Minutes of the meeting of Barlestone Parish Council held on the 8thNovember 2017 at the Pavilion, Bosworth Road Playing Field.

Present : Mr. D. Burchell, Mr. D. Crane, Mrs. A. Smith, Mrs. C. Rahaman, Mr. P. Burchell,

Mr. J. Kendall, Mrs. C. Watkins, Mr. P. Enston

County/Borough Councillor Crooks

Apologies – None

Cllr Crooks gave his report for the County which included the ‘Strategic Growth Plan’, and Councillors were concerned that there was no time scale for the provision of the proposed A46 Expressway

The Borough report included The Main item for the month was a meeting on Planning Policy which was held in the council chamber, as it was hoped that all members would attend but attendance was very poor. Hinckley’s allocation of new homes remains at 454 homes and that custom and ‘self-build’ will be taken into consideration. Members were also advised that Ageing, Affordable and Gypsy & Travellers need to be provided for.

A landscape sensitivity study is now on line and can be accessed via the Borough Website.

1Minutes of the Previous Meeting

Having being circulated were confirmed as a true record by Mrs. Rahaman, seconded D. Crane and all in agreement.

2Matters Arising/Clerk’s update

  • Bus Shelter Licence has been applied for
  • Use of 106 Monies to be used towards the park disabled access improvements have been released by the Borough Council


Ref.17/01086/ful – Change of use of site to a special needs school including replacement building – Oak Farm Park, Heath Rd, Bagworth.

The only concern raised was that of security and this will be stressed in the reply to the Planning office.

4Finance –

a) Accounts for payment – having been circulated, all members in agreement the invoices listed below are paid.

b) Funding request

Request for funds from Leicestershire Citizens Advice – in view of the constraints on the Parish Council it was agreed no funding could be required.

P.Burchell requested permission to obtain a thermostat for the heating in the Pavilion and all members were in agreement.

c) Date for Budget discussion

22nd November at 7 pm

d) The agreement document to allocate grant money of £139k from HBBC Developing Communuties Fund 2017, to the Parish Council which is to be used to help finance the new village hall, has been received and all agreed that it should be accepted and signed by the chairman and vice chairman on behalf of The Parish Council.

5Data Protection

Members discussed the new General Data Protection Regulation and it was felt that there could be a conflict of interest and this should be passed to LRALC Admin.

6 Neighbourhood Plan Report

Only five attendees at the November meeting despite having quite a number of people on the circulation list - and one of those was sick and didn’t contribute and one had to leave early !

We cannot do the Stakeholder meeting (where land owners, groups and businesses are invited to attend) in December as we had hoped due to the RCC being unavailable to attend. This will now be going ahead on 16th January. The format is similar, but more structured, than the community drop in sessions held in September. The RCC will be sending out the invitations based on a list supplied to them – anyone unable to attend will have an opportunity to input via a response proforma sent with the invitation.

Community questionnaires will now have to wait until March/April. As reported previously, this means we will probably have to return the funding we have for this and re-apply in the new year.

In the meantime, we have started on a Parish character assessment. This involves identifying distinct areas of the Parish by their individual characters; for example, Croftersvale Park is very different to the centre of the village (the older part) and both are different to the housing estates. Initial thoughts have been captured but this was quite a limited view given the lack of people; we will try to “have a go” at doing some of the character assessments before the next meeting in the hope that more people will attend and contribute

Meetings are the 1st Thursday of each month at the Pavilion

A combined NHP meeting with Desford and Newbold Verdon is to be held next Tuesday at the Pavilion, Barlestone.

7Allotments - Report

Having had one month of full occupancy we have been given notice by one tenant (24b) that they do not wish to continue next year – this was a new tenant this year and had been making a good job of tending the plot. The tenant’s deposit will be returned. I have advertised this on “Barlestone News” FaceBook page and await responses – hopefully positive !

The hedge on the roadway to May Meadow is still in the hands of the authorities to address. In the meantime, a notice has been put up to warn allotment holders to please take extra care especially when exiting the allotments. Proposed D.Crane, agreed by all that this hedge should be trimmed in the interest of safety. Clerk to contact Prestons.

8Playing Fields/Open Space Report

a) Request to hire Football Pitch for Adult game and use of changing rooms

Fees and Charges for the hire of the Pavilion and also the new building will be discussed at a future meeting. It was felt that for health & safety reasons it was not practicable to hire out the existing pavilion until the work on the new build is complete.

It is hoped a flood light can be placed on the new building to illuminate the car park as soon as possible.

The Perspex at the youth shelter had been damaged and has now been removed.

9Cemetery Report

Carmen and |Annhave been to the cemetery today and tidied it up for the weekend. It is now fairly tidy but there is a problem with one grave.The centre part which is covered in gravel is cracked and sinking very badly. Sellers to be contacted.

Complaint received from a family with regard to the notice re the removal of items from graves other than flowers. The councillors were sympathetic but stressed that the Rules were made for all users of the cemetery.

St.Giles Churchyard – problem with some trees and investigations will be made.

10New Village Hall Report

The team giving the grant from the Borough Council towards the cost of the New Village Hall have requested a meeting to discuss the next stage and to organise payment.


  • Remembrance Day this coming weekend is being marked with extra poppies around the village. Congratulations to Cathie and her team for the decoration to the wheel.
  • Christmas Event – arrangements were made for the necessary work to be done in time for the lighting of the trees on the 3rd December.

12Any other Business

  • Mrs. Rahaman gave her apologies for the next two meetings.
  • Mrs. Watkins reported that the defibrillatorwas currently out of action but that hopefully it would be repaired within a few days.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.15 pm

November 2017 meeting Oct/Nov Invoices
104628 / Clerk / 368.25 / Salary
50.00 / Remembrance Day - trumpet player
104629 / Financial Officer / 137.32 / Salary - tax
3.60 / Mileage 8mls @ 0.45 Banking
104630 / Maintenance Officer / 218.90 / Salary - tax
15.75 / Mileage 35mls @ 0.45
104631 / Caretaker / 73.65 / Salary + extra 1.5hrs less tax
104632 / Gatekeeper / 111.15 / Salary less tax
104633 / HMRC / 35.60 / Tax from salaries
104634 / LRALC / 140.00 / Councillor training
104635 / J Symonds / 13.50 / BT telephone bill
104636 / J Smith / 40.00 / Refund of Allotment deposit
104637 / C Rahaman / 10.20 / Plants for cemetery pots
104638 / Benchmark Construction / 61030.85 / Building costs for new Village Hall
104639 / RBL Poppy Appeal / 347.75 / Poppy wreaths/ event poppies
104640 / RBL Poppy Appeal / 871.16 / Poppy collection
104641 / Void / 0.00
104642 / Cooke's of Kirby / 780.00 / Cut down Willow trees Brookside
DD / HR4UK / 79.50 / Monthly sub
DD / PLUSNET / 34.20 / Internet monthly
DD / E ON / 51.75 / Electricity bill - Spinney
DD / E ON / 143.00 / Electricity bill - Pavilion (Monthly payment)
Total £ / 64556.13