Newsletter No 20 –17th July 2015

Dear Parents,

The end of term is here and I would like to take the opportunity of wishing our year six children all the very best as they move on to their new schools. They have been an absolutely lovely year group all the way through their schooling – full of characters and stories – this was particularly evident in their production and leavers’ assembly. We look forward to hearing about how they are getting on as they make their way in the world.

Secondly I would like to thank all the pupils for working so hard this year and for being their smiley, lovely selves! They are always ready to say hello to each other and staff, always hold doors open and offering to help.

I would also like to say thank you for the overwhelming sense of support we have received from you as parents following our disappointing Ofsted result. It means a great deal. We will share with you our formal plans for addressing the points raised in the Autumn term so that you can be assured all necessary steps are being taken.

Finally, all the staff and I would like to wish you all a very happy, restful and full of fun Summer. We look forward to seeing you all in September!

Yours sincerely

Miss Butcher


Reminders and general information

Summer Fair– Saturday 27th June 2015 .

We would like to thank all the staff and parents who came along on this very successful day. We managed to raise £4,600! A very impressive amount!

An extra special thank you goes to our Friends of Red Hill team, who organised this event and without all their hard work, we wouldn’t have been able to have such a great Summer Fair, they will be meeting in September as a committee and will plan with the school how the money will be spent for the benefit of the children.

Our Friends of Red Hill need new members- please get in contact and support your school if you can.

Please leave your details with the school office or contact them directly by e-mail at


The extension to the school office is well underway. It is likely to be finished in October which means the main office will be temporarily housed in the reception area when we come back. We apologise for the disruption but we are sure you will appreciate that this short term inconvenience will enable us to provide a better service when it is completed!

New School Lunch Caterer

The school are delighted to announce that Pabulum will be the new school caterer from September, 2015.

A panel from the school, includingour Head Teacher, Governors ,Year 5 School Council representatives and members of the Senior Leadership Team watched presentations and tasted food samples fromtheirmenus. Threecompanies were invited to Red HillandPabulum was selected as the overall winner.

We are extremely happy to be working with them and starting on a journey to improve the children's experience of lunchtime dining. The price remains the same at £2.00 but we will see food served from white china bowls, introduction of salad bars, a variety of freshly baked breads and fantasticquality food cooked from scratch on our premises. In our first few weeks, Pabulum will be providing taster's for parents, dates to be announced.
Children who have a school meal are given a choice each day which always includes a vegetarian option. Our chef willorganise special themed days during the year to encourage children to eat a healthy meal.

We will be sending out a menu pack to thechildren on thefirst day back at school; however,please seeabove for the menu options for the start of term. You can also view these on Pabulums website at

Dinner Money Refunds for Leavers

Any credit dinner money balances will be refunded on line by September or transferred to a younger sibling at the school.

First day back to school

Autumn term starts on Wednesday 2nd September at normal time.

Dinner Money for – 2nd September to 23rd October 2015

School dinner money for next half term is £76.00. Please can you pay this amount on-line at

Please notify the school office if your child wants to change their lunch preferences before the beginning of the new term. Please note that if you have outstanding dinner money from this term, your child will be unable to have school

meals in September. If you feel you are entitled to Free School Meals, please collect a form from the school office today.


All afterschool clubs will be starting from week beginning Monday 7th September. There will be no clubs starting the first week back.

Friday 11th September – Year 6 France

Reminder that all documents eg Medical form, Final Consent form, Post Card, Euros, Photocopy of passport and EHIC card must be given to the school office. You can also bring in any medication that your child needs for their trip.

Attendance Congratulations

A big well done to all the children in Class 4L who achieved the highest attendance for the year 2014 -2015. The children attended school regularly and achieved a massive 96.8%. The new academic year starts in September so please ensure your child is in school regularly and on time.