Council of Academic DeansAA/PPS No. 01.02.30 (1.06)

Issue No. 1

Effective Date: 02/02/2016
Next Review Date: 09/01/2019 (E3Y)

Senior Reviewer: Provost


01.01The Council of Academic Deans (CAD) functions as a part of the academic policy advising system within the University’s Academic Affairs division. The purpose of the Council is to provide advice to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs on University policies and procedures and through the Provost to provide advice to the President's Cabinet and the President.

01.02The Council reviews and advises the Provost on various matters including, but not limited to, academic policies, faculty issues, personnel policies and procedures, academic programs and budgets. Topics considered by the Council may originate in a college council, the Council of Chairs, the Faculty Senate, or other venues, and such topics will not ordinarily be forwarded beyond the Provost until after the Council of Academic Deans has been consulted.


02.01Council membership comprises the Dean of each academic College, including the Dean of the University College, the Dean of The Graduate College, and the Dean of the Honors College, and the following ex officio members: the Associate Provost, the Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs, the Associate Vice President for Research and Director of Federal Relations, the Associate Vice President for Enrollment Management & Marketing, the Associate Vice President for Institutional Effectiveness, the Assistant Vice-President for Academic Services,and the Assistant Vice-President for Academic Affairs, the Chair of the Faculty Senate, the Chair of the Council of Chairs, and the Presidential Fellow.

02.02When members of CAD cannot attend a meeting, they are encouraged to send an alternate who is authorized to represent the college or other group in the discussions of the day.


03.01Each Council member will hold the time period between 1:30 and 3:30 p.m. each Tuesday for Council of Academic Deans' meetings. The Provost may adjust this meeting schedule as deemed necessary.

03.02Each academic year the Provost will invite the Faculty Senate, and the Council of Chairs to meet with the Council of Academic Deans for discussion of issues of mutual concern

Joint meeting schedule:

Fall – Joint Faculty Senate, Council of Chairs and Council of Academic Deans.

Spring – Joint Faculty Senate and Council of Academic Deans

Additional meetings may be arranged as deemed necessary. The agendas for these meetings will be assembled jointly by the chairs of the Faculty Senate and Council of Chairs and the Provost. Records of these meetings will be the responsibility of the Provost office. Minutes of the meetings will be distributed to the Faculty Senate, the Council of Academic Deans, and the Council of Chairs.

03.03Meetings of the Council of Academic Deans include only the regular andex officio members of the Council or their designees plus others who are invited by the Provost.

03.04Council meetings of will be chaired by the Provost or designee. The Provost or designee may cancel regular meetings and call special meetings as needed.

03.05When needed, the President and other administrators and faculty will be invited to meet with the Council to review problems and developments in their area.


04.01Council meeting agendas will be distributed via e-mail on the Friday preceding each Tuesday meeting. Members asking for items to be placed on the printed agenda should suggest the item to the Office of Academic Affairs via e-mail before 5:00 p.m. on the Thursday of the preceding week. Members will also have the opportunity to introduce new topics at the meetings.


05.01A summary of key action items from each Council meeting will normally be distributed via e-mail to Council members within 48 hours of each Council meeting.


06.01Reviewers of this PPS include the following:


ProvostSeptember 1 E3Y


This PPS has been approved by the following individuals in their official capacities and represents Texas State Academic Affairs policy and procedure from the date of this document until superseded.

Provost; senior reviewer of this PPS