Minutes- Board Meeting May 13, 2017

The following are the minutes of the regular business meeting of the Board of Directors of the Comanche Harbor/Ports O’ Call Owners Association, a Texas Non-Profit Corporation, held at 3507 Tomahawk Drive, at 10:00 a.m.

The following directors were present:

President:Sue Jackson

Maint. Director:Brent Moore

Sec/Treasurer:David Harlow

ACC Director:Jim Lundsched

Absent:Alan Cuningham

Sue Jackson, President announced that the meeting was duly convened and that the Board present was ready to transact such business as may lawfully come before it..

Since there were a lot of new people, Sue had the Board introduce themselves. She explained that the Board would go through their business and then she would open the meeting up for discussion from the floor.

Sue explained that there were no minutes to review due to tape recorder failure. She said Diana was still Office Manager, but that Kay was no longer with us. The office hours were now changed.

Financial & Collections Report:

General Fund $57,366.56

Road Fund $15,269.34since $144,000 was just spent on roads. A lot was done for not too much money.

Contingency fund 15,000.00.

Collections: Two years ago there was $519,000 in unpaid debt. Now the accounts that are over 90 delinquent are down to $147,000. About a $400,000 reduction. $79,000 is in current accounts. They will not be delinquent until June 1st. The bulk of the accounts that are delinquent are 4 years and less past due. The big ones and the ones far past due are pretty much taken care of.

Judgments: 34 accounts with $63,198 down from $96,000.

Payment Plans: 24 accounts with $14,000 in approved payment plans. Only one did not pay and a default letter has gone out.

Most accounts past due are under $1,500.

Small Claims: 9 accounts are in small claims suits for $19,200. Going to court on those in the first part of June.

Foreclosures: 3 were approved in the executive meeting this morning.

Charge Offs: 1 was approved that went back to 1995 and hasn't paid since. They are also past due on taxes since 1995. The husband and wife are deceased and I could find no relatives. The c/o person on the account passed away 2 years ago. So we are writing that account off and forgetting about it for right now.

Sold Properties: 6 properties have been sold. 2 properties are also in escrow for about $7,500.

Bank accounts are balanced except petty cash since no one else has been using it. He explained that the HOA now has a debit card which notifies him immediately for better accountability.

Maintenance: Brent said $144,000 spent on roads. Originally it was supposed to be 6 roads, but we were able to get 9 done due to the great deal we got on the price of the roads.

Sue said we are going to be continuing to improve the roads and over the course of the next year the Board would be deciding which roads had the greatest needs and which ones would be getting fixed next.

ACC: Jim explained that the violations are being tracked better, letters are going out in a timely manner to get property violations cleared up and many properties have been getting cleaned up in a more timely manner as a result.

Sue discussed the Spring Clean Up. It was a huge success on behalf of the HOA as changes were made based off of suggestions after last year's Fall Clean Up. She said a Fall Clean Up was in the works.

Sue stated the New Business:

The annual election will be on June 24th. Ballots will be going out soon with those who will be running for the Board. We will be looking for volunteers. Volunteers will need to meet about an hour before the meeting.

The Ports O' Call entrance sign will be being updated. A new location has been approved by the county. All other Ports O' Call signs will be updated as well.

The Board approved this morning to increase the Fee Schedule for permits & etc. Since we have not been able to have a passing vote for a dues increase, we are faced with having to find money in some fashion. She also said the new Fee Schedule would be on the website soon so people can see them. Brent then said that by increasing these fees, we are reflecting what the other HOA's in the area are doing as well. He said we can't operate, we can't do good for the community without the money to do good.

Changing office hours. Due to the new website, the open office hours are being reduced which is a reduction in the labor force and money saving for the HOA.

Sue then opened the meeting up for questions.

An audience member explained that she had received a fine for her home that was in disrepair. She wanted to let the Board know that she was currently working on getting someone in to remove the home off the property. It was taking a little longer than she expected, but it would be done soon. She also explained that they were getting ready to sell all of their properties. She said that they are renovating the inside of the home and that the only place to put the furniture is on the front porch during the renovation. She asked for the Board not to send her a letter as their bedroom is the last place to remodel and then there would be no more furniture on the porch. Sue asked her time frame. The audience member said they didn't have a time frame, but it would be soon as they were wanting to move closer to their children who have moved away. Jim asked if she had responded to any of the letters and she said that she had talked with Diana about it already. Jim said that was good as long as she knows. Sue said a two week was granted and thanked her for communicating.

An audience member then asked the status of the new Comanche Harbor dock. Sue said it was soon. She said it should be next in line with Johnnie. The audience member also said he was talking to people who would like to see a walking dock next to the ramp as well. Discussion ensued about the Ports O' Call dock & ramp vs. the Comanche Harbor dock & ramp. Brent said bottom line you are still going to get wet in Ports O' Call just like Comanche Harbor for launching a boat, so a walking dock next to the ramp may be something that could be looked into for the future, but would not be added with this current dock build. Another audience member asked who was the dock builder that we are using to do the new dock. Sue said it was Johnnie Davis.

An audience member asked if there was a new budget. Dave said they were currently working off of last year's budget. He explained that since nothing had been taken care of in the community for years, he was still using a working budget so that he could have 2016 and 2017 to go by as far as figuring out what true expenditures would be so that a realistic budget could be created. He said he would have a good idea of a general budget by the June meeting.

An audience member introduced himself. He explained he was new to the area and he wanted to help in any way he could. He described a property on Pago Pago that the carport flaps and is a general annoyance. The Board explained that they were well aware of this property and that they were trying to work with the property owner to get it fixed, but now they are working on the due process chain of events that need to occur before the HOA can take action.

Sue explained that prior to 2016 there was not a process prior to 2016 for staying on top of architectural maintenance and violations. A system has now been put into place for that. Brent then said that we went from having 5 violations total to having this (he showed a 10 page list of current ACC violations). Sue said that the Board is hoping to start conducting an ACC Team like a posse instead of just one person since the community is so large. She said that the Board was looking for volunteers for that. She explained that there were only 5 Board members and 1 office manager. It takes more than that to work on maintaining the architecture of the community.

An audience member asked if there was the ability to pay dues online. Dave said that he was going to have that on the website within the next two weeks.

Sue asked for any other questions. Brent said he was happy to see the new faces.

Meeting adjourned.