WebVoyáge Committee Meeting Minutes

February 19, 2014,9:00am-11:00am

UHMānoa-HamiltonLibrary, Yap Room

Present:Kris Anderson /UHMānoaSinclair,Jennifer Beamer / Student Representative, Catherine Bye (for BrianHuffman) /Law,Carolyn Dennison / UHMānoa SciTech, AlphieGarcia/UHWest O‘ahu,Michael Gmelin / KauaiCC (via Halawai), CarolHasegawa/Honolulu CC(Chair),CarolKellett/SystemsOffice,MarikoKershaw/Windward CC,EleanorKleiber/UHMānoa Hawaiian Pacific,Dore Minatodani / UH Manoa Hawaiian Pacific, DongyunNi/UHMānoaCatalogingDept.,AnnieThomas/Kapi‘olaniCC (via Halawai),RalphToyama/Leeward CC

Absent:ThoraAbarca / UH Hilo, Laurel Gregory / UH West Hawai‘i Center, P. Huston Ladner / UHMānoa TIM, AngelaLee/JABSOM,Lisa Sepa / UH Maui College, BJ Short / Bishop Museum, SachiKawaiaea / Honolulu Museum of Art



1.Call to Order

Hasegawa called the meeting to order at 9:05 am.

2.Minutes of January 22, 2014

The minutes of the January 22, 2014 meeting were accepted.

3.Unfinished Business

a. Voyager

1)Date range for serial titles & Get this item in HPJI: status of ExLibris request

Kellett: This request cannot be implementedbecause of how dates are stored and searched in Voyager.

2)Redesign of Library Barcode Number/Last name Voyager Login

a)Feasibility of 2 login boxes side by side

Erin Kim was able to implement this in the sandbox.Kellett sent a link to WEBVOYAGE-L.

b)HonCC Student Mock Up comps: Feedback & Final Proposal

Hasegawa sent to WEBVOYAGE-L a file showing the mock ups discussed at the January 22, 2014 meeting. (See Attachment A-logincomp3.pdf.) She also sent a summary of the feedback. (See Attachment B-loginfeedbackrecap.docx.)

Kellettstated that additional smaller print could be addedunder "Not UH?" if necessary for Public Login. She mentioned that the "Help" pages have not been updated for several years. Public Login info could be added to the Help pages during the update.

Hasegawa met with students and got another proposal based on our feedback. (See Attachments C and D.)Hasegawa will email the image file for the header.


Kellett/ Systems will implement the students’ final proposal (without the water background) in sandbox.

3)UHLC 3-year Voyager renewal decision & Voyager RFI process

a)Nominees for coordinating committee

Kathleen Stacy, Ralph Toyama, and Kris Anderson volunteered to be the three nominees from the WebVoyage Committee.

b)Recommendations memo to University of Hawaii Library Council (UHLC)

Hasegawa sent a memo to Laurel Gregory (UHLC) on January 31, 2014. The memo named the Committee’s three nominees and made recommendations on the structure and communication of the coordinating committee.

Hasegawa reviewed list of all nominees to the coordinating committee that was sent out by Gregory on February 11, 2014.Hasegawa asked the Committee members for volunteers to replace Stacy who had been nominated to represent the Serials/Acq Committee. Garcia volunteered to serve as a nominee.

Hasegawa informed the Committee that her messages regarding nominees for the coordinating committee were sent only to Committee members and not to the WEBVOYAGE-L listserv. On the other hand, she sent copies of the memos to the listserv.

c)Minutes & Representative memo to UHLC:

Hasegawa worked with Michelle Sturges (Cataloging Committee) and Fredrick Allen (Circulation) to draft a memo to UHLC request that they post their minutes for meetings held since October 2012. The memo also asked that a designated liaisons from UHLCbe identified to relay questions or concerns from the committees to the UHLC and from UHLC back to the committees. The memo was sentto Gregory (UHLC) on February 11, 2014.

d)Primo in the review process

Per Gregory, Primo is part of the discussion and review of the coordinating committee. Hasegawa called Gregory to ask questions that were raised by Steph Nelson (KCC) at the Committee’s January 22, 2014 meeting. The Primo contract will expire sometime within the next fiscal year (2014-2015) so libraries will need to budget for it.

e)Next steps: Discussion?

Hasegawa proposed that the Committee start creating a wish list of features and functions about our next ILS before the coordinating committee actually convenes. The list will provide WebVoyage’s representative with something to take to the coordinating committee.

Suggested starting points for the wish list:

1. The Committee’smeeting minutes since 2001.

2. Documents used in the transition from CARL to Voyager. These documents will help the Committee to identify broad categories of features and functions.


Garcia will start a Google Doc and share it with everyone. The Committee should have something started by next meeting in March.

4)Multiple Requests Display in Status for “Any Copy” ISL and Get This Item Requests (Ni)

Ni emailed Fredrick Allen about the issue. Allen suggested making changes to the WebVoyage property file to hide item status messages related to requests. This change means that users would not see pending requests as a status inWebVoyage. Kellettconfirmed that this could be done if WebVoyage Committee agrees to it.


Kellettwill implement the change in the sandbox. She will send out a link to the Committee to test it.

5)Add 264 (publication information) Field to Voyager Print Setting

Kellettreported that this change was done.

6)Suppressed ebrary Records in Display

Kellettreported that the old ebrary records have been removed from Voyager. We will need to verify that they have been removedin Primo.

b. Primo

1)Material Type in Advanced Search: Change audio and visual to Audio and Visual for list consistency

Kellettasked Erin Kim (Systems) and Arthur Shun (Systems) to take care of this. She is not sure if they had done it yet.

2)Change Show Only facet Full Text Online to Available Online

Hasegawa was supposed to email WebVoyage about making this change. After attending a Primo training session, she decided not send out a message since the issue was not clear to as to what "Available Online" meant.

4. New Business

a. Voyager

1)Searching w/ or w/out apostrophes & w/ or w/out space after colons

Bye: Is anyone else was getting inconsistent responses with search results?

Ni: If do not use apostrophe in the search, put no space where the apostrophe should be.


Bye will ask Law staff for more examples.

2) Hamilton titles in WorldCat but not found via Voyager or Primo

Bye: The Law staff could not replicate the problem since they were getting inconsistent results.

Kellett: Nancy Sack is doing a project to update WorldCat holdings to match what is in Voyager. When delete items in Voyager, WorldCatis only updated once a month.

Ni: UHM Cataloging will be submitting batch deletions weekly rather than monthly.

b. Primo

1)Wikipedia results (Bye)

Wikipedia is part of Primo Central Index (PCI). During implementation, it was left on since it was one of the defaults in PCI’s settings.

Each instance (i.e., library) has to turn off Wikipedia in its Primo Central settings.


Kellettwill turn off Wikipedia in PCI for all campuses.

2)Full text available and View Online

Bye: Searching "everything" in Law’s Primo for "international handbook of virtual learning environments" directs users to the record of an e-book with links that go nowhere. To resolve this issue,the library staff needs to review and turn on/offresources in PCI’s settings.

Kellett: To replicate searches, searchers need to open multiple browsers. Primo may be caching data and displaying cached information. Searches should try their searches on different computers. Kellettindicated that she has gotten different results when using different browsers for searches.


Kellettwill post the list of resources in PCI on Laulima.

3)Unshowor Show bx hot articles

Hasegawa asked about the benefits of showing the “bx hot articles” box.


  • If someone searches a lot, bx will track the searches and what the searcher likes.
  • bxwill present more precise results if the searcher logs in all the time.
  • bx processes all (global) Primo searches to identify articles to present to searchers.
  • Libraries may not be able to re-label the link since "bx" is the brand name of the function.

Since bx hot articles can be turned on/off in each library's instance, Hasegawa will talk to the HCC staff.

c. Other

1)655 Tag in WebVoyage

Toyama asked what the ramifications would be if the 655 (Index Term – Genre/Form) tag were not displayed in WebVoyage. For example, records for ebrary books all have “Electronic books” in the 655 tag that display as “Subject.”

Since other items would beaffected (e.g., historical fiction), Toyama proposed displaying thedata under a different label. The Committee discussed the wording ofthe label.


Kellettwill change WebVoyage display to split off display 655 information from other 65x fieldsfor all skins. The label for the field will be "Genre/Form".


Kellettwill eliminate the 655 tag of “Electronic books” in the monthly bulk load of ebrary records. She will also talk to Nancy Sack about removing the tag from the 90,000 ebrary records currently in Voyager.

2)Voyager 8 Upgrade

Upgrade to Voyager 8 will start on May 19, 2014 and take a couple of days. Oracle will also have to be upgraded. Systems will distribute Voyager 8 clients via FTP.

Voyager 8 is available on a test server.


Kellettwill send out the link to the test server. The Committee should look at what files we have now, what changes will be coming, and what customization needs to be done.

3)New Member

Kleiber announced that this would be her last meeting and introduced Minatodani as her replacement.Kleiber will return to the Committee in the fall.

5. Announcements

UHWest Oahu–Wayde Oshirois leaving to take a position at Leeward CC as head librarian. They will look for a replacement.

Honolulu CC –The building is still being renovated.

Beamer–She will be traveling to Hilo to serve as a judge for History Day.

Leeward CC – Wayde Oshiro has been hired to fill vacant position.

Windward CC - A permanent circulation managerhas been hired. Two positions remain vacant and need to be filled.

6. Next Meetings: Wednesdays, 9-11 am

The Committee’s next three meetings will be held on Wednesdays at 9:00-11:00 am. The dates, locations, and recorders are listed below,

  • March 19 at Windward Community College; recorder to be determined
  • April 16at JABSOM Health Sciences Library, recorder Kershaw
  • May 28at JABSOM Health Sciences Library; recorder to be determined

7. Adjourn

ThemeetingwasadjournedbyHasegawa at11:09 am.

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