Air Leagues Hall, Jubilee Lane, Parramatta. NSW

Meeting opened at 8.15pm

Present: B.Eather, D.Keyssecker, J.M.McIntyre, R.Towell,P.Turner, T.Bonello, Colin Blake (SSME)

Apologies: P.Norrie, J.McIntyre

Minutes of Previous Meeting:

Moved B.Eather and seconded P.Turner that the minutes be accepted as read. Carried.

Business Arising from Previous Minutes:

Carried forward to general business by consensus.

Correspondence In:

From MAAA:

Membership receipts.

Receipt of names for Team Selection.

Advice of the passing of Greg Pretty.

Inspector applications (Radio) MOP 006

New membership card sent directly to Grant Potter.

Advice of details of new C/L Sub Committee member for WA.

Receipt for payment of invoices $390.00


Other than MAAA:

ACLN. Number 140.

Free Flighter January 2010

M.Howell. Rescheduled SAT competition.

G.Potter. Confirmation of Hunter Valley Championships. Organiser: Mark Godfrey

P.Angelberger. Details of SA State Championships.

J.Nolan. KMFC. Information re HVChamps.

W.Leadbeatter. Info re H.V.Champs.


M.Howell. Details of SAT Competition.

M.Dislers. Response to request to inpuy for Sub Committee Report.

R.Justic. Re Greg Pretty.

B.Eather. Request for volunteer for position of handicapper.

Bob Fry. New WA C/L Sub Committee details.

J.Nolan. Re KMFC flying site.

B.Hoffmann. Results of 63rd Nationals F2B competition.

J.Nolan. KMFC. Input for report.

G.Wilson. Results from 63rd Nationals for F2A, F2C and F2D.

B.Eather. Report from SAT.

M.Howell. Suching for coaching seminar.

Information from CIAM F2 Sub Committee re electronic controls discussion.


Page 2.

Correspondence In: Other than MAAA contd.

B.Hoffmann. Re CLAS Calendar.

P.Coles. Re Luskintyre event.

D.Milides. Confirmation of booking of Whalan Reserve for State Championships.

Luke Anderson. MDMAS. Request for verification of membership.

A.Heath. Details of team selection.

MDMAS. $85.00 and member registration forms.

G.Potter. $85.00 cash for member registration. (at Nationals).

Secretarial expenses. Invoices for $139.57

Correspondence Out:

Minutes of previous meeting.

MAAA Newsletter forwarded to members.

CLAS Calendar to members, websites and ACLN.

Rescheduling of SAT competition to 14th February.

Confirmation of Hunter Valley Championships.

Mark Godfrey. To confirm the above.

Cancellation of SAT Competition on 7th February.

MAAA. Member registrations.

Sub Committee members. Re reports.

Luke Anderson. MDMAS. Printout of members.

Advice of the passing of Greg Pretty.

MAAA. Team Selection qualifiers.

Request for volunteer to take on position of handicapper for F2B.

P.Turner. Request for Stunt results from Nationals.

G.Wilson. Request for F2A, F2C and F2D results from Nationals.

Emails re CLAS Calendar.

Re curfew at 63rd Nationals.

MAAA. Payment of invoices $390.00

Forward of SA State Championships details.

(Note that any correspondence item tabulated above is available from Hon. Secretary upon request.)

Business Arising from Correspondence:

Moved to general business by consensus.


Page 3.

Treasurer’s Report: December ‘09

Balance brought forward $44,285.61

Income since previous meeting 445.00

Expenditure since previous meeting 390.00

Balance carried forward $44,340.61

Moved D.Keyssecker and seconded T.Bonello that the report be accepted. Carried.


Previous MAAA Conference.

B.Eather asked for information from the 2009 MAAA Conference in regard to the Nationals Report, which he sent to the MAAA. He had supplied a financial report, and the Hon. Secretary will ascertain whether this was included in the agenda. If this cannot be accessed, the minutes can be checked on the hard disk.

63rd Nationals.

Brian advised that a noise issue was reported in the local press in Albury and this was of great concern, in that it could very well impact on fields being made available at the next NSW Nationals in Albury. Brian requested authorisation from CLAS to contact:-_

i) Twin Cities Club and

ii) A member of Albury Council, with whom Brian has previously negotiated

to ascertain the status and possible availability of grounds, following the noise complaints at the last Nationals.

As NSW will be applying to host the Nationals in 2 years’ time, we need to be aware of any sites which may or may not be made available, and if present sites are not available, to seek an alternative in the area.

It was moved J.M.McIntyre and seconded T.Bonello that Brian be authorised to make any such enquiries. Carried.

Noise Sensitive Areas.

The current rules stipulate a maximum of 92dB in noise sensitive areas.

However, certain sections of this are unclear. Questions were asked in regard to:-

i) Who makes the ultimate decision as to whether an area is classified as noise sensitive? (For Nationals)


Page 4.


Noise Sensitive Areas contd.

ii) If an area is deemed to be so, who is authorised to apply this ruling?

iii) Does the MAAA regulation apply to all classes including FAI or only to Australian classes?

These are issues that need to be resolved for future CLAS run events, such as the City of Sydney Championships, the State Championships and the Nationals.

Brian advised the meeting that he will check the FAI rules in this regard.

SSME Field.

Tony Bonello and Colin Blake addressed the meeting, with regard to the SSME field at Luddenham.

The circle has been used not only by the club at SSME but also by CLAS for various State Championship events in the past, and the use of the field has been very much appreciated. SSME has erected a safety fence around the circle, but this now has to be upgraded and the club intends to erect a cyclone fence at a cost of approximately $3,500. SSME has asked if CLAS could make a donation towards the construction of this fence.

SSME is happy to continue to allow CLAS and other clubs to use this facility, and the representatives have pointed out the possible benefits, such as camping facilities on site, use of facilities and the canteen and the over-riding fact that there are no noise restrictions at the Luddenham site.

General discussion ensued.

A motion was proposed by J.M.McIntyre and seconded by B.Eather that:-

“CLAS donates $1,000.00 to SSME for the part cost of the erection of a cyclone wire safety fence, used by CLAS members for State Championships for the protection of modellers and spectators.”

The motion was carried unanimously.

A cheque was presented to the representatives of SSME at the meeting.

Emails received from F2 Sub Committee;

J.M.McIntyre tabled emails and information re the discussion by the CIAM F2 Sub Committee on the possibility of future electronic controls specifically for F2B. Requests were made for copies of these emails to be sent to F2B fliers for input. Hon Secretary to attend.

Meeting closed at 9.48 pm.

Joan McIntyre.

Hon. Secretary CLAS.

Postal address of CLAS Secretary: Email:

19 Alston Drive,

Berowra Heights. NSW. 2082

Ph: 02 9456 1546 or Mob: 0408 92 1065 CLAS website: www.control-line.com.au

NEXT CLAS MEETING will be held on Monday, 8th March, 2010.


Thunderbolt Glo Plugs, (4 stroke $6.50 and Idlebar $7.50), Nitro Methane and Non-Shrink Dope ($20.00 per litre) are available.

Also available 0.008” Tinplate 500x300 at $10.00

Synthetic Oil (VP Nitro Glide Plus) is also available at $45.00 for 4 litres.

For further information, contact Brian Eather on 9602 4934.