First Day: July 9th
Opening:Prof. P.V. Tobias – Univ. of Witwatersrand Johannesburg: “The Natural History of Man”
1Primatology and Human Evolution
2Human Paleobiology: Reconstructing Human Life in the Past
3Genomic and Genetic Technologies and Their Anthropological Implication
4Human Impact on Nature
5Human Ecology: Population Adaptation on the Changing Environment
6Mountain Ecosystems and Human Adaptation
7Linguistics and Mathematics
Second day, July 10th
Opening: Prof. W. Stini, Univ. of Arizona: “Human Evolutionary Success and the Energy Shortage: Cause and Effect?”
1Children and Young People in a Changing World
2Food and Health: Traditions Against Globalisation
3Aging and the Aged: Increasing Problems for the Future
4Medical Anthropology and Epidemiology
5Ethnic Identities and Ethnic Interactions; Socio-Political Anthropology
6Tourism and its Anthropo-ethnological Consequences
7Global Bioethics: Quality of Life and Environment
Third Day, July 11th
Opening:Prof. C. Marchetti, Past Director of IIASA “The Energy Crisis: From Wood to Carbon, from Carbon to Nuclear Energy, from Nuclear Energy to Hydrigen”
1Nomadic Peoples and recent Migration
2Urban Anthropology
3Forest Management, Climate Change and the Future of Mankind
4Indigenous Knowledge and Sustainable Development
5Aggression and Collective Violence: Ethical and Ideological Conflict and Human Rights
6Religious Thinking and Globalisation
7The Aboriginal People of the Americas and of Others Continents
Fourth Day, July 12th
Opening:Prof. Emeritus in Anthropology and Psychiatry, W.Goldschmidt, University of California, Los Angeles “Affect Hunger and the Evolution of Human Behaviour”
1Museum and Cultural Heritage
2Visual Anthropology
Closing Forum: Today for tomorrow: Energy and Food Resources Conditioning Human Life in the XXI Century a round table discussion chaired by Prof. W. Goldschmidt assisted by......
With the contribution of:
L.Westra e C. Soskolne: Global Ecological Integrity, Human Rights and Human Responsabilities: Interaction between International Law and Public Health.
Warren: How Many Times has the Human Population Doubled? Comparison with Cancer.