Electronic Supplementary Material

Title: Detecting and attributing the effects of climate change on the bats distribution changes over the last 50 years

Journal: Climatic change

Authors: Jianguo Wu


The Canter for Climate Change

Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences

No. 8 Da Yang Fang, Beiyuan, Anwai, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China, 100012

*Corresponding author:Jianguo Wu, e-mail: ; Telephone :86-10-84915152; Fax: 86-10-84915152

Appendix A The sources of date and records for the bats distribution

1.National level distribution date and records

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2.Local or regions level distribution date and records

Anhui Provincial Forestry Department (2006) Anhui Province terrestrial wildlife resources.Hefei University Press,Hefei,China.

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Institute of Tibetan Plateau Comprehensive Scientific Expedition series(1986)Tibet mammals. Science Press,Beijing,China.

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LI ZZ(2011)List of Wildlife Guizhou Guizhou Science and Technology Press,Guiyang,China.

Liang RJ, Dong RW(1984)A preliminary study Bats in southern Anhui province. Acta Therio.Sin. 4 (4): 321-328.

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Shaanxi Institute of Zoology(1981)Shaanxi precious economic beasts.Shaanxi Science and Technology Press,Taiyuan,China

Shao WJ,Henan Province Local Chronicles Compilation Committee(1992)Henan Province blog. Volume 8, Fauna.Henan People's Publishing House, Zhengzhou,China.

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3.Natural reserves level distribution date and records

Deng BS, Zhang YJ, Li YC, Gong YN, Ben CYZ, Yuan TZS, Xin ZYT,Wu Y(2011) Nanling National Nature Reserve bats species resource investigation.Guangdong Agr.Sci.7: 137-139

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4.New records of distribution date

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