Monthly Meeting

Board of Commissioners

Upper Dublin Township

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

These notes were taken by Peter McManus on Aug. 21, 2007, while viewing a DVD of the BOC meeting.

People Discussing Bub Farm (along with time from beginning of meeting)

32:10 Maria Rosen

54:44 Denise ???

55:50 Nina Semanoff

1:04:30 Mary Jo Webster

1:15:50 Carol Cohen

1:21:20 Brian Solodar

1:23:30 Larry Keeley

1:32:25 Marinella Picardi

1:38:30 Virginia Glorieux

1:44:20 Bob Danaher

1:47:00 End of Bub Farm discussion.

Claims/Promises/Statements Made by Upper Dublin Board of Commissioners

36:15 UDJAA would agree to get students off field at 9:20 and lights off by 9:30.

42:35 PA system will not be used frequently and will not be used at night.

43:45 Police are working on the parking issue.

44:50 Police can ticket people for cutting through Upper Dublin High School.

45:35 The new entranceway is essential to new high school. It is Township property and therefore the Township has a say in how it will be used.

46:10 Driveway will be one of the primary means of entrance/exit to high school. It will be permanent.

48:00 No BOC decision has been made on PA system. BOC will take our concerns into account when the time comes.

52:45 The traffic and usage won’t be a big deal. The buses that will use it would probably drive on Susquehanna anyway, even if they used a different entrance.

55:25 There is a study that demonstrates that there aren’t enough playing fields in Upper Dublin. It is available for residents to read.

55:45 PA system is not a done deal.

57:40 Musco Lighting is very focused with low bleeding. If there are problems with the lights, UD has a lighting ordinance that prevents lighting from “disturbing a house.”

58:30 The signalization is going to help Susquehanna Rd. A warrant study has been performed. (Pete’s note: It wasn’t apparent from the BOC comments that Tannerie Wood’s needs were taken account in the study.)

59:55 We should sit down with the youth sports organizations to discuss ways to minimize their impact.

1:02:00 Once the traffic signals are installed, if we find that they are not working correctly, we should contact our Commissioner and/or Paul Leonard.

1:03:15 PA system is only intended for use on Saturday (or weekend) afternoons for football games.

1:03:25 Commissioner Derr is the one who has primarily worked with the youth sports organizations and is familiar with all the details of their usage of the fields.

1:03:40 Township ordinance is that lights must be off by 10:00. The youth organizations are willing to turn them off by 9:30.

1:06:00 The Bub Farm might still be used for a new fire station.

1:10:15 The storm water from the fields will go into the new detention basin.

1:11:00 The fields will be used for kids 7 to 12 years old (up to about 7th grade). It’s not for adult soccer and football.

1:13:00 General description of usage: Very much like the “CHAC field.” (Camphill and Highland Athletic Complex). Mostly used in afternoon after school for practices; up until about 9:30; football will be a primary use, so it will mostly be used in the fall; the summertime usage will be light; in the wintertime not much use, with lights generally off; weekends – usually Saturday and not Sunday.

1:13:50 Fields can only be used with a permit.

1:14:20 BOC will never stop listening to us with regard to noise and lights. A noise ordinance is in place.

1:20:30 BOC will look into “live parking” by parents waiting for kids near the intersection of Honey Run and Susquehanna. (This issue was brought up by Carol Cohen.)

1:26:30 The synthetic turf has minimal maintenance.

1:27:20 At least one team playing on any given field will be an Upper Dublin team.

1:28:25 The youth groups make major contributions to the upkeep of Upper Dublin fields.

1:33:30 No trees are planned along Susquehanna for the Bub Farm tract.

1:35:30 We should talk to Sue Lohoefer regarding our thoughts on the beautification of the Bub Farm property.

1:44:00 A separate meeting will be held. The president of the Tannerie Wood Association will be informed and can in turn notify TW residents. (This meeting is scheduled for Thursday, August 23, 2007.)

1:44:45 Bob Danaher, who represents the UDJAA and is not on the Upper Dublin BOC, made the following statements regarding Upper Dublin Township:

·  The driveway connecting the high school with Susquehanna would have occurred in any case, regardless of whether new fields were put on Bub Farm, and regardless of whether the new high school was approved by voters.

·  The ACTS community will pay for the traffic light and for the driveway (up to School District property).

·  The warrant study needed for the traffic signal will take into account anticipated traffic from the high school.

1:45:40 The warrant study for the traffic signal at the corner of Susquehanna and the new driveway has not been completed yet.