Dear Parent Name,

As your child’s teacher this year, I want to let you know about one of the many things we will do to help students become better readers. Because reading is an important skill that affects overall academic performance, we keep track of progress in reading to ensure that reading skills are developing at an appropriate rate. We also want to know if additional work in the classroom and at home is needed to achieve success.

Our school uses the Florida Assessments for Instruction in Reading to measure the progress of our students’ reading skills at the beginning, middle, and end of the school year.

We recently assessed your child on reading comprehension, the ultimate goal for students’ reading. We work on comprehension strategies daily in our classroom. Students are asked to read one to three passages matched to their grade level and reading ability on the reading comprehension screen. They then answer several questions about the story.

The results from the reading comprehension screen indicate your child’s FCAT Success Probability (FSP) score is FSP% which means that your child has a FSP% percent chance of scoring at or above a Level 3 on this year’s FCAT. Your child scored at the RC%ile percentile on the reading comprehension task. This means that your child performed at or above average/slightly below average/below average for their grade level. We will continue working hard to improve comprehension throughout the school year.

Please delete the paragraph below if the student did not take the Maze task.

Your child was asked to read two passages with incomplete sentences and is given a set of words to choose from in order to complete the sentences. Students are allowed three minutes to read each passage and fill in the blanks so that each sentence made sense. Your child scored at the Maze %ile percentile meaning he/she performed at or above average/slightly below average/below average for their grade level.

Please delete the paragraph below if the student did not take the Word Analysis task.

In addition, your child was administered a task in which students are given a word, a sentence using the word, given the word again, and then are asked to spell the word. Your child scored at the WA% percentile meaning he/she performed <at or above average/slightly below average/below average> for their grade level.

I have attached a document that provides some activities that can be used to support your child’s learning at home. I hope that you will find these to be helpful. Please call me at Teacher phone number if you would like to talk about your child’s progress in reading. I am glad to have your child in my class and will do everything I can to make this an enjoyable year of learning for all of us.
