University Curriculum Committee
Minutes of the September 18, 2009 meeting

PRESENT: Marshall Anderson, Ray Baus, Scott Bradley, Jessica Cole representing Jodi Hare, Ellen Davis representing Ellie Schemenauer, Simone DeVore, Jolly Emrey, Liz Hachten, Manu Madan, Barbara Monfils, Elizabeth Olson, Tim Scully, Martha Stephenson representing Carol Elsen, Roger Yin representing Lila Waldman, andYushan Zhao

ABSENT: one representative from the College of Arts & Communication, Melissa Freiberg, and Mike Huxsol

GUESTS: no guests

Barbara Monfils called the meeting to order at 2:15 p.m.

Dr. Monfils welcomed the new members and returning members of the committee.

The September 18, 2009 agenda was approved on an Ellen Davis/Simone DeVore motion.

Liz Hachten moved and Jolly Emrey seconded the approval of the April 17, 2009 minutes. The motion carried.

For the curriculum proposals from the College of Business & Economics, Yushan Zhao moved with a second by Marshall Anderson to approve a change in major forGeneral Business BBA and a change in degree for BBA – International Requirement. The motion carried.

For the curriculum proposals from the Biological Sciences Department, Ellen Davismoved with a second by Elizabeth Olson to approve the change in submajorforCell Physiology BSE, Cell Physiology BA/BS, Ecology/Field Biology BSE, Biology Honors BA/BS, Pre-Biomedical Profession BA/BS . The motion carried.

The curriculum proposal from the Communication Sciences & Disorders Department for requisite change for COMDIS 482 Audiometrywas received and recorded on a Scott Bradley/Yushan Zhao motion.

The curriculum proposal from the Finance and Business Law Department for a change in submajor– Finance major –Financial Planning EmphasisFinance Honors major – Financial Planning Emphasis was approved on a Marshall Anderson/Jolly Emrey motion.

For the curriculum proposals from the History Department, Elizabeth Olson moved to approve the change in major for History BA/BS, the change in submajor for History major – Public History emphasis, and the change in minor for History minor and Public History minor; and to receive and record the title change from: HISTRY 493 Applied History to: HISTRY 493 Public History Internship. Roger Yin seconded the motion. The motion carried.

Tim Scully moved to approve the curriculum proposals from the Languages & Literatures Department forthe addition of the general education option to ENGLISH 202/RACEETH 202 Introduction to U.S. Latino/a Literatureand the course revision for CHICANO 200/ENGLISH 200 Chicano Literature: Historical Content and Contemporary Textand CHICANO 201/ENGLISH 201 Contemporary Chicano Literature; and to receive and record the title change from: CHICANO 200/ENGLISH 200 Chicano Literature, Historical Context and Contemporary Textto: CHICANO 200/ENGLISH 200 Chican@Literature to 1980.Ellen Davis seconded the motion. The motion carried.

The curriculum proposals from the Marketing Department for change in major for Marketing (BBA),change in submajor for Marketing submajor (BBA) – Direct & Internet Emphasis, and change in minor for Marketing minor were approved on a Manu Madan/Marshall Anderson motion.

Ray Baus moved to approve the following curriculum proposals from the Music Department: change in submajorfor Music – Instrumental Performance emphasis and add the general education option toMUSC 150 Introduction to Music Theory, MUSC 161 University Bands, MUSC 162 University Orchestra, MUSC 164 Jazz Bands, MUSC 169 Marching Band,MUSC 171 Concert Choirs,MUSC 269 Instrumental Ensemble,MUSC 279 Vocal Ensemble. Roger Yin seconded the motion. The motion carried.

For the curriculum proposals from the Political Science Department, Simone DeVore moved to approve the change in major for International Studies major with emphasis pending receipt of the consultation with Languages and Literatures and the deletion of major for International Studies major without emphasis.Elizabeth Olson seconded the motion. The motion carried.

The curriculum proposals from the Psychology Department were approved for repeatability change forPSYCH 498 Independent Study and PSYCH 498R Undergraduate Research on a Marshall Anderson/Elizabeth Olson motion.

Jolly Emrey moved to approve the following curriculum proposals from the Sociology, Anthropology, and Criminal Justice Department: the course revision, credit change, and repeatability change for SOCIOLGY 499 Senior Honors Thesis, andchange in minor for Asian Studies minor, and to receive and record thecourse deletion for SOCIOLGY 475/675 Contemporary Sociological Theory and the pre-requisite change and title change from: SOCIOLGY 499 Senior Honors to: SOCIOLGY 499 Senior Honors Thesis. The motion was seconded by Marshall Anderson. The motion carried.

For the curriculum proposals from the Special Education Department, Simone DeVore moved to receive and record the course deletion for SPECED 482 Current Topics in Special Education: Pre-Institute, SPECED 483 Current Topics in Special Education: Institute, and SPECED 484 Current Topics in Special Education: Post-Institute. Ellen Davis seconded the motion. The motion carried.

Marshall Anderson moved to receive and record, with a second by Ray Baus, the special course proposals from 4/9/09 to 9/10/09. The motion carried.

Course # / Title / Term / Approved
BIOLOGY 491/691 / Nat Hist OB & MAM / 2103 / 6/19/09
BIOLOGY 690 / Insect Short Course / 2093 / 4/22/09
CHEM 496 / Environmental Pollutants / 2101 / 9/9/09
CIGENRL 491/691 / KDP Tra Stu China PreK-16 Edu / 2103 / 6/2/09
CIGENRL 491/691 / Ghana Influ: AfriamrCul / 2107 / 9/10/09
CIGENRL 790 / Cultural Competence / 2093 / 6/15/09
COMDIS 696 / Clinical Practicum (in COMDIS) / 2101 / 5/7/09
EDUINDP 490 / People/Cultures of Ecuador / 2097 / 4/23/09
HISTRY 790 / History Workshop / 2093 / 5/15/09
ITBE 490/690 / Intro to Web Design / 2097 / 6/11/09
ITBE 490/690 / Open Source CMS –Joomla / 2097 / 6/11/09
ITBE 490/690 / E-Commerce websites – Joomla / 2097 / 6/11/09
ITBE 490/690 / Component Develop – Joomla / 2097 / 6/11/09
LSINDP 291/491/691 / Artists & Exiles / 2101 / 4/14/09
MUSC 790 / Total Band Director Workshop / 2093 / 7/9/09
PHILSPHY 496 / To the Heart of Knowledge / 2101 / 9/8/09
PHYSCS 494 / Mathematical Physics II / 2101 / 9/9/09
SAFETY 691 / Sustainable Business Carib / 2100 / 8/26/09
THEATRE 494 / The Provok’d Wife / 2010 / 8/25/09

The meeting adjourned at 2:45 pm on a Tim Scully/Scott Bradley motion.

Respectfully submitted,

Leslie Meyer