School Improvement Team

March 26th



Principal: Floyd Lowman(Absent)

AP: Candice Johnson (Absent)

CC: Allison Bowen

Co-Chair: Gena Mahrle

Co-Chair: Heidi Wicker

K: Nancy Shrewsberry

1st: Barbara Tremblay

2nd: Anna Geras (Secretary)

3rd: Michelle Carlson

4th: Beth Gibbs

5th: Audrena Garland

Assistant: Susan Hair

Connections: Leslie McMillan

ESL: Nancy Dale

Guidance: Rinita Williams

Start Time: 3:47

  1. Kindergarten Screening:
  2. April 25th: English, April 26th Spanish
  3. Please be aware that visitors will be on campus. Please strive to be as professional as possible, as we want these visitors to want to spread a good word about Bolton.
  4. Tone and atmosphere:
  5. Please make sure that you are mindful of how you handle discipline in the hallway, as this is a public place for our students and visitors.
  6. How are PRT’s showing progress with 3-5 students?
  7. This is will be indicated from EOQ scores.
  8. What is each grade level with the “Read to Feed?”
  9. Please email Mrs. Mahrle which animal your class is planning on purchasing. Please mail your money to the Read to Feed Program using the envelopes that were sent.
  10. Monies for this fundraiser are due to Bolton on Thursday, please remind your students.
  11. What are some ways that we can make this program better for next year:
  12. Move to the beginning of the year.
  13. Have a petting zoo at the Fall Festival of all the animals that we could purchase.
  14. Have Theo Helms videotape the kick-off and show it on Cable Two channel.
  15. Educate parents more about the concept of the program.
  16. Have a school wide kick-off with all grades involved instead of doing a grade level kick-off.
  17. Have grade level bulletin boards to report weekly which animals have been purchased.
  18. Extending the Read to Feed program for a longer period of time so that the students can purchase more animals.
  19. Reviewing Goals Two and Three of the SIP.
  20. One modification to Goal Two to make sure that we have started to implement 8 standards of mathematical practice. Please start to use these if you haven’t. This is something that you have been exposed to through CCES training.
  21. Again, we agreed that the Weekly is a good tool to discuss classroom walk-throughs from a grade-level stand point. Administration will start to add a section for what they are seeing during walk-throughs.
  22. If your website is not updated, please do so. Remember, that there are a lot of families that have to move to the Winston area due to our hospitals (nurse/doctor positions). They are using websites to “shop” for schools. Please make them want to attend Bolton based on our websites!

Ending Time: 4:41

Agenda items due to Mrs. Mahrle by Thursday, March 29th

Next meeting date: April 9th, 3:45.