Meeting Minutes
June 8, 2015

Board Members in attendance:

Gary Marckres, Chair

Carol Miller

Don Bartlett

Teri Geney

Mike Talbot

Eric Arnzen, Principal

Members of the public:

Faye Straight

Shannon Walker

Wendy Rye

Liz Gavin

John Gavin

Jessica Ochs

Ash Cotton

Susan More

Jodi Butler

Michael Brown

Call Meeting to Order

Gary Marckres called the meeting to order at 6:33 pm.

Adjustment of Agenda
Budget to Actuals deferred to next meeting.

Approval of Minutes of May 11, 2015

Minutes approved 4-0. One abstention.

Members of the Public – For Items Not On the Agenda

John Gavin, a parent of a third grader, was concerned with the size of the third grade class and lack of classroom aides. According to Mr. Gavin, students were moved out of their classroom on three different occasions “for their safety.” On another occasion, during a lockdown drill, one child was left “unaccounted for.” He was concerned that parents were not notified of these events and that the class was not being split in the coming school year. Several other parents expressed similar concerns about the size of the class and the resulting effect on education quality.

Mr. Arnzen explained to everyone in attendance that the students were removed due to a disturbance at the classroom level. He assured everyone that no students were in danger, but they were removed so that the disruptive student could be addressed one on one. He acknowledged that the third grade class was large, but that the decision to split other large classes instead was due to greater needs in those classes at the time. Classroom configurations were made at the beginning of the year based on the financial resources he was given in the budget. Mr. Arnzen requested of the Board that additional resources be provided for him in order to address these issues in the future.

Regarding the student who was “unaccounted for” during the lockdown drill, Mr. Arnzen explained that the student and the teacher acted appropriately. The student stayed in the bathroom until after the drill, and the teacher stayed with her classroom. After the drill, the student was upset and met with the guidance counselor, who asked the classroom teacher to share the situation with the student’s parents. Unfortunately, this was done via email and the message wasn’t received for several days. Mr. Arnzen apologized for the communication breakdown and said he would personally follow-up with staff on issues like these.

Mr. Marckres said that the communication issues can be fixed in order to help keep these situations from arising in the future. From a resource standpoint, he did not think that the Board had provided funding for enough teachers, but that it was a tough situation as it was difficult to pass the budget as it was. He said that the Board would be discussing adding another teacher for that class, and if needed, find the funding within the current budget. Mr. Marckres explained that they could provide resources and input, but it was ultimately Mr. Arnzen’s decision where to utilize these. Mr. Marckres informed the parents in attendance that the Board would plan to make on decision on this issue by the June 29 meeting.

Several parents expressed interest in sending their students to other schools if the class wasn’t split. Mr. Marckres informed them that such an arrangement would have to be agreed on by both schools and isn’t the preferred option for the Board to pursue.

Gary Marckres explained that Mr. Phillips (who was not in attendance) was doing some research on tuition and some liaison work with South Burlington.


Anticipated Enrollment for 2015-2016

Kindergarten: 22 students (SPLIT)
1st Grade: 26 students(SPLIT)
2nd Grade: 15 students
3rd Grade: 11 students
4th Grade: 24 students
5th Grade: 22 students
6th Grade: 23 students
7th Grade: 27 students
8th Grade: 18 students
188 students total
Gary Marckres said that in practice they should assume that people coming into the school will equal the people moving out. Teri Geney requested that they put a notice in the Wildcat Wisdom asking people to let them know if they are moving.

Staffing & Configuration

Gary Marckres went on record saying that his opinion was that the Board had made a mistake by offering one of the early retirement decisions and that they need to rectify that by adding a teacher, which would be a $15,000-$30,000 investment. Mr. Arnzen wondered if they could do some rearrangements in support staff in order to open up a general education position. Teri Geney asked for Mr. Arnzen’s suggestions on where to move money in order to fund the new teaching position, but said that she didn’t feel the Board had enough information at the time and should wait to discuss the issue until the next meeting. She also said that there might be reevaluation needed of specific students within the third grade’s needs, in order to reduce the disruptive behavior.

Hiring Recommendations from the Superintendent

On behalf of Robert Phillips, Mr. Arnzen presented two teaching contracts to the board. Don Bartlett made a motion to approve the two contracts. Approved 5-0.


Presentation & Discussion of Stage Renovation Financial Plan
Jessica Ochs and Ash Cotton presented their plan to the board. The biggest impact to the cafeteria would be lighting. Mrs. Ochs explained that a lot of the renovation could be done in steps, as funding was available. Currently most of their equipment is being rented from South Hero Players, whose directors are retiring. She wanted the board’s input on what they wanted for sound as it could help with meetings. She explained that the new theatre equipment would help common core requirements, public speaking, as well as other benefits. Mr. Cotton said that the theatre could allow students to expand their learning opportunities. They are trying to fund this through grants and other resources, and are looking for suggestions. Their proposal includes electrical, sound and rigging. The flooring is not included. The Board clarified that none of the funding would come from the school budget.

High School Designation Discussion
Gary Marckres asked if there were any comments on the letter Teri drafted asking receiving high schools for potential tuition agreements. Teri asked if the time frame she set (by fall) was too ambitious. After some discussion, the Board decided to modify the time frame. For the next meeting, Teri Geneywould solicit community input and modify the letter for signatures. Gary suggested including Franklin County schools as recipients.

Prioritize List of Goal Items for the Remainder of the Year
Gary suggested that the Board have a formalized Stakeholder Communication Plan, including Board to Administration and Administration to Parents. Gary would write up a brief draft as an outline of what he was thinking for this. Teri Geney said that other Board priorities should include further collaboration study and H361. Teri will also talk to Pam Leonard about sending a newsletter to parents through email occasionally.

Supervisory Union
Meeting on Wednesday to interview Superintendent candidates. Gary Marckres, Carol Miller, and Don Bartlett planned to be in attendance.

Capital Improvement Plan
Eric Arnzen met with Mike Talbot to discuss painting classrooms. He had two bids come in for carpeting, but is waiting for a room by room breakdown. The school is moving forward with the woodchip burner repairs ($7,000). Work to start in June. The school does not have the money to work on the drainage problem at this time. Eric Arnzen asked what could be done to move forward with classroom repairs. Mike Talbot suggested fixing Mrs. G-F’s room, painting Mrs. Pearson’s room, and working on several doors. Teri asked the Board to commit to reimbursing Mr. Talbot for material costs in instances where he is providing free labor.

Approval of Bills for Payment
Carol Miller moved to approve bills in the amount of $295,469.83. Approved 5-0

Teri Geney shared that Island Arts is renovating a large barn in North Hero which will serve as an art center for all island towns. The opportunity exists for the schools to utilize the venue for classes and productions. Teri is serving as Island Arts’ liaison with the schools and will keep the Board up to date.

Next meeting moved to June 29th, 2015

Discussion of addition of new fourth grade teacher
Review high school designation letter
Fine-Tune Requests for High School Performance Data
Discuss Gym Paint

Carol Miller made a motion to move into Executive Session at 8:40. Approved 5-0.

Teri Geney made a motion to leave Executive Session at 9:02. Approved 5-0.


The meeting was adjourned at 9:03. Approved 5-0.


Proposed Minutes respectfully submitted by Kelli Geney. Approved by the Board of Directors on:

June 29, 2015


Gary Marckres, Chair


Carol Miller


Teri Geney


Don Bartlett


Mike Talbot