Lothian Moth Recording Provisional Grading System

The Vice County recorder may query records from recorders, particularly inexperienced trappers. Please do not be offended by this. It is very important that records on the central database are accurate and we are anxious to avoid unverified records of certain difficult species being entered. Many species are common and easy to identify, but many can only be identified by genitalia examination. Between these two extremes are moths whose identification may be tricky, and records from experienced observers may be accepted more easily than those from the new moth trapper.

The checklist shows the level of record required for each species of macro moth in the Highlands and gives an indication which records are likely to be queried. The number following each moth is explained below:

Grade 1: These are moths which are believed to be widespread and common in West Lothian. They will be easily identifiable by inexperienced observers. Records are unlikely to be queried.

Grade 2: Moths of a more restricted distribution or identification may be more difficult due to some confusion species. Most observers will have little trouble with these and again records are unlikely to be queried unless they fall outside the species' normal habitat or flight time.

Grade 3: Moths which may be much harder to identify or which may be very local in the county. Rare moths which may be confused with commoner species. Many pugs fall into this category. Records from inexperienced recorders will be queried. A photograph or a voucher specimen likely to be required.

Grade R: Rarities and species not recorded in the county. A good quality photograph or a voucher specimen is mandatory unless the observer is very familiar with the species.

Grade G: Genitalia examination is mandatory to exclude related species.

Code / Taxon / Common Name / Grade
0006 / Eriocrania subpurpurella / Eriocrania subpurpurella / 3
0014 / Hepialus humuli thulensis / Ghost Moth / 1
0015 / Hepialus sylvina / Orange Swift / 2
0016 / Hepialus hecta / Gold Swift / 2
0017 / Hepialus lupulinus / Common Swift / 2
0018 / Hepialus fusconebulosa / Map-winged Swift / 2
0169 / Zygaena filipendulae / Six-Spot Burnet / 1
0171 / Zygaena lonicerae insularis / Narrow-bordered Five-spot Burnet / 3
0246 / Tinea semifulvella / Tinea semifulvella / 3
0332a / Phyllonorycter leucographella / Phyllonorycter leucographella (Firethorn Leaf Miner) / 3
0381 / Synanthedon culiciformis / Large Red-belted Clearwing / 3
0385 / Anthophila fabriciana / Anthophila fabriciana (Nettle-tap Moth) / 2
0409a / Argyresthia trifasciata / Argyresthia trifasciata / 3
0411 / Argyresthia goedartella / Argyresthia goedartella / 3
0424 / Yponomeuta evonymella / Yponomeuta evonymella (Bird-cherry Ermine) / 2
0453 / Ypsolopha dentella / Ypsolopha dentella (Honeysuckle Moth) / 2
0462 / Ypsolopha sequella / Ypsolopha sequella / 2
0464 / Plutella xylostella / Plutella xylostella (Diamond-back Moth) / 2
0647 / Hofmannophila pseudospretella / Hofmannophila pseudospretella (Brown House Moth) / 3
0648 / Endrosis sarcitrella / Endrosis sarcitrella (White-shouldered House Moth) / 2
0663 / Diurnea fagella / Diurnea fagella / 3
0670 / Depressaria daucella / Depressaria daucella / 3
0672 / Depressaria heraclei / Depressaria heraclei (Parsnip Moth) / 3
0701 / Agonopterix ocellana / Agonopterix ocellana / 2
0706 / Agonopterix nervosa / Agonopterix nervosa / 2
0713 / Agonopterix angelicella / Agonopterix angelicella / 2
0873 / Blastobasis adustella / Blastobasis adustella / 3
0874 / Blastobasis lacticolella / Blastobasis lacticolella / 3
0986 / Syndemis musculana / Syndemis musculana / 3
0989 / Aphelia paleana / Aphelia paleana (Timothy Tortrix) / 2
0998 / Epiphyas postvittana / Epiphyas postvittana (Light Brown Apple Moth) / 3
1011 / Pseudargyrotoza conwagana / Pseudargyrotoza conwagana / 3
1025 / Tortricodes alternella / Tortricodes alternella / 3
1033 / Tortrix viridana / Tortrix viridana (Green Oak Tortrix) / 2
1038 / Acleris laterana / Acleris laterana / 3
1041 / Acleris sparsana / Acleris sparsana / 3
1042 / Acleris rhombana / Acleris rhombana (Rhomboid Tortrix) / 3
1048 / Acleris variegana / Acleris variegana (Garden Rose Tortrix) / 3
1062 / Acleris emargana / Acleris emargana / 3
1076 / Celypha lacunana / Celypha lacunana / 3
1083 / Hedya nubiferana / Hedya nubiferana (Marbled Orchard Tortrix) / 3
1093 / Apotomis betuletana / Apotomis betuletana / 3
1134 / Epinotia ramella / Epinotia ramella / 3
1136 / Epinotia immundana / Epinotia immundana / 3
1138 / Epinotia nisella / Epinotia nisella / 3
1151 / Epinotia trigonella / Epinotia trigonella / 3
1175 / Epiblema uddmanniana / Epiblema uddmanniana (Bramble Shoot Moth) / 2
1201 / Eucosma cana / Eucosma cana / 3
1234 / Pammene regiana / Pammene regiana / 3
1293 / Chrysoteuchia culmella / Chrysoteuchia culmella (Garden Grass-veneer) / 2
1294 / Crambus pascuella / Crambus pascuella / 3
1301 / Crambus lathoniellus / Crambus lathoniellus / 3
1304 / Agriphila straminella / Agriphila straminella / 3
1305 / Agriphila tristella / Agriphila tristella / 3
1314 / Catoptria margaritella / Catoptria margaritella (Pearl-band Grass Veneer) / 3
1316 / Catoptria falsella / Catoptria falsella / 3
1332 / Scoparia subfusca / Scoparia subfusca / 3
1333 / Scoparia pyralella / Scoparia pyralella / 3
1334 / Scoparia ambigualis / Scoparia ambigualis / 3
1336 / Eudonia pallida / Eudonia pallida / 3
1338 / Dipleurina lacustrata / Dipleurina lacustrata / 3
1340 / Eudonia truncicolella / Eudonia truncicolella / 3
1344 / Eudonia mercurella / Eudonia mercurella / 3
1345 / Nymphula nymphaeata / Brown China-mark / 2
1350 / Nymphula stagnata / Beautiful China-mark / 2
1356 / Evergestis forficalis / Garden Pebble / 1
1358 / Evergestis pallidata / Evergestis pallidata / 2
1376 / Eurrhypara hortulata / Small Magpie / 1
1386 / Opsibotys fuscalis / Opsibotys fuscalis / 2
1388 / Udea lutealis / Udea lutealis / 2
1390 / Udea prunalis / Udea prunalis / 2
1392 / Udea olivalis / Udea olivalis / 2
1428 / Aphomia sociella / Bee Moth / 2
1439 / Trachycera advenella / Trachycera advenella / 2
1513 / Pterophorus pentadactyla / White Plume Moth / 1
1631 / Poecilocampa populi / December Moth / 2
1638 / Macrothylacia rubi / Fox Moth / 1
1643 / Saturnia pavonia / Emperor Moth / 1
1645 / Falcaria lacertinaria / Scalloped Hook-tip / 3
1648 / Drepana falcataria / Pebble Hook-tip / 1
1652 / Thyatira batis / Peach Blossom / 1
1657 / Ochropacha duplaris / Common Lutestring / 2
1659 / Achlya flavicornis / Yellow Horned / 1
1663 / Alsophila aescularia / March Moth / 1
1666 / Geometra papilionaria / Large Emerald / 1
1693 / Scopula floslactata / Cream Wave / R
1694 / Scopula ternata / Smoky Wave / R
1702 / Idaea biselata / Small Fan-footed Wave / 2
1707 / Idaea seriata / Small Dusty Wave / 2
1713 / Idaea aversata / Riband Wave / 2
1715 / Idaea straminata / Plain Wave / 3
1716 / Rhodometra sacraria / Vestal / 3
1722 / Xanthorhoe designata / Flame Carpet / 2
1727 / Xanthorhoe montanata / Silver-ground Carpet / 1
1728 / Xanthorhoe fluctuata / Garden Carpet / 1
1732 / Scotopteryx chenopodiata / Shaded Broad-bar / 1
1738 / Epirrhoe alternata / Common Carpet / 2
1742 / Camptogramma bilineata / Yellow Shell / 1
1746 / Anticlea badiata / Shoulder Stripe / 2
1747 / Anticlea derivata / Streamer / 1
1748 / Mesoleuca albicillata / Beautiful Carpet / 3
1749 / Pelurga comitata / Dark Spinach / 3
1750 / Lampropteryx suffumata / Water Carpet / 2
1752 / Cosmorhoe ocellata / Purple Bar / 1
1754 / Eulithis prunata / Phoenix / 2
1755 / Eulithis testata / Chevron / 2
1756 / Eulithis populata / Northern Spinach / 2
1757 / Eulithis mellinata / Spinach / 3
1758 / Eulithis pyraliata / Barred Straw / 1
1759 / Ecliptopera silaceata / Small Phoenix / 2
1760 / Chloroclysta siterata / Red-green Carpet / 2
1761 / Chloroclysta miata / Autumn Green Carpet / 3
1762 / Chloroclysta citrata / Dark Marbled Carpet / 2
1764 / Chloroclysta truncata / Common Marbled Carpet / 2
1765 / Cidaria fulvata / Barred Yellow / 1
1766 / Plemyria rubiginata / Blue-bordered Carpet / 3
1767 / Thera firmata / Pine Carpet / 2
1768 / Thera obeliscata / Grey Pine Carpet / 2
1769 / Thera britannica / Spruce Carpet / 1
1770 / Thera cognata / Chestnut-coloured Carpet / R
1771 / Thera juniperata / Juniper Carpet / 3
1773 / Electrophaes corylata / Broken-barred Carpet / 3
1774 / Colostygia olivata / Beech-green Carpet / R
1775 / Colostygia multistrigaria / Mottled Grey / 2
1776 / Colostygia pectinataria / Green Carpet / 1
1777 / Hydriomena furcata / July Highflyer / 1
1778 / Hydriomena impluviata / May Highflyer / 3
1779 / Hydriomena ruberata / Ruddy Highflyer / 3
1795 / Epirrita dilutata / November Moth / G
1795x / Epirrita dilutata agg. / November Moth agg. / 1
1796 / Epirrita christyi / Pale November Moth / G
1797 / Epirrita autumnata / Autumnal Moth / G
1798 / Epirrita filigrammaria / Small Autumnal Moth / 3
1799 / Operophtera brumata / Winter Moth / 1
1800 / Operophtera fagata / Northern Winter Moth / 2
1801 / Perizoma taeniata / Barred Carpet / 3
1802 / Perizoma affinitata / Rivulet / 2
1803 / Perizoma alchemillata / Small Rivulet / 2
1804 / Perizoma bifaciata / Barred Rivulet / 3
1806 / Perizoma blandiata / Pretty Pinion / 2
1807 / Perizoma albulata / Grass Rivulet / 2
1808 / Perizoma flavofasciata / Sandy Carpet / 1
1809 / Perizoma didymata / Twin-spot Carpet / 1
1811 / Eupithecia tenuiata / Slender Pug / 3
1816 / Eupithecia linariata / Toadflax Pug / 2
1817 / Eupithecia pulchellata / Foxglove Pug / 2
1821 / Eupithecia valerianata / Valerian Pug / R
1822 / Eupithecia pygmaeata / Marsh Pug / 3
1823 / Eupithecia venosata / Netted Pug / 3
1825 / Eupithecia centaureata / Lime-speck Pug / 2
1826 / Eupithecia trisignaria / Triple-spotted Pug / 3
1827 / Eupithecia intricata / Freyer's Pug / 3
1828 / Eupithecia satyrata / Satyr Pug / 3
1830 / Eupithecia absinthiata / Wormwood Pug / 3
1831 / Eupithecia absinthiata f. goossensiata / Ling Pug / 3
1832 / Eupithecia assimilata / Currant Pug / 3
1833 / Eupithecia expallidata / Bleached Pug / R
1834 / Eupithecia vulgata / Common Pug / 2
1835 / Eupithecia tripunctaria / White-spotted Pug / R
1837 / Eupithecia subfuscata / Grey Pug / 3
1838 / Eupithecia icterata / Tawny Speckled Pug / 2
1843 / Eupithecia distinctaria / Thyme Pug / 3
1846 / Eupithecia nanata / Narrow-winged Pug / 2
1848 / Eupithecia innotata / Angle-barred Pug / 3
1849 / Eupithecia fraxinata / Ash Pug / 3
1851 / Eupithecia virgaureata / Golden-rod Pug / 2
1852 / Eupithecia abbreviata / Brindled Pug / 3
1854 / Eupithecia pusillata / Juniper Pug / 3
1856 / Eupithecia lariciata / Larch Pug / 3
1857 / Eupithecia tantillaria / Dwarf Pug / 3
1858 / Chloroclystis v-ata / V-Pug / 2
1860 / Pasiphila rectangulata / Green Pug / 2
1862 / Gymnoscelis rufifasciata / Double-striped Pug / 2
1864 / Chesias legatella / Streak / 1
1865 / Chesias rufata / Broom-tip / 3
1866 / Carsia sororiata / Manchester Treble-bar / R
1867 / Aplocera plagiata / Treble-bar / 1
1868 / Aplocera efformata / Lesser Treble-bar / 2
1870 / Odezia atrata / Chimney Sweeper / 1
1873 / Venusia cambrica / Welsh Wave / 2
1875 / Asthena albulata / Small White Wave / R
1879 / Lobophora halterata / Seraphim / R
1881 / Trichopteryx carpinata / Early Tooth-striped / R
1883 / Acasis viretata / Yellow-barred Brindle / 3
1884 / Abraxas grossulariata / Magpie Moth / 1
1887 / Lomaspilis marginata / Clouded Border / 1
1889 / Macaria notata / Peacock Moth / R
1893 / Macaria liturata / Tawny-barred Angle / 2
1894 / Chiasmia clathrata / Latticed Heath / 1
1897 / Macaria wauaria / V-Moth / 3
1902 / Petrophora chlorosata / Brown Silver-line / 1
1903 / Plagodis pulveraria / Barred Umber / 3
1906 / Opisthograptis luteolata / Brimstone Moth / 1
1907 / Epione repandaria / Bordered Beauty / R
1909 / Pseudopanthera macularia / Speckled Yellow / R
1910 / Apeira syringaria / Lilac Beauty / 2
1912 / Ennomos quercinaria / August Thorn / 3
1913 / Ennomos alniaria / Canary-shouldered Thorn / 2
1915 / Ennomos erosaria / September Thorn / 3
1917 / Selenia dentaria / Early Thorn / 2
1918 / Selenia lunularia / Lunar Thorn / 2
1919 / Selenia tetralunaria / Purple Thorn / R
1920 / Odontopera bidentata / Scalloped Hazel / 1
1921 / Crocallis elinguaria / Scalloped Oak / 1
1922 / Ourapteryx sambucaria / Swallow-tailed Moth / 2
1923 / Colotois pennaria / Feathered Thorn / 2
1926 / Phigalia pilosaria / Pale Brindled Beauty / 2
1927 / Lycia hirtaria / Brindled Beauty / R
1931 / Biston betularia / Peppered Moth / 1
1932 / Agriopis leucophaearia / Spring Usher / 2
1933 / Agriopis aurantiaria / Scarce Umber / 2
1934 / Agriopis marginaria / Dotted Border / 2
1935 / Erannis defoliaria / Mottled Umber / 2
1937 / Peribatodes rhomboidaria / Willow Beauty / 2
1940 / Deileptenia ribeata / Satin Beauty / 3
1941 / Alcis repandata / Mottled Beauty / 2
1942 / Alcis jubata / Dotted Carpet / 2
1947 / Ectropis bistortata / Engrailed / 2
1951 / Aethalura punctulata / Grey Birch / R
1952 / Ematurga atomaria / Common Heath / 1
1954 / Bupalus piniaria / Bordered White / 1
1955 / Cabera pusaria / Common White Wave / 2
1956 / Cabera exanthemata / Common Wave / 2
1958 / Lomographa temerata / Clouded Silver / 2
1960 / Theria primaria / Early Moth / 3
1961 / Campaea margaritata / Light Emerald / 1
1962 / Hylaea fasciaria / Barred Red / 1
1969 / Dyscia fagaria / Grey Scalloped Bar / 3