Philosophy & Ethics – QUESTIONS


(a) [1 mark]

What is a miracle?

(b) [2 marks]

State two Christian beliefs about the nature of God.

Name two things that Christians might believe about miracles.

(c) [3 marks]

What do Christians believe about Jesus?

Give three reasons why Christians might believe in God.

(d) [6 marks]

Explain Christian beliefs about miracles.

Explain Christian about the Trinity.

Explain Christian beliefs about God intervening in the world.

Explain why Christians believe in God.

Explain why some Christians might not believe in miracles.

(e) [12 marks] Discuss this statement. You should include different, supported points of views and a personal viewpoint. You must refer to Christianity in your answer.

‘There is a lot of evidence to prove there is a God.’

‘A good God should not punish people or get angry with them.’

‘The doctrine of the Trinity is a helpful way for Christians to understand the nature of God.’

‘Christians have good reasons for believing in God.’

‘There is no way of knowing what God is like.’

‘If God existed we would know it.’

Philosophy 1: THE END OF LIFE

(a) [1 mark]

What is the meaning of ‘rites’?

What do Christians mean by ‘heaven’?

What do Christians mean by ‘hell’?

What is meant by ‘immortality of the soul’?

(b) [2 marks]

Give two examples of Christian funeral rites.

(c) [3 marks]

Describe the relationship between the body and the soul for a Christian.

Describe three features of a Christian funeral.

(d) [6 marks]

Explain how beliefs about life after death could affect a Christian’s moral behaviour.

Explain Christian beliefs about life after death.

How do Christian funeral rites reflect Christian beliefs about life after death?

e) [12 marks] Discuss this statement. You should include different, supported points of views and a personal viewpoint. You must refer to Christianity in your answer.

‘We only have one life and it is on earth.’

‘Christian funerals help believers to cope with death.’

‘There is no life after death – when we die, we just stop.’

Philosophy 2: GOOD AND EVIL

(a) [1 mark]

What is meant by conscience?

What is the Fall?

What is sin?

What is evil?

(b) [2 marks]

Suggest two causes of evil in the world.

What is meant by ‘original sin’?

Give two examples of suffering in the world.

Give two sources of moral guidance for a Christian.

(c) [3 marks]

Describe Christian beliefs about the Devil.

Give three ways in which Christians might try to behave morally.

(d) [6 marks]

Explain how Christians understand good and evil.

Explain what is meant by ‘original sin’.

Explain what Christians mean by ‘redemption’.

Explain what is meant by ‘natural evil’ and ‘moral evil’.

Explain how Christians might answer the problem of why there is evil and suffering in the world.

How might Christians help others who are suffering?

Explain why a Christian might say that suffering is a necessary part of human life.

e) [12 marks] Discuss this statement. You should include different, supported points of views and a personal viewpoint. You must refer to Christianity in your answer.

‘The problem of evil makes it impossible to believe in God.’

‘You should only help people if you will get something in return.’

‘We are only answerable for our own sins.’

‘Moral judgements should be based only on sacred texts.’

‘Suffering should be accepted as the will of God.’

Philosophy 2: RELIGION & SCIENCE

(a) [1 mark]

What is meant by stewardship?

What is meant by the origins of humanity?

What is evolution?

What is meant by Creation?

(b) [2 marks]

State two uses of animals that some Christians might find unacceptable.

State two ways in which animals are used by humans.

State two environmental problems faced by the world.

(c) [3 marks]

Describe a scientific theory concerning the origins of the Earth.

Give three reasons why some Christians believe we should care for our environment.

(d) [6 marks]

Explain what Christians believe about how the world began.

Explain Christian teachings about the importance of animals in relation to humans.

Explain why most Christians believe they should take care of the planet.

e) [12 marks] Discuss this statement. You should include different, supported points of views and a personal viewpoint. You must refer to Christianity in your answer.

‘Science is right about the origin of the world, and religion is wrong.’

‘Scientific theories and Christian teachings have nothing in common.’

‘The creation stories are fiction, science must be right.’


(a) [1 mark]

What is meant by ‘marriage’?

What is a civil partnership?

What is procreation?

What is divorce?

What is promiscuity?

What is contraception?

(b) [2 marks]

State two traditional roles of women in a Christian family.

Describe Christian views on civil partnerships.

Describe Christian beliefs about sex before marriage.

(c) [3 marks]

How are the roles of women different from those of men in a traditional church?

Why do Christians consider marriage to be important?

Describe three features of a Christian marriage ceremony.

Describe Christian teachings on divorce.

Describe Christian attitudes to celibacy.

(d) [6 marks]

How do Christian marriage ceremonies reflect Christian beliefs?

Explain different Christian attitudes to contraception.

Explain Christian attitudes to the roles of men and women in society.

Explain how a Christian wedding ceremony reflects religious teachings about marriage.

Explain different Christian beliefs about divorce.

Explain why some Christians accept civil partnerships and others do not.

Explain the different Christian attitudes to sex outside marriage.

e) [12 marks] Discuss this statement. You should include different, supported points of views and a personal viewpoint. You must refer to Christianity in your answer.

‘Divorce is always wrong.’

‘Marriage is important.’

‘Civil partnerships shouldn’t be allowed.’

‘Getting a divorce is better than living in an unhappy marriage.’

‘Divorced people should never be allowed to remarry.’

‘Religious couples should keep sex within marriage.’


(a) [1 mark]

What does contraception mean?

What does euthanasia mean?

(b) [2 marks]

Describe what is meant by ‘cloning’.

Name two forms of contraception that might be acceptable to some Christians.

Give two reasons which might lead a person to commit suicide.

(c) [3 marks]

Give three statements explaining what you understand by ‘euthanasia’.

Describe the attitude of some Christians towards sex before marriage.

Describe the attitude of some Christians towards suicide.

(d) [6 marks]

Explain Christian views about abortion.

Explain Christian views about fertility treatment.

Explain Christian views about suicide.

Explain the beliefs of Christians about the value of sexual relationships.

Explain the attitude of some Christians to helping a terminally ill person to die.

e) [12 marks] Discuss this statement. You should include different, supported points of views and a personal viewpoint. You must refer to Christianity in your answer.

‘Euthanasia should never be allowed.’

‘Animals can be used in medical research, because humans are more important than animals.’

‘It is the duty of religious people to encourage contraception to avoid the world becoming overpopulated.’

‘Only God has the right to take life.’

Ethics 2: EQUALITY

(a) [1 mark]

What does the word ‘racism’ mean?

What is meant by ‘equality’?

(b) [2 marks]

Give two different Christian views about the treatment of men and women.

Give two examples of prejudice.

What does ‘reconciliation’ mean?

(c) [3 marks]

Describe the main Christian beliefs about equality.

Describe the main Christian responses to forgiveness.

Suggest how Christians might work to stop racism.

(d) [6 marks]

Explain Christian teachings about equality.

Explain Christian attitudes to racism.

Explain Christian attitudes towards other religions.

Explain Christian teaching about the role of women in society.

e) [12 marks] Discuss this statement. You should include different, supported points of views and a personal viewpoint. You must refer to Christianity in your answer.

‘People are not the same so there is no need to treat them equally.’

‘Religious people should treat everyone equally.’

‘Everyone must be treated equally.’

‘Men and women are not equal.’

Ethics 2: THE MEDIA

(a) [1 mark]

What is censorship?

What is meant by freedom of speech?

What is meant by ‘the media’?

(b) [2 marks]

Give two ways in which Christianity might be portrayed in the media.

Give two reasons why printed material might be censored.

(c) [3 marks]

Suggest why Christians might want the media to be censored.

How is Christianity portrayed in the media?

(d) [6 marks]

How is television used to represent Christianity through specifically religious programmes?

Explain Christian attitudes towards the portrayal of religious figures in the media.

Explain Christian attitudes towards the way lifestyles are shown in the media.

Explain Christian attitudes towards the portrayal of violence in the media.

e) [12 marks] Discuss this statement. You should include different, supported points of views and a personal viewpoint. You must refer to Christianity in your answer.

‘The media does not treat Christianity with respect.’

‘People should have the right to complete freedom of speech.’

‘Films should be banned if they mock religions.’

‘Violent films should be banned.’

‘Films and books focusing on religion should not be allowed.’

‘Religious figures should never be represented in the media.’