Sent: Monday, March 09, 2015 3:58 PM

To the Pemberton Borough Council
c/o Donna Mull
Because the Borough utility meter continues to read higher than it should, This resident has taken steps to reconfigure the system sensors to measure the electricity flowing both ways through the Borough meter. Since 1pm on Saturday when the change was made until 2:30pm today the Borough meter registered 75 kWh from the grid. The readings from the sensors report 53 kWh taken from the grid during that period and 37 kWh sent to the grid. The other Borough meter read 48 kWh to the grid.
There has been no response from the Borough to the attorney's request to verify the performance of utility consumption meter. It is clear from this data that the existing Borough meter is in error. We repeat the request to the Borough to install a meter that will read the energy flowing in both directions and display those readings in independent registers.
The system was shut down from October 2013 to February 2015 because the Borough meter was reading an excessive value and charging this resident a minimum of 20% more each month. Shutting down the system has resulted in the loss of SREC's at ~15¢/kWh and the loss of the lease time at $200 / month. Wiring issues with the Borough has also resulted in the loss of any solar energy available to the resident. At no time since the commissioning in December 2012 has the borough met their obligations under their contract and the Borough electrical code.
I respectfully request that the Borough take prompt action to rectify this situation. The system will remain in operation for the balance of this month. Further results will be supplied at that time. You can be assured that the outcome will not change.

Bruce T Buzalski

On 3/10/2015 11:45 AM, Donna Mull wrote:

Mr. Buzalski,

I am requesting that you have the same individuals from GeoPeak that met us at your home for the last meeting meet again and I will have my electrician there also as we would like to see what is actually happening. Also since the equipment that was installed by our electrician was remove this could have something to do with the problem. We would also like to resolve this issue as soon as possible. I did not respond to your attorney as I have not seen the issue with my own eyes and will not rely on something that was not installed by the borough. This delay could have been resolved at the last meeting if you would have turned on your solar power while we were in attendance like requested.

I thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter.



Sent: Thursday, March 12, 2015 6:54 PM

Dear Ms. Mull
Before we schedule a meeting at my residence and have everyone here, I would like to understand what you expect to see that you didn't see last time you were here when your electrician examined the system and stated that the installation was correct.

I have attached the spreed sheet that I use to track the data I am receiving through the SunPower monitoring of the system. The sensors have been moved from the original position which was to measure the consumption of energy in the residence to a point next to the regular utility meter provided by the Borough which reads the energy being used by the home and the data you use for billing.
The sensors confirmed what can be observed by inspecting the front of the meter when the sun is shining and the solar system is operating. Electricity is flowing in the reverse direction through the meter. With the sensors thus installed I am able to quantify the amount of energy flowing in each direction. These readings are integrated over each 5 minute interval during the day and transmitted to the server at SunPower.

The data can be downloaded and operated on in a spreadsheet. We collect two pieces of data in this way. First the energy generated by the solar panels. Second the output of the sensors installed in the system. Both these pieces of data can subsequently be accessed. The data for this month can be found in the attached workbook.

The system is operating as it should but the meter you are using to report the data is not programmed to handle energy flowing to the grid. You were advised of this fact over 1 year ago at which time you vociferously rejected the possibility. Your meter is perfectly accurate when compared with the home consumption if the solar panels are not in operation. Flowing energy in the reverse direction causes the meter to read higher than it should if it's intent is to measure only energy coming from the grid.

Your code very clearly states that the Borough will purchase the excess energy generated by the system. With the meters configured as they are presently you do not comply with the code. You need to replace the Utility meter with a single meter that reads energy flowing in both directions. I pay for the energy coming to the home and you pay me for the energy going to the grid. That is the agreement signed by both of us and in agreement with the Borough's electrical code.

The single meter referenced is NOT a net meter. It does not run backwards. It allows you to take the same measurements you do now recording both energy going to the residence and energy coming from the residence. That makes the second meter you installed unnecessary. The second meter reads all the energy produced by the solar panels and not the energy going to the grid as is specified by your code.

Given this information, please advise what you expect to see or further understand by having so many people take time out of their day to be at the residence. Watching the meters is like counting grains of sand. The residence uses about 20 kWh per day or less than 1 kWh per hour. When the sun is at it's peak the flow indicator on the face of the meter is moving from right to left. When the sun is not shining, the indicator is moving from left to right. In the attached workbook you have both meter readings and data quantifying flow through the meter and its direction. The sum of data over the day reflects the results that would be obtained from a dual register meter.

The only solution is to replace the utility meter as has been requested of you. This will solve the problem and be in conformance with the Pemberton Borough Electrical code. The Borough can readily change the meter which is located on the outside of the residence. No other changes are necessary. Any other wiring changes to the system will only be permitted by qualified technicians from GeoPeak Energy.

I will be leaving town on the 18th for an indeterminate amount of time. Your prompt consideration of this request will be appreciated. You also have a request regarding the installation of backup batteries to which a response is past due. We can address both these issues at the public portion of the council meeting next Monday if you have been unable to reach a conclusion. I would expect a decision no later than the end of that meeting.

Bruce T. Buzalski

On 3/16/2015 8:47 AM, Donna Mull wrote:

Mr. Buzalski:

The reason I would like everyone there with the solar running, is so myself and our electrician can understand and see for ourselves what you are talking about. Also Maybe if the equipment our electrician installed and was remove was still in place this would not be happening. Please advise when you have scheduled the meeting.


Donna J. Mull

I have forwarded your request to Mr. Hackett at GeoPeak and await his response. The system was turned on at about 11am on the day of our last meeting on February 3rd, however if you recall it was not a particularly bright day. The sun did come out later at which time the borough meter was showing energy going to the grid. I could show you all of the February records however I do not have record of the energy flowing through the meter other than it's readings. Those readings were greater than my consumption. This month I have switched the sensors to register what is flowing through the borough meter (same sensors, different location). That data has been provided to you. You are welcome to bring you electrician out to inspect the meters again for yourself anytime. I will advise as soon as I receive a response from Mr. Hackett. Please be advised that your Code does not speciify how the meters are to be installed. I would appreciate schematic documentation of the required wiring. Once again I request that you provide a single utility meter which reads flow in each direction. This problem will then go away. I further request that this issue be discussed at the public portion of this evenings meeting.

Bruce T. Buzalski