World Youth Mathematics Intercity Competition

Durban, South Africa

5th to 10thJuly 2009

Competition Regulations

1. The competition papers are set and reviewed by the 2009 IWYMIC International Jury.

2. The competition will consist of two papers: an Individual Contest and a Team Contest.

3. A Team Leaders’ Meeting will be held at 15.00 on Monday 6th July in the Royal Hotel to attend to various businessmatters. These includethe translation of the competition papers intovarious national languages(as requested by some countries), and to do the draw to determine the grouping of the teams.The official language of the competition is English.

4. The competition will be held on Wednesday 8th July in the DurbanCity Hall. The Individual Contestwill take place in the morning from 10.00 to 12.00 (two hours). The Team Contest will takeplace from 14.00 to 15.00 in the afternoon (one hour).

5. Answers and solutions must be written on the official sheets that will be given to the contestants.

6. Only writing implements and geometric instruments may be taken into the competition hall. Protractors, calculators, electronic devices, food, bags etc are not allowed into the competition hall.

8. The results will be announced on the afternoon of Thursday 9th July, during the Closing Ceremony.

The structure of the question papers and the schedule of awards

  1. The Individual Contest

The Individual Contest consists of 15 questions. The first 12 questions only require answers; the blanks are to be filledin on the question paper. The last 3 questions are of a computational nature and answers should include detailed working and explanations. Thefirst 12 questions are worth 5 points each and the last three questions are worth 20 points each. This gives a maximum total of120 points.

2. Individual Contest Awards

Approximately two-thirds of the contestants will receive an Individual Award;these will be in the form of Gold, Silver or Bronze Medals or Honorable Mention certificates. These will be awarded in the approximate ratio of 1:2:3:4.

3.Group Awards for the Individual Contest

In each team the three highest scores for the Individual Contest will be totaled. In each group, prizes will be given to the three teams achieving the highest scores. In the case of a tie within a group, the team with the contestant who scores the highest mark in the Individual Contest will win.

4. The Team Contest

There are 10 problems in the Team Contest, arranged in increasing order of difficulty. Each question is worth 40 marks which gives a total of 400 marks for the paper. Each question is printed on a separate sheet of paper.

The four team members are allowed 10 minutes to discuss and distribute the first 8 problems amongstthemselves; each contestant must take at least one problem to solve. Each contestant will then have 35 minutes to independently solve their problem/swith no further discussion during this time. Problems may not be exchanged during this time.

The four team members are then allowed 15 minutes to work as a team to solve the last 2 problems together.

To score 40 marks for a question the full solution must be written down. Partial marks may be awarded for incomplete solutions.

The total score of all contestants in each team is considered to be the team score.

The teams are first ranked by their total scores. In the case of a tie the scores of individual problems are considered, starting with the most difficult one.

5. Team Group Awards

Awards will be given to the three teams achieving the highest scores in each of the different groups.

These will be The Champion Team, the First Runner-up and the Second Runner-up.

There will also be 4 merit awards in each group.

6. Grand Prize:

The Grand Prize is awarded by totaling the scores of the four members in a team for the Individual Contest and the team’s score in the Team Contest. The maximum score is4×120+400=880.

The awards will be Champion Team for the winning team, Second Runner-up and Third Runner-upand an Honorable Mention are also awarded.

7. Special Awards:

In addition, other types of Awards will also be presented at the ClosingCeremony:

(a) The fourteamswhich give the bestperformances at the Cultural Evening will receive an award.

The Adjudicating Committee will consider artistic performance,creativity, costumes and the overall impression. The awards will be Presentation (2) and Innovation (2).

(b) The members of Organizing Committee and the Team Hosts will, on 9th July, vote for the fourteams that have best exhibited the spirit of friendship and cooperation during the week of the competition. These will be the Popularity Award (2) and the Cooperation Awards (2).










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