First Aid Study Guide

  1. What is the purpose of medical alert jewelry?

To provide important medical info of a person in case they ever get ill around people who aren’t aware of their condition, so medical personnel can get the m the treatment they need quickly!

  1. List the 3 C’s of Emergencies and describe what each of them mean.

Check—Check the scene for safety, then check the victim for life: breathing &/or heart beat.

Call—CALL FOR HELP, 911 if necessary or just an adult

Care—Care for the victim

  1. List the item you shouldalways use to protect yourself when giving first aid.

Sterile gloves

  1. List 3 questions a 911 operator will ask you if you ever call 911.

What is your emergency? What is your name? What is the address? What is the victim’s condition?

  1. What do you need to do when calling 911 so you can be of help to the person in trouble?

Stay calm, don’t hang up, and follow all directions of the dispatcher.

  1. List some information you need to give the 911 operator when you call.

Your name, the location and the victim’s condition.

  1. What is the procedure for caring for a scraped knee?

Put on gloves, wash the wound with soap and water, remove debris, apply antiseptic cream, and apply bandage.

  1. What is the procedure for caring for a more serious cut?

Put on gloves, try to stop the bleeding by applying pressure using a towel or piece of clothing, do not remove the towel if it become saturated as not to rip off any clotting but apply another towel on top, if the bleeding serve and the person seems as if they are losing a lot of blood, call 911. If not, stop bleeding and cover wound and get to doctor.

  1. List5items in your home that is most likely to cause poisoning.

Rat poising, toilet cleaner, bleach, lawn fertilizer, draino, detergent—Most items under the kitchen sink and/or in the garage.

  1. What is the number for poison control?


  1. What 2 things should you do when you suspect someone has been poisoned?

Call poison control, monitor the victim and keep them close to you, have container of poison to give PC info

  1. Explain the differences between 1st, 2nd, and 3rd degree burns and their treatments.

1st degree—red, painful—cool water, antiseptic cream, aloe

2nd degree—red, painful, BLISTERS—cool water, antiseptic cream, do not pop blisters

3rd degree—white or black, painless, exposed muscle, tendons, or even bones—call 911 cover with a wet cloth

  1. When does electrocution happen?

When electricity passes through/comes in contact with the human body

  1. What can you do to help someone who has been electrocuted, while keeping yourself safe?

Turn off the source of power—If you can’t turn it off, try to get them away from the current by using a dry stick, rope, thick towel or blanket—DO NOT TOUCH THE PERSON—Call 911 if right away if it is mayor—for minor electricity shock if there is a minor burn or bleeding, treat at home.

  1. What is a fracture?

A broken or cracked bone

  1. What is a splint and why should you use one with a fracture?

A splint is something you use to keep a fractured bone stable to prevent causing further damage. You can make a splint, by using something firm and flat line a book or clip board and placing in under the fractured bone, then securing it with something tied around it like a string, clothing, rope or cord.

  1. What is a dislocation?

An injury when a bone has been forced out of its normal position in a joint.

  1. What is the number 1 thing to remember when giving first aid to someone who may have a back injury?

Keep them calm, DON’T MOVE THEM, and keep them from moving their selves. If they move, they are at risk of causing further damage which could lead to paralysis or other serious or fatal injuries.

  1. Other than death, what can result from a serious head or back injury?

Paralysis or concussion

  1. What is shock?

The body’s response to reduced blood flow. When lots of blood has been lost, blood flow may be blocked, or the heart may not be working normally.

  1. List the symptoms of shock.

Skin is pale, cool, and clammy. Fast but week heart rate, slow shallow breathing, lightheaded, confusion.

  1. What should you do to help a person who has possible shock (other than calling 911)?

Keep the victim warm and awake, help stop bleeding or perform hand free CPR to help blood circulate CALL 911

  1. List the procedure for using the Heimlich maneuver on someone who is choking AND if you’re choking by yourself.

Ask the victim if they are choking, ask if you can help them, get behind the victim putting one foot between their legs, and wrap your hands about their waist. Put you pinky in their belly button to find the correct spot and roll you fist up with your thumb against their belly directly under the diaphragm, cover your hand with your other hand. Forcefully thrust in and up with your hands until the item is dislodged. If the victim passes out, begin CPR. Call for help/backup

  1. List the procedure for a choking infant.

Sit in a chair with the infants head in your hand face up. Rest your arm on your leg for support. Using 2 fingers between the nipples give 5 compressions. Flip the infant over supporting their chin/neck with your hand and give 5 back blows with the heel of your hand. Flip them over and go back to 5 chest compressions, 5 back blows etc. Continue until item is dislodged. If the infant becomes unconscious, begin CPR. Call for help/back up.

  1. When do you give someone chest compressions?

When there is no heart beat and/or they are not breathing.

  1. List the proper way to preform chest compression on an adult and on an infant.


Kneel beside the victim, interlock your hands, place the heel of your hand between the nipples, be sure to be completely over the victim with locked elbows (not to the side), press fast and hard at the rate of staying a live.


Small procedure EXCEPT you use 2 fingers for compressions.

  1. What song has the beat at which you should do chest compressions?

Staying alive