Nanotechnology is being applied today in a multitude of environments for the solution of many world challenges. None are more important than the need for more and cleaner energy, for the utilization of outer space by mankind, and for the overlap of those two areas.

The Second International Symposium on Nanotechnology, Energy and Space (NES-2011) addresses research and development in the intersection of nanotechnology, energy and space. The symposium will be devoted to the 50th anniversary of the space flight of Yuri Gagarin. Specific topics for presentation and discussion will focus on the application of nanotechnology to the solution of materials challenges in the areas of energy harvesting, energy transmission and energy utilization, both in the terrestrial and space environments. Topics will include:

Nanotechnology impacts on the utilization of space

Vacuum Gas Dynamics, Molecular Beams and Molecular Collisions

Space Vehicles Aerodynamics

Generation of ultra-high vacuum in low earth orbit space

Development of vacuum solutions for the solar industry

(wafer-based and thin film technology)

Nanostructured solar cells

Solar Cell for Space Application

Nano-fuel cell concepts


Nanostructured energy transmission

Energy storage with nanostructures

Space applications of nanostructured energy concepts

Progress in III-V and GeSi Quantum Dot Solar Cell

The Second International Symposium NES-2011 will be held August 3-5, 2011 in the town of Chernogolovka near Moscow, Russia on the base of the Institute of Microelectronics Technology of the, Russian Academy of Sciences - one of the leading institutes in the field of microelectronics in Russia. The Symposium is the continuation of the first highly successful First Symposium held in Houston, Texas on October 25-28, 2009 jointly sponsored by the Institute of Semiconductor Physics, the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ISP SB RAS), and the Center for Advanced Materials (CAM) at the University of Houston. This Symposium NES-2011 is intended to be an open discussion, highly interactive meeting with Plenary Lectures supported by Contributed Presentations.

Excursions are planned during the Symposium to the Korolev Mission Control Centre and to the Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center Star Sity.

ABSTRACT SUBMISSION- Contributed Presentations:

One page Abstracts are invited for submission of Contributed Presentations for the Symposium. Contributed Presentations are to be 15 min in lengths. Abstracts are to be in English, 12 point font, Microsoft Word format, and limited to 500 words including figures (figure = 100words).

Abstracts should be sent to Program-Committee:

Dr. Alexandr Nikiforov - Rzhanov Institute of Semiconductor Physics

Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Science Prosp. Lavrentieva-13, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia



Symposium Organizing Committee:

Alex Ignatiev Co-Chairman, University of Houston ()

Anatoly Vyatkin Co-Chairman, Institute of Microelectronics Technology and High Purity Materials, Russian ()

Oleg Pchelyakov Co-Chairman, Institute of Semiconductor Physics, SB RAS Novosibirsk ()

Zhores Alferov Russian Academy of Science, Sankt-Petersburg

Alexander Aseev Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Science, Novosibirsk

Vasily Fomin Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Science, Novosibirsk

Alexander Orlikovsky Institute of Physics and Technology, Russian Academy of Science, Moscow

Roald Sagdeev University of Maryland

Alexander Losyukov RUSNANO, Moscow

Viacheslav Andreev Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute, Russian Academy of Science Sankt-Petersburg

Sergei Krikalev Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center Star Sity

Sergei Avdeev Russian Space Agency

Alexander Ivanov TSNIIMASH, Korolev

Dmitry Khokhlov Lomonosov Moscow State University

Ivan Ivonin Tomsk State University

Gennadiy Belyakov Reshetnev Siberian State Aerospace University, Krasnoyarsk

Peter S. Kop'ev Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute, Russian Academy of Science, Sankt-Petersburg

Valery Vladimirov Krasnoyarsk Scientific Center, SB RAS

Nikolay Kushnarev Open joint-stock company Transnational R&D holding “Promtrastinvest”

Vladimir Skorodelov NPO “MOLNIYA” Moscow

George Abby Rice University

Wade Adams Rice University

Sheila Bailey NASA Glenn Research Center

Nuraly Bekturganov Kazakhstan National Science and Technology Holding SAMGHAU

Serekbol Tokmoldin Kazakhstan Institute of Physics and Technology

Larry Bell University of Houston

Alexandre Freundlich University of Houston

Mohamed Henini University of Nottingham

William Larsen NASA – Kennedy Space Center

John Mankins Managed Energy Technologies

Samson Milshtein University of Massachusetts

Unil Perera Georgia State University

Ryne Rafaelle National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, CO

Jerry Sanders NASA-Johnson Space Center

Ronald Sega Colorado State University

Anvar Zakhidov University of Texas-Dallas

Local Arrangements and Program Committee in Novosibirsk:

Oleg Pchelyakov

Alexandr Nikiforov

Larisa Ilina

Alexandr Kalameytcev

Edvard Skubnevsky

Local Arrangements and Program Committee in Moscow:

Anatoly Vyatkin, deputy director of the Institute of Microelectronics Technology, Russian Academy of Sciences, phon: +7 (49652) 440-75 Fax: +7 (49652) 442-25, E-mail: , Address: Institutskaya street 6, Chernogolovka, Moscow region, 142432, Russia.

Alexander Orlikovsky – director of the Institute of Physics and Technology, Russian Academy of Science, Moscow.

Dmitry Khokhlov - Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow

Nikolai Yarykin, Institute of Microelectronics Technology RAS, Chernogolovka, Moscow Region

Local Arrangements and Program Committee in Houston:

Alex Ignatiev, director of the Center for Advanced Materials University of Houston

Sophya Tabarovsky - City of Houston Mayor's International Affairs & Development Council (MIADC) member


Participants of the Symposium may stay at the hotel in Chernogolovka. The Local Organizing

Committee will book a block of rooms and distribute them among the participants. Due to the limited

hotel capacity in Chernogolovka, the participants are strongly encouraged to fill up the PRELIMINARY

REGISTRATION form and send it to the address of Local Committee AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.

The PRELININARY REGISTRATION form should be sent to the Local Committee:


Please note that the NES-2011 Symposium web-site is launched (