Completed by: _Dick Winters______date ______
Date presented to Grant/Research Committee ______
Data Sheet for Collaborative Grants
Name of Project:Funding term: / Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Infrastructure Grant Reimbursement Program (Sedgefield Elementary School)
~September 2009 – March 2011 (18-month term)
CMS Department and Contact: / Dennis Lacaria, Specialist, Planning Department
980-343-6880; 980-722-5728
Funding Entity/Due Date: / NC Department of Transportation (federal funds) Due 1/30/2009
Lead Applicant and Contact: / Charlotte Department of Transportation
Vivian Coleman, Pedestrian Program Manager
(704) 353-0481
Brief description of project. How would this project benefit CMS? The purpose of the Safe Routes to School program is to (1) enable and encourage students, including those with disabilities, to walk and bicycle to school; (2) make bicycling and walking to school a safer and more appealing transportation alternative, thereby encouraging a healthy and active lifestyle from an early age; and (3) facilitate the planning, development, and implementation of projects and activities that will improve safety and reduce traffic, fuel consumption and air pollution in the vicinity of schools. [The primary part of Barringer Academic Center/Irwin Creek Greenway project will connect a dead-end branch of the existing, new Irwin Creek multi-use path up a hill to the existing parking lot and sidewalk of the old Barringer Elementary campus. This facility will replace a worn footpath and steep, concrete steps and handrails with an ADA-compliant paved ramp. This connection will enable students and parents that are currently using this footpath to a have a safer and better recognized, permanent connection between neighborhoods surrounding the school and the school itself. This connection will also provide students better access via walking and cycling to after-school facilities and activities without having to use sidewalks on such high-volume thoroughfares as West Blvd and Clanton Rd. The more students that can walk or cycle means that fewer will have to rely on buses or private vehicles to get to and from school, thus reducing congestion and vehicle emissions around the school. Finally, this is an opportunity to enable students and parents to incorporate physical activity as an option in the daily routine of transportation to and from school. This increase in physical activity can reduce obesity and related diseases and enhance students’ readiness to learn.]
Strategic Plan Alignment: Goal I, Strategy 18: “Promote wellness and physical activity for all students preK-12.”
CMS commitments and responsible CMS staff-–funds, time, data, in-kind:
1. land on which to build the connecting path
2. staff time in putting together the grant application, that will involve data gathering / 3. facilities staff oversight of the project
4. faculty/staff involvement in pre- and post-implementation data gathering via in school and parent surveys
5. safety, property management staff as needed
CMS will receive final draft for review:
Source of funds or in-kind: / No match is required.
Has outside research approval process begun? / N/A
Which principals are involved, and are they knowledgeable about the project and supportive? / Lenora Shipp, Principal of Sedgefield Elementary School, supported a previous (2007) SRTS project, has been briefed on the current project, is in favor of it and is providing both her support and the support of her staff; specifically, Brian Coons, Science Teacher, and Pamela Turner, Librarian/PTA President.
Superintendent or the BOE Chair signatures required? / Letter of support from principal required. District (superintendent) endorsement letter will also be included.
Reporting required from CMS: / No central office data are required. School-generated outcome data are anticipated to be satisfaction surveys and numbers of children walking and biking to school.
Scope of teacher professional development involved / None involved.
Is the project research-based? / While this project is not primarily designed to improve academic success, CMS can expect an indirect, positive impact on academic outcomes from participating students who will be healthier, better exercised, and in safer environments.
Approved by Grant/Research Committee Initials _____ 1