Budget and Planning Committee


Thursday, September 21, 2017

10:00 –11:30 AM

Science III, Rm 100

I.  Call to order at 10:08 AM

a.  Attendance: A. Hegde, S. Betty, D. Boschini, A. Grombly, M. Gomez, A. Huynh, C. Lam, L. Lara, B. Street, J. Sun, J. Zorn, M. Mills, T. Davis (via conference call)

II.  Approval of Minutes

a.  Minutes from 9/7/17 meeting

i.  Moved to approve by S. Betty, seconded by A. Huynh. Approved by consensus.

III.  Announcements

a.  Contact information for the BPC members was handed out.

i.  Correction to S. Betty’s extension: x3155

IV.  Approval of Agenda

a.  Moved to approve by A. Huynh, seconded by L. Lara. Approved by consensus

V.  Old Business

a.  Maximum Units Per Term (Referral 23; Resolution 161719)

b.  Instructor Initiated Drop Policy (Referral 24; Resolution 161720)

c.  University Facilities Use and Costs (Referrals 2015-16 #4 and 2016-17 #25)

d.  BAS-CFO as Ex-Officio Non-Voting Member of BPC (Referral 2017-18 #2)

VI.  New Business

a.  BPC and Budget Process

i.  Provost Zorn provided a University Profile that includes both Resident and Non-Resident FTES for the committee to review.

ii.  The committee reviewed the handout section by section and discussed items that were unclear (definitions of terms).

iii.  Regarding the $1,000,000 per year over the next 5 years, T. Davis and J. Zorn clarified the following:

1.  This money is not for replacing employees; this money is reserved for expansion (new positions).

2.  T. Davis shared that the percentage used to calculate money required for benefits has increased as of this fiscal year from 47% to 49% (average).

a.  M. Mills shared that benefits include: health insurance, dental insurance, vision insurance, flex benefits, pensions, etc.

iv.  D. Boschini mentioned that although it is necessary to highlight how much the University allocates for benefits, it is also necessary to review that faculty salaries have remained stagnant over the last 5 years or so which has caused a dip in faculty morale. T. Davis agreed that both numbers are important to review and to work on.

v.  T. Davis requested that the committee be cognizant that administration is eager to share data, but that the data is not completely clear yet.

1.  D. Boschini asked at what level can the data be trusted, to which Provost Zorn replied that she is comfortable to say that the 2016-17 post-redesign data is the closest to being correct.

2.  D. Boschini requested for data from the previous years to be reviewed in order to have data to use for analysis purposes.

a.  A. Hegde will invite Kris Krishnan, AVP for Institutional Research, Planning, and Assessment (IRPA), to the next BPC meeting.

vi.  A. Hegde requested that the committee review the data and to return with feedback and questions for the next BPC meeting. He is also requesting that if there is any other data that is not provided that the committee would like to review, to also share that at the next BPC meeting. A resolution will be drafter after the next meeting. Once that is completed and if approved by the committee, it will be sent to the Academic Senate.

vii.  A. Hegde concluded by stating that goals of the committee as far as this discussion include:

1.  Submit amendments to the Constitution/Bylaws that include:

a.  Amend to reflect BPC/Senate roles in faculty participation in budgeting process

b.  Amend to add CFO as ex-officio to BPC

2.  Establish process, criteria, and calendar for annual data request and delivery

3.  Establish process and calendar for annual data analysis, faculty consultation, and recommendation to Provost and possibly the President

4.  Discuss goals of the faculty, as needed.

a.  S. Betty requested to review starting salary information for each school/division.

b.  A. Huynh requested for information detailing what their tuition they pay is used for (example: a pie chart). A. Grombly suggested that perhaps a broader overview would be best, such as a table reflecting how much is funded for students and where those funds are collected from (state vs. student fees, for example).

b.  BPA Academic Certificate (Referral 2017-18 #1)

i.  A. Hegde called to table this item for the next BPC Meeting

c.  Integrated Teacher Education Program (Referral 2017-18 #5)

i.  No implication for resources, therefore discussion was minimal.

ii.  Moved to approve by S. Betty, seconded by B. Street.

iii.  A. Hegde provided a draft resolution to the committee for review.

d.  CSUB AV name change (Referral 2017-18 #4)

i.  D. Boschini provided background information as to what implications name changes could have on departments (new hires, requests for office space, etc.), but assured the committee that this particular request would not have the same implications.

ii.  Moved to approve by A. Huynh, seconded by B. Street. Approved by consensus.

VII.  Adjourn at 11:31 AM