules mean affordable rent homes funded with this LA grant funding cannot have any other public subsidy (e.g. GLA grant) contributions, other than discounted land.

C-2Grant Claims Forecast

Event/Milestone / Claim Date (mm/yyyy) / Claim Amount (£)
Acquisition (40%)
Start On Site (40%)
Practical Completion (20%)
total grant

(1)Please provide grant claim month, which has to be after the relevant event

(2)A scheme completion return will be required after practical completion

C-3Funding Statement

Please state any funding assumptions made, including grant levels estimated, any additional subsidy and capital contributions from other sources (own funds, borrowing, and/or cross subsidy from private sales). If the scheme includes a Section 106 Agreement obligation to provide affordable housing, please state whether and why you require grant funding to deliver the affordable homes.

(You can include your own scheme appraisal summary with this bid. This will be treated as commercially confidential information.)

SECTION D: Deliverability

D-1Indicative Programme

Please provide an indicative programme for delivery of the dwellings:

Event/Milestone / Date(s) / Timeframe
Site Acquisition
Planning pre-application consultation
Planning Application Submission
Planning Consent
Start on Site
Practical Completion

(You can also attach a detailed MS Project or equivalent programme)

D-2Risk Log

Please provide details of any high level risks to delivery.

Risk / Consequence / mitigation

(Please add more rows as required)

D-3Delivery Statement

Please provide a delivery statement, including, if relevant,how you will achieve planning permission, the expected construction period, and your quality management system to ensure the homes are delivered on time, within budget and to the required quality.

Section E: Strategic Fit


  1. How will your organisation establish and maintain good partnership working with Haringey Council.
  1. The Council’s Corporate Plan and key supporting policies and strategies are set out at

How will your organisation work with the Council to ensure themain

objectives of the borough are met through the delivery of economic and

physical regenerationlong term management plans and maximise the number

of new homes?

E-2 Details of your housing stock

Haringey / London
(exc. Haringey) / Total
(all London)
How many properties do you own and manage?
How many properties do you manage on behalf of others?
How many properties do you own that are managed by others?
Other (please state)


  1. Howwill your organisation ensure rents levels are affordable for Haringey


  1. Demonstrate how your organisations will provide quality management services for the affordable housing.

SectionF:Declaration And Acceptance of Heads of Terms

This section is a working draft pending input from the Council’s Legal Services

I/We declare that:

1.This is a bona fide application, intended to be competitive, and represent the actual costs that would be eligible for grant funding

2.To the best of our knowledge the information in this application is correct and accurate.

  1. The organisation is of good business standing and there are no current business disputes or investigations that could affect the organisation and there is no reason I/we are aware of that would make the organisation ineligible for grant funding
  1. The organisation will accept the terms and conditions of the grant funding and understand we have to enter intoto a Grant Agreement and aNomination Agreement as a condition of accepting the grant funding

In this certificate, the word ‘person’ includes any persons or anybody or associated, corporate or unincorporated, and ‘any agreement or arrangement’ includes any such transaction, formal or informal, and whether legally binding or not.

Dated this…………………… of…………………....20……....

Signature...... …….

Name(Please print)...... …….


For and on behalf of………………………………………………………………

(Name of bidding organisation)


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