SMC Advice - Formulary Decisions June-July 2015

Scottish Medicines Consortium Recommendations

Date / Product/Manufacturer / SMC Advice / Decision of ADTC / Rationale
June 2015 1042/15 / magnesium aspartate dihydrate equivalent to 243mg (10mmol) of magnesium powder for oral solution (Magnaspartate®)
Kora Corporation Limited
Product Update / magnesium aspartate dihydrate (Magnaspartate®) is accepted for use within NHS Scotland.
Indication under review: for the treatment and prevention of magnesium deficiency, as diagnosed by a doctor
This is the first licensed oral magnesium product to be available in the UK for the treatment and prevention of magnesium deficiency. Magnesium supplementation has previously been available as a food supplement. / Included on the Fife Formulary.
Specialist initiation only.
Current alternative products listed on the Fife Formulary for use for this indication to be removed.
Request patients currently prescribed alternative magnesium supplements are reviewed and switched to Magnaspartate where appropriate with ongoing monitoring of magnesium serum levels. / SMC magnesium aspartate dehydrate (Magnaspartate)
June 2015 1067/15 / posaconazole 300mg concentrate for solution for infusion (Noxafil®)
Merck Sharp & Dohme Limited
Product Update / posaconazole concentrate for solution for infusion (Noxafil®) is accepted for use within NHS Scotland.
Indication under review: for use in the treatment of the following fungal infections in adults:
·  Invasive aspergillosis in patients with disease that is refractory to amphotericin B or itraconazole or in patients who are intolerant of these medicinal products;
·  Fusariosis in patients with disease that is refractory* to amphotericin B or in patients who are intolerant of amphotericin B;
·  Chromoblastomycosis and mycetoma in patients with disease that is refractory to itraconazole or in patients who are intolerant of itraconazole;
·  Coccidioidomycosis in patients with disease that is refractory to amphotericin B, itraconazole or fluconazole or in patients who are intolerant of these medicinal products.
For prophylaxis of invasive fungal infections (IFI) in the following patients:
·  Patients receiving remission-induction chemotherapy for acute myelogenous leukaemia (AML) or myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) expected to result in prolonged neutropenia and who are at high risk of developing IFI;
·  Hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT) recipients who are undergoing high-dose immunosuppressive therapy for graft versus host disease (GVHD) and who are at high risk of developing IFI.
Posaconazole 300mg solution for infusion will generally result in higher plasma concentrations than posaconazole oral suspension and is expected to result in similar plasma concentrations as the tablet formulation. Posaconazole solution for infusion is more expensive than oral preparations. It is intended for patients who are not able to receive an oral formulation, and should be used for the minimum time required. Patients should be switched to an oral formulation of posaconazole as soon as clinically practical. / Not included on the Fife Formulary because clinicians do not support Formulary inclusion. / SMC posaconazole (Noxafil)
Fife Formulary Section 5
Not preferred.
Formulary choice for prophylaxis is itraconazole
June 2015
1068/15 / adalimumab (Humira®) 40 mg/0.8 ml solution injection (Humira®)
AbbVie Ltd
Product Update / adalimumab (Humira®) is accepted for restricted use within NHS Scotland.
Indication under review: Treatment of severe chronic plaque psoriasis in children and adolescents from 4 years of age who have had an inadequate response to or are inappropriate candidates for topical therapy and phototherapies.
SMC restriction: Patients with severe disease as defined by a total Psoriasis Area Severity Index (PASI) score of ≥10 and a Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI) of >10.
Treatment with adalimumab in a paediatric population improves both signs and symptoms of psoriasis and quality of life. / Included on the Fife Formulary for the indication stated.
Hospital use only. / SMC adalimumab (Humira)
June 2015
1064/15 / vedolizumab 300mg powder for concentrate for solution for infusion (Entyvio®)
Takeda UK Ltd
For the treatment of adult patients with moderately to severely active Crohn's disease who have had an inadequate response with, lost response to, or were intolerant to either conventional therapy or a tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNFα) antagonist.
Comparator Medicines:
Vedolizumab is the only medicine specifically licensed for use in patients with Crohn’s disease after failure, intolerance or contraindication to TNFα antagonists. TNFα antagonists (infliximab and adalimumab) licensed for Crohn’s disease do not specify use after other TNFα antagonists. / vedolizumab (Entyvio®) is accepted for restricted use for use within NHS Scotland.
Indication under review: for the treatment of adult patients with moderately to severely active Crohn's disease who have had an inadequate response with, lost response to, or were intolerant to either conventional therapy or a tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNFα) antagonist.
SMC restriction: for the treatment of adult patients with moderately to severely active Crohn's disease who have had an inadequate response with, lost response to, or were intolerant to a TNFα antagonist.
In two clinical studies, more patients treated with vedolizumab achieved clinical remission at week 6 compared with placebo but the difference was only statistically significant in one study. One study included a maintenance phase, and significantly more patients treated with vedolizumab were in clinical remission at week 52 compared with placebo.
Patients who continue treatment should be reassessed at least every 12 months to determine whether ongoing treatment is still clinically appropriate. For people in complete remission at 12 months, consider stopping vedolizumab, resuming treatment if there is a relapse.
This SMC advice takes account of the benefits of a Patient Access Scheme (PAS) that improves the cost-effectiveness of vedolizumab. This advice is contingent upon the continuing availability of the patient access scheme in NHS Scotland or a list price that is equivalent or lower. / Not included on the Fife Formulary because clinicians have not responded to an invitation to apply for Formulary inclusion. / SMC vedolizumab (Entyvio)
Fife Formulary Section 1
April 2015
1045/15 / vedolizumab 300mg powder for concentrate for solution for infusion (Entyvio®)
Takeda UK Ltd
The treatment of adult patients with moderately to severely active ulcerative colitis who have had an inadequate response with, lost response to, or were intolerant to either conventional therapy or a tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNFα) antagonist
Comparator Medicines:
TNFα antagonists (infliximab, adalimumab, golimumab) and conventional therapy: aminosalicylates (e.g. mesalazine), corticosteroids, immunosuppressants (e.g. azathioprine and mercaptopurine). Surgery is an option for patients who do not respond to medical interventions / vedolizumab (Entyvio®) is accepted for use within NHS Scotland.
Indication under review: the treatment of adult patients with moderately to severely active ulcerative colitis who have had an inadequate response with, lost response to, or were intolerant to either conventional therapy or a tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNFα) antagonist.
A higher proportion of patients treated with vedolizumab achieved a clinical response at week six and clinical remission at week 52 compared with placebo in a controlled phase III study.
Patients who continue treatment should be reassessed at least every 12 months to determine whether ongoing treatment is still clinically appropriate. For people in complete remission at 12 months, consider stopping vedolizumab, resuming treatment if there is a relapse.
This advice takes account of the benefits of a patient access scheme (PAS) that improves the cost-effectiveness of vedolizumab. This advice is contingent upon the continuing availability of the patient access scheme in NHS Scotland or a list price that is equivalent or lower.
Vedolizumab is also indicated for the treatment of adult patients with moderately to severely active Crohn's disease who have had an inadequate response with, lost response to, or were intolerant to either conventional therapy or a tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNFα) antagonist. A submission for this indication is currently undergoing SMC assessment. / Not included on the Fife Formulary because clinicians have not responded to an invitation to apply for Formulary inclusion. / SMC vedolizumab (Entyvio)
Fife Formulary Section 1
June 2015
943/14 / ceftobiprole, 500mg, powder for concentrate for solution for infusion (Zevtera®)
Basilea Pharmaceutica International Ltd
Ceftobiprole is indicated for the treatment of the following infections in adults:
·  Hospital-acquired pneumonia (HAP), excluding ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP)
·  Community-acquired pneumonia (CAP)
Consideration should be given to official guidance on the appropriate use of antibacterial agents.
Comparator Medicines:
Various regimens of antibiotics are recommended in Health Board empirical antibiotic guidelines including: piperacillin-tazobactam, amoxicillin plus aztreonam, levofloxacin (usually as an option if penicillin allergy), and co-amoxiclav plus gentamicin. In cases where MRSA is suspected or proven, glycopeptides (vancomycin or teicoplanin) are added. Linezolid is often reserved for second-line use after glycopeptides. / ceftobiprole (Zevtera®) is accepted for restricted use within NHS Scotland.
Indication under review: Ceftobiprole is indicated for the treatment of the following infections in adults:
·  Hospital-acquired pneumonia (HAP), excluding ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP)
·  Community-acquired pneumonia (CAP)
Consideration should be given to official guidance on the appropriate use of antibacterial agents.
SMC restriction: for use in the treatment of HAP (excluding VAP) when activity is required against suspected methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and Gram-negative pathogens (including Pseudomona aeruginosa, Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae) and when combination treatment that includes vancomycin or teicoplanin is inappropriate or has not been tolerated, or when treatment modification is required, i.e. as an alternative to linezolid-based regimens.
In a randomised, double-blind phase III study of patients with HAP, the clinical cure rate for empirical treatment with ceftobiprole was non-inferior to the rate associated with intravenous linezolid plus an anti-pseudomonal cephalosporin / Not included on the Fife Formulary because clinicians do not support Formulary inclusion. / SMC ceftobiprole medocaril (Zevtera)
Not preferred
Fife Formulary Section 5
June 2015 1069/15 / darunavir 75mg, 150mg, 400mg, 600mg, 800mg film-coated tablets and oral suspension 100mg/mL (Prezista®)
Janssen-Cilag Ltd
Product Update / darunavir (Prezista®) is accepted for restricted use within NHS Scotland.
Indication under review: once daily darunavir co-administered with low dose ritonavir in combination with other antiretroviral medicinal products for the treatment of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1) infection in paediatric patients aged 3 to 12 years and ≥15kg who are 1) treatment-naive or 2) treatment-experienced with no darunavir resistance-associated mutations, plasma-HIV-1 RNA <100,000 copies/mL, and CD4+ count >100x106 cells/L.
SMC restriction: to be prescribed under the supervision of specialists in paediatric HIV.
Darunavir is listed in the British National Formulary for Children in combination with other antiretroviral drugs for HIV infection in children previously treated with antiretrovirals or not previously treated with antiretroviral therapy. The Scottish Medicines Consortium has previously accepted darunavir in this indication in paediatric patients aged 12 to 17 years and at least 40kg body weight, and in combination with other antiretroviral medicinal products in antiretroviral (ART)-experienced paediatric patients from the age of 3 years and at least 15kg body weight. / Not included on the Fife Formulary for use in patients from age 3 -12 as clinicians do not support Formulary inclusion for this age group. / SMC darunavir (Prezista)
Tertiary centre use.
Fife Formulary Section 5
June 2015
1056/15 / riociguat 0.5mg, 1mg, 1.5mg, 2mg, 2.5mg film-coated tablets (Adempas®)
Bayer Plc
Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH): as monotherapy or in combination with endothelin receptor antagonists, for the treatment of adult patients with PAH with World Health Organisation Functional Class (WHO FC) II to III to improve exercise capacity.
Efficacy has been shown in a PAH population including aetiologies of idiopathic or heritable PAH or PAH associated with connective tissue disease.
Comparator Medicines:
Sildenafil, tadalafil, bosentan, ambrisentan, macitentan, iloprost, and epoprostenol are licensed for the treatment of PAH in the UK. Epoprostenol, administered by continuous intravenous infusion, has not been included in the cost table as the mean dose in the only historical study found was higher than the licensed doses / riociguat (Adempas®) is accepted for use within NHS Scotland.
Indication under review: Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH): as monotherapy or in combination with endothelin receptor antagonists, for the treatment of adult patients with PAH with World Health Organisation Functional Class (WHO FC) II to III to improve exercise capacity. Efficacy has been shown in a PAH population including aetiologies of idiopathic or heritable PAH or PAH associated with connective tissue disease.
SMC restriction: for use as a PAH-specific monotherapy as an alternative treatment option to endothelin receptor antagonist (ERA) monotherapy in adult patients with PAH of WHO FC II to III. It is restricted to initiation and prescribing by specialists in the Scottish Pulmonary Vascular Unit or by similar specialists.
Riociguat demonstrated significant improvement compared with placebo in exercise capacity, in terms of six-minute walking distance, in patients with symptomatic PAH in a phase III study.
This advice takes account of the benefits of a Patient Access Scheme (PAS) that improves the cost-effectiveness of riociguat. This advice is contingent upon the continuing availability of the patient access scheme in NHS Scotland or a list price that is equivalent or lower.
This advice takes account of the views from a Patient and Clinician Engagement (PACE) meeting. / Not included on the Fife Formulary as clinicians do not support Formulary inclusion. / SMC riociguat (Adempas)
Tertiary centre use.
Fife Formulary Section 2
June 2015
1055/15 / sorafenib 200mg film-coated tablets (Nexavar®)
Bayer Plc / sorafenib (Nexavar®) is accepted for use within NHS Scotland.
Indication under review: treatment of patients with progressive, locally advanced or metastatic, differentiated thyroid carcinoma, refractory to radioactive iodine.
Treatment with sorafenib demonstrated a significant, clinically relevant five-month improvement in median progression free survival compared with placebo in patients with progressive, locally advanced or metastatic, differentiated thyroid carcinoma, refractory to radioactive iodine.
This SMC advice takes account of the benefits of a Patient Access Scheme (PAS) that improves the cost-effectiveness of sorafenib. This advice is contingent upon the continuing availability of the PAS in NHS Scotland or a list price that is equivalent or lower.
This advice takes account of the views from a Patient and Clinician Engagement (PACE) meeting / Not included pending protocol. / SMC sorafenib (Nexavar)
Requires SCAN submission to Lothian Formulary Committee.
June 2015
1061/15 / tinzaparin 20,000 IU/ml 0.4ml, 0.5ml, 0.6ml, 0.7ml, 0.8ml and 0.9ml pre-filled syringe (Innohep Syringe®)