A man of the Enlightenment, philosopher and scientist, Benjamin Franklin was also a great diplomat and friend of France. This travel grant is named after him and aims at giving American students an opportunity to discover France. It is open to sophomore, junior & senior students who are enrolled in a double major including one major in French and one major in another discipline. Consideration will also be given to students enrolled in a minor/certificate in French and majoring in another subject.
Applications from students who are in a course combining French and a non-humanities major such as pre-med, law, engineering, sciences, computer sciences, mathematics, business & management are encouraged.
The Benjamin Franklin Travel Grant
· Provides successful candidates with a stipend of up to $ 1, 500 per selected applicant.
· Gives selected candidates the possibility to travel to France according to their academic and professional projects (studies, internship, specific visits…)
· Offers selected students the opportunity to access the network of Benjamin Franklin Alumni.
· Sophomore, Junior and Senior students who have reached their 18th birthday before the date of departure.
· Enrolled in a double major program combining a major/certificate in French and a major in another discipline.
· Mobility period: 90 days max.
Application Material
1. The application form detailing the objectives of the trip, the program and budget, the academic project and the professional objectives of the applicant (2 pages – attached below). Each student must directly fill out the form which must be sent by an academic referee in word format.
2. The approval form signed by both academic referees and by the Study Abroad Advisor (1 page). See annex – Approval Form – to be sent in pdf format with all signatures.
3. A recommendation letter from the French language academic referee answering the following questions: Why would you recommend this student for the Benjamin Franklin grant? What is his/her level in French? What is the commitment of the applicant to his academic and professional objectives? (1page) The letter must be signed and scanned.
4. A recommendation letter from the academic referee for the other Major answering the following questions: Why would you recommend this student for the Benjamin Franklin grant? What is the commitment of the applicant to his academic and professional objectives? (1 page) The letter must be signed and scanned.
Attention: Applications must be sent by academic referees from the Department of French language only. Applicants are not allowed to send their application.
Application Process and Deadlines
· The selection will be based on candidate’s academic qualities and motivation
· Applications open on Friday, February 22nd
· Applications close on Monday, April 15th
· Selected candidates will be contacted from Monday, April 29th
Applications must be sent to Prudence Barbera at
Application Form
Student Information Form
Last name: First name: Middle Initial:
Date of Birth: Country of Birth: Country of Citizenship: Male Female
Address: Phone: Email:
Academic Information
University: State: Year: Sophomore Junior Senior
French Major or Minor/Certificate:
Name of the Academic Referee: Email of the Academic Referee:
Major 2:
Name of the Academic Referee: Email of the Academic Referee:
Current cumulative GPA: Expected graduation date:
Travel Information
Date(s) of travel:
Purpose of travel: Research Internship Conference Visit Other:
Rationale & Motivation
Please describe your academic and professional project in France – 400 words max.:
Travel plan & budget estimate to achieve your project in France – as much detail as possible:
Please indicate your itinerary if you want to visit different places and the cost estimate (amount requested through the Benjamin Franklin travel grant – $1.500 max and other sources of income)
Explain the reasons why you think you are a good candidate for the Benjamin Franklin travel grant – 300 words max. :
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