Sanford Packet-Gerbils
No. He produced John Woo's The Killer and the A Better Tomorrow series. As a director, his work includes Warriors from the Magic Mountain, A Better Tomorrow III, and the Once Upon A Time In China series. With this resume it was no problem to find work after the Hong Kong transition; unfortunately, it's all been work with Jean Claude Van Damme. FTP, name this Vietnamese-born director, whose domestic efforts are Double Team (with Van Damme and Dennis Rodman), and Knock Off. A: Tsui HARK (pronounced "Choy Hok," but be merciful. )
No. He fights monsters galore, leads Marines up hills, can beat any man wth a cannon in hand. He's adept at fencing and fighting and round table knighting and slaying of dragons, too; shipping and sailing and great harpoon whaling, there's nothing he can't do. Hunting and trapping and gold miner mapping and flying to Tin-bac-too; roving adn riding and Indian guiding, he always comes through. At least that's the way he tells it. FTP, name this cartoon blowhard who has had stints on the Tennessee Tuxedo and Underdog shows.
No. It's situated on roughly 100 acres in California's Santa Ynez Mountains, in a canyon near the San Marcos Pass. Purchased by retired Alaskan developer Steve Henson, he and his family transformed it into a vacation spot offering outdoor activities and Western surroundings. Sold to a family trust in 1970, it also was where a food item developed by Henson in Alaska took off, a buttermilk and mayonnaise concoction bought from Henson by the Clorox Company in the 1970s. FTP, what is the name of this real life location which gave it name to the founding brand of ranch dressing?
NO. Henry Fonda plays the president. Natalie Wood and Brian Keith play Russian astrophysicists. Martin Landau plays a Cold War-hungry general. Sean Connery is on hand to provide credibility as an MIT professor who survives an Ovaltine tidal wave. The US, with its illegal nuclear missile-equipped satellite Hercules, and the USSR, with its equally illegal satellite Peter the Great, team up to destroy runaway asteroid Orpheus. At least New York City gets destroyed. FTP, name this 1979 turkey which combines some OK special effects with some awful special effects and some laughable stock footage in a precursor to this year's hits Armageddon and Deep Impact.
No. Portfolio, Fame, Muse, Warm Leatherette, Nightclubbing, Living my Life, Island Life, Slave to the Rythym, Inside Story and Bulletproof Heart are some of the albums of this Jamaican-born singer-model-actress' career. She's also appeared in Boomerang, Siesta, Straight to Hell, and Vamp. FTP, name this woman, best known for playing Zula in Conan the Destroyer and May Day in A View to a Kill.
A: Grace JONES
No. His first professional win came at the 1989 Portguese Open. He's never won a major, but he finished 3rd at the 1993 US Open, where he was
prematurely congratulated on-air by Jack Nicklaus for having won the tournament. He finished 2nd at the US Open in 1994 and 1997 and at the PGA Championship in 1995. He's been a member of the last 4 European Ryder Cup teams FTP, name this Scottish who has topped the European money list each of the last 5 years.
No. This game will 12 to 18 levels specifically dedicated to multi-player deathmatches, including a "frag tag" version where one player is 'it' while everyone else tries to inflict pain. Regular game play features hand-animated monster graphics, a voice over where the grey-skinned Adon will tell the story of the game's namesake, and new villains like Mother, a walking blob of flesh, and Mantid, a cross between an aphid and a mantis. There are also 20 new weapons, including the Cranial Bore, which drills holes through monster heads. Remaining is the Tek Bow, whose missiles turn monsters into little pieces. These are some of the features of, FTP, what upcoming game sequel from Acclaim and Iguana Entertainment?
A: TUROK II: Seeds of Evil
No. He was born in 2890, Third Age, and was the oldest of his race, making his final voyage at age 131. In the Red Book of Westmarch, he chronicles his adventures when he was 51, when he was coerced into working as a burglar for Thorin and company in their raid on Mount Erebor. FTP, name this JRR Tolkien creation, whose heir was Frodo. A: BILBO BAGGINS
No. The board is nine squares by nine squares. The player who goes first is refered to as black, the other player white, even though all the pieces are the same color. Most pieces that enter the last three rows of the opponent's side of the board can be promoted. Once a piece is captured, the player who took it can drop it back on the board as one of his pieces. Each player starts out with 20 pieces: two each of the gold general, silver general, knight, and lance, one rook, one bishop, and nine pawns. FTP, this is the set-up for what game, the Japanese equivalent of chess?
No. It's been presented as a six issue comic book drawn by Barry Blair and released by Malibu Graphics, a Marvel Comics series in the 1970s, a CBS series during the 1977-78 season that starred Gregory Harrison, a film produced by Saul David at MGM, and as the first book in a trilogy by William F. Nolan and George Clayton Johnson. All follow the same basic plot: a Sandman, whose job it is to dispatch people who refuse to die at the required point in their life, joins the ahnk-wearing escapees who defy their death sentences. FTP, name the sci-fi standard whose film version featured Jenny Agutter as Jessica, Richard Jordan as Francis, and Michael York in the title role.
No. While he publicly denied he killed this man's wife, in August it was learned that Richard Eberling confessed to fellow inmate Michael Parks that he committed the 1954 murder in question. The husband of the slain woman, originally convicted in the killing, served 10 years before the Supreme Court overturned the verdict saying that intense media coverage resulted in an unfair trial. A second trial led to an acquittal, but he died penniless in
1970. FTP, this confession may help to finally clear what doctor, whose case became the basis for the TV series The Fugitive?
No. He opened his first store in 1973 in Houston with a hand-painted 30-foot plywood sign on the roof. In 1986, after expanding across Texas and opening a store in San Francisco, he began using his current corporate motto. Today, he has over 360 stores in 36 states, and if you work for him, he wants you to treat every customer like your best friend... "He Guarantees It!" FTP, name this bearded founder and CEO of the Men's Wearhouse.
A: George ZIMMER
No. Music video fans may know her as Beauty #8 from The Artist's The Most Beautiful Girl In the World. Filmgoers saw her opposite Nic Cage in The Rock. Primetime TV viewers may know her mainly as the brunette in the Head & Shoulders ads, but she's done something even more embarrassing - been Mrs. Corey Feldman. Actually she's had a successful daytime TV career, picking up Soap Opera Digest Awards for Hottest Female Star and Oustanding Lead Actress. FTP, name this formerly dandruff-stricken actress, who played Brenda Barrett on General Hospital for six seasons before trading up to a recurring role on 90210 this season.
A: Vanessa MARCIL
No. Everybody wanted to hang out with him. Anything he wanted to do, he
did. If he wanted to, he could have turned wheat into marijuana, or
vitamin pills into amphetamines. He could've played guitar better than Hendrix,
could've scored more goals than Wayne Gretzky, and could've danced better than
Barishnikov. FTP, who is this "Way Cool" person, according to King Missile?
No. Born in Swansea, Wales, she got a theatre work permit at age 6, and at 16 was an understudy for the lead in a West End production of 4 2nd Street. A role in 1996's Titanic TV-movie drew Steven Spielberg's attention, who summoned her to Mexico for a screen test. FTP, name this actress, who played Elena in The Mark of Zorro.
A: Catherine ZETA-JONES
No. Ryan. Ross-Ade. Memorial. Beaver. Kinnick. Spartan. Memorial again. Camp Randall. FTP, these are all stadiums in what football conference, which used to have a third Memorial Stadium, until it was replaced by the Hubert H. Humphrey Metrodome?
A: The BIG TEN Conference
No. Known as Willi Wakker in Germany and Angelo Capello in Italy, he has been a fixture for newspaper readers since his 1957 introduction in Britain's Daily Mirror. Based on his creator's father, he appears in roughly 1700 publications at his heydey, and spawned a stage musical, a TV show, and a line of snack food. Sadly, he may only have a year left on the funny pages as his creator, Reg Smythe, passed away this year. FTP, name the unemployed, football loving, womanizing drunk who hailed from the north of England and is
best known for his flat headgear and his no-nonsense wife, Flo.
No. Enthusiasts from such countries as Hungary, France, the Czech Republic, and Britain descended on Zwickau, Germany this past June for the fifth annual rally for this make of car. Once numbering 1.8 million in service, there are now roughly 400,000 still working, mostly in Saxony. Known as the Cardboard Box on Wheels, it was the GDR's answer to German car culture, a plastic bodied contraption of questionable reliability. Also at issue at this year's festival was the unveiling of a monument honoring, FTP, what car that celebrated its 40th birthday in 1997?
No. First and last names required. Born and raised in Hahira, Georgia, as a senior at Lowndes County High School, he posted a 4-2 record with a 0.4 3 ERA in 1997. In 32 innings, he gave up 14 hits, 11 walks and struck out 62 and boasted a 93 mph fastball. For all this, he was taken 28th overall in the 1997 draft by the Cleveland Indians. He signed for considerably less than his big brother, who was drafted 2nd by the Philadelphia Phillies, but didn't sign until this summer after being drafted 5th by the St. Louis Cardinals. FTP, give the full name of JD's little brother, who spent this season with the Kinston Indians.
No. Its had Robin Williams, Lily Tomlin and Chirs Rock, but it's not Comic Relief. Its had Amme Meara and Jerry Stiller, but it's not Ben Stiller's home movies. Its had Gloria Reuben and Neil Patrick Harris, but it's not about doctors. Its had Howie Mandel and Rosanna Arquette, but it doesn't suck. Other guest stars have included Carol Kane, Bruno Kirby, Vincent D'Onofrio, Eric Stoltz, Wilford Brimley and Alfre Woodard. It's also had almost as many stars as guest stars. FTP, name the Baltimore-based crime drama created by Barry Levinson.
A: HOMICIDE: Life on the Street
No. She was born in Miami, but was adopted by a family in Hawthrone, New Jersey. In the 1960s, she wrked as a Playboy Bunny in New York, then joined musical groups called Wind in the Willows and the Stilletoes. Her acting career includes roles in L.A. Johns, Wigstock: The Movie, Heavy, Body Bags, Tales from the Darkside: The Movie, Hairspray and Cop Land. She's proably best known as the lead singer of the group that produced Koo Koo, the Jam Was Moving, Yuletown Throwdown, Rapture and of course, Heart of Glass. FTP, name her.
A: Deborah HARRY
No. The first series of this name was a short-lived CBS drama from 1987 starring Micahel Murphy, Dean Devlin and Wendy Crewson as reporters at The Morning Post, a big-city newspaper. The better-known series of this name debuted in 1989 with host Allan Frio and one of the current hosts. One of the first syndicated tabloid TV shows of the 1980s, this show distinguished itself by sending 30 reporters to cover the OJ Simpson trial. FTP name this series, currently hosted by Emmy Award-winning journalists Barry Nolan and Terry Murphy with correspondents Jodi Baskerville, Doug Bruckner and Jerry
No. Founded by Mike Doughney, it started as an experiment to see how quickly news on unusual Web pages spread when the page did nothing to promote itself. Evolving into political satire and a links resource on topics including fishing, medical research, and fur, its original name was put on hold by InterNIC when a larger, more powerful group protested the Doughney's use of FTP, name the Web site embroiled in this dispute, which describes itself as a "resource for those who enjoy eating meat, wearing fur and leather, hunting, and the fruits of scientific research (and more!), whose initals are the same as the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, but has a very different intent.
No. "'It was intended for such nighttime activities as a baby sleeping, or children out on a Halloween night, or carolers at Christmas time,'' said Sony spokeswoman Dulcie Neiman. However, when used with a special filter in bright sun, this function found on many Sony cameras can penetrate Spandex and other materials used in beachware, resulting in a tape full of naked people. FTP, name this function, the voyeur's best friend, which has since been modified to not work in daylight.
No. Prior to France this year, this country was the last one to both host and win soccer's World Cup. In their final match against the Netherlands, they entered overtime tied at one, their lone goal from the foot of Mario Kempes. In OT, Kempes notched another and Daniel Bertoni struck to make the final score 3-1. FTP, what country won the Cup this way in 1978, then went on to win the Cup again in 1986 behind Diego Maradona?
No. TWO ANSWERS REQUIRED. When this couple got hitched last July, the groom's spokeman denied the union took place, stating that he didn't even think the couple knew each other. Perhaps that wasn't too far from the truth, as 12 days later the couple split. FTP, name the pair involved in this unusual (even for Hollywood) split, one the producer behind The Godfather and Chinatown, she a cousin of Prince Charles who played Diana in the 1982 TV movie The Royal Romance of Charles and Diana and 1992's Charles and Diana: Unhappily Ever After.
A: Robert EVANS and Catherine OXENBERG
No. Sponsored by radio station WQYZ in Atlanta, this competition's third annual version kicked off with the lighting of the barbecue grill by a guy named Elbow using a propane torch. Events included the Hubcap Hurl, Dumpster Diving, Bobbing for Pigs Feet, the Mudpit Belly Flop, and the Armpit Serenade. FTP, name this now-recurring event held in East Dublin, Georgia, started in 1996 as a native response to the Olympics.
No. 30-20-10 BONUS. Name the quarterback.
30: He is the commissioner of the Foot Locker NFL Quarterback Challenge.
20: In his only playoff game appearance ever, he completed 6 of 12 passes but threw 3 interceptions in a 19-10 loss to the LA Rams in 1974. He came off the bench in that game replacing Billy Kilmer.
10: Considered the best QB to never start for an NFL champion, he set records for passing yards and touchdowns in 1961, the year he took over for Norm Van Brocklin. He was Van Brocklin's backup in 1960, when their team ,the Philadelphia Eagles, won the NFL title.
A: Christian A. "Sonny" JURGENSEN
No. They've answered phones for a telethon and judged a cookoff between TV chefs, but mostly they plot to rule the universe. F5PE and a 5-point bonus for all five, name the members of the Council of Doom, as appearing on Space Ghost Coast to Coast.
A: TANZIT, METALLUS, LOKAR, BLACK WIDOW, BRAK (Note: DNA Zorak or Moltar— while they may have been part of the C of D on the original Space Ghost, they have other jobs to do on SGC2C).
No. Not that Francis Ford Coppola is hurting for money, but he's now got $80 million more thanks to winning his lawsuit against a movie studio over a film he wanted to make. FTPE, name:
a.the studio who, over a handshake deal, blocked Coppola from taking
his project to Columbia.
b.the fairy take that Coppola planned to remake in memory of his son
Gian Carlo, who died in a boating accident in 1986.
c.Warner Brother wound up not making a Pinocchio movie, but took it
on the chin in court when it was disclosed that they did not block Brian
Henson, one of Coppola's co-producers, from working on this studio's 1996
release The Adventures of Pinocchio.
No. 30-20-10, name the game.
30: Classic plays include the Shnog Kiss, the Split Kiss, the Open Sesame, the Double Schwanson Reversal, the Perfect Schwanson and the Imperfect Schwanson. Classic techniques include the Slide & Glide and the Back Leg Cross Over.